California Concealed Carry Assistance

Attention: All active Military personnel and their families. ISSI or ISSL if you please, has called for attacks on military personnel and their families. They first suggested attacks on military personnel but yesterday, October 2, 2014, they raised the ante and are now calling for attacks on military personnel dependents. We will assist these two categories of applicants in California without charge. It will be very difficult for any Sheriff or Chief in any county to deny an applicant in these categories with full documentation. I am former military and want to see my brothers and sisters in arms protected.

Monday, August 25, 2014

Why Are Americans So Surprised?

This Post started as an e-mail to my friends and associates. As I continued writing it suddenly struck me that it was actually a Blog Post. I set out to address why Americans continue to express surprise at Obama's actions or really his lack of them. It became very clear to me that I had gone in an entirely different direction. I smiled to myself, I was becoming the Lawrence Kasdan of Blog writers. Mr. Kasdan is referenced later in this Blog. If you take the time to read it, I believe you will enjoy it. Whether you like it or not, please be so kind as to post your feelings about what I have said. Now go off and enjoy yourself. How about doing so by 'an unexpected random act of kindness?' Make a strangers day. It takes very little to do so. Pass your good will forward. :-)

Why are so many Americans surprised by obama's conduct?  He conducts a 'somber' presser for beheaded American journalist James Foley and less than 15 minutes later he is on the golf course joking and laughing with a celebrity black athlete. He can turn feigned concern off and on at will. Minority voters continue to accept his conduct regardless of how outrageous and the possible consequences. White supporters and those who continue to be fascinated that a black man can actually string words together in a sentence that makes sense seem to be in some sort of a trance over his conduct. In their heart of hearts they know his conduct is over the top and they would be concerned or downright outraged if a white president conducted themselves in a similar manner.

This shucking and jiving charlatan has been playing white America for fools since his election. He uses white guilt and reverse racism to keep Congress, the press and the American at bay. Their deep seated hope that a black man can do anything a similarity educated and trained white man can do has them both mesmerized and paralyzed. Like telling someone that God does not really exist. You can not attack the core of anyone's belief system. Just like telling the low information voter that obama is an incompetent Islamist supporting socialist. They lack both the information and the ability to process what you are telling them. You would first have to educate them on what socialism is and what Islamism is and the threat both pose to the free world and our Republic specifically.

Have you attempred to have a serious conversation recently with a stranger about world events or anything significant happening in the United States? You will quickly channel George Carlin. You will look at that person and say to yourself 'They are stupid.' Or 'They are full of shit.' Or 'they are fuckin nuts.' Some you may determine, are all three! 

The average American is so poorly informed and undereducated that they can not intellectually process the events of the day or cause and effect. I had an IT person in my home last week working on my Internet and phones. Fox news was on in the background and they were doing 24/7 on the Michael Brown shooting.  Pathologist Baden was discussing the six bullet wounds. The tech, a man in his forties started a rant about police misconduct and blah blah blah. I looked him in the eye and told him him I was former LE and I had investigated over 25 homicides and I went on to explain trajectory of entry woulds and how the forehead shot would have required the officer to be standing on a ladder to shoot a standing 6'4" suspect in that manner. It was clear he had most likely been charging the officer as has been reported. He looked at me and I thought his head was going to explode. Much like Robbie The Robot in Forbidden Planet when told to destroy the intruder. He could not,  as the intruder was a monster from his creators evil subconscious. A most interesting expression. Ponder that for a moment.

The point I am making is when you confront someone with facts they are unable to process, they shut down. In the case of the average American, they become defensive or go off on an unrelated tangent. Try it sometime, it is fascinating to watch.

For the same reason liberals and the uninformed are unable to read or listen to complex discussions or watch certain types of movies. Want another example? Most Americans would prefer to watch a movie like Fast and Furious. Why? They have been conditioned to expect rapid action with very little explanation or discussion of events. Take a movie made by someone like Lawrence Kasdan. Wyatt Warp, The Big Chill, Silverado or Grand Canyon. All critically acclaimed, he has received four Oscar nominations. Most Americans did not see these movies. Why? Too wordy. He does character development. He creates three dimensional characters. No car chases, very little or no violence except for Silverado where it was a part of story development. 

Many Americans do not have the time to enjoy or appreciate words or enjoy their meaning. The same is true of music. More rap, hip hop, rock or heavy metal is sold has sold more than classical. We are creating two distinct intellectual disciplines. People who enjoy and seek stimulation and information and those who want others to provide them with short bursts of stimulation and information.

I have just provided a short dissection of America today as I see it. Whether you take the time to read it in its entirety speaks volumes about both you and me.
Semper Paratus
Patriot, Sage, Seer