California Concealed Carry Assistance

Attention: All active Military personnel and their families. ISSI or ISSL if you please, has called for attacks on military personnel and their families. They first suggested attacks on military personnel but yesterday, October 2, 2014, they raised the ante and are now calling for attacks on military personnel dependents. We will assist these two categories of applicants in California without charge. It will be very difficult for any Sheriff or Chief in any county to deny an applicant in these categories with full documentation. I am former military and want to see my brothers and sisters in arms protected.

Monday, March 31, 2014

Saul Alinsky & obama (small o intentional)

Rules For Radicals


The above rules are often misconstrued or misapplied when referring to obama and his radical agenda. Yes, he has a radical agenda. Every elected official has an agenda, that is the nature of politics. This president has a radical agenda. obama's mentor in Hawaii was Frank Marshall Davis, a long time communist and socialist. The two philosophies are essentially the same but are achieved by different methodologies.

If you take the time to read the rules you will have a better understanding of what obama is doing. He has applied this philosophy to health care, education, the military, energy, and the Judiciary and used it to attack and weaken various parts of the Constitution. Primarily the Bill of Rights. In order for obama to succeed it requires a population that is distracted, ill informed, poorly educated on the Constitution and provided with attractive social diversions as was depicted in the movie Running Man. The average American voter is more adept at telling you who is winning on The Voice, American Idol and Dancing with the Stars than explaining the Bill of Rights. Try initiating a conversation about NDAA, Sequestration, Quantitative Easing or any really scary policies this president has put in place with a stranger or even an acquaintance and you can watch their eyes roll back in their heads. Most are incapable of intelligent discourse. As an example of someone who should know about such things, Senator Lindsey Graham, alleged Republican, was asked at a public meeting for his opinion on Common Core, discussed here previously. He said he was not familiar with it. And then without any further information he went to say he would support legislation to stop it. How can a United States Senator be so uninformed?  'Billy Jack's own Squaw displayed similar ignorance when the topic came up in recent conversation. This make 'Billy Jack' seriously consider his options. Simply watch George Carlin's excellent description of the average person.

I think George Carlin's explanation about stupid people pretty much explains how obama won election a second time. The average voter does not understand nor care about the dynamics of national politics and the effects it has on their everyday lives. It is that lack of understanding and disinterest that has allowed people like obama to be elected in the first place. A man who could not pass a background test to become a local police officer, Secret Service Agent or a civil servant in most cities and counties in this country has been given the reigns of government of the most powerful country in the world. If I were a Secret Service Agent assigned to protect this president I would have to laugh to myself, knowing I was more qualified to run the country than the person I was guarding. Most of these brave men and women are former military or local law enforcement, some with law or other degrees, not a former Community Organizer, pot smoking, Hawaii beach bum slacker, steeped in Soviet and Islamic ideology. 'Billy Jack' has a business where this president's background would automatically disqualify him for employment as a 'security risk'. Those familiar with what that business activity is will understand of what he speaks.

The obvious solution is to raise the level of education and awareness of the average American. That is what we attempt to do here. As to educating Americans, that is above my pay grade but is my hope, shared by Belle Starr, that our Posts will encourage and motivate those who follow us to do their own 'due diligence' and encourage their friends to do the same. Nothing is more satisfying than seeing a friend, relative or associate's face suddenly light up after they have an epiphany after they realize they have been misinformed about oh so many things.

To all our followers, I quote Thomas Jefferson, from November 25th, 1817 'Knowledge is Power'....

Inspector Javert
California Concealed Carry
The Legend of 'Billy Jack' One Tin Soldier
When Politicians Break The law, Then There Isn't Any Law, Just A Fight For Survival

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Rotten to the Core: Common Core, Race to Mediocrity

                                                    This is the face of Common Core


I am amazed when I mention the words "Common Core," and am met with a blank stare.  If you are not sure what Common Core is, just know this; the NSA has nothing on the levels of spying and infiltration into the goings on of Amerikan families when it comes to this monstrosity.

Common Core is a national standard of education whose creators include the likes of William Ayers, who, in a sane world, would be in prison for life, and labeled a domestic terrorist. Instead, he is a creator of a curriculum backed by major corporations (Bill Gates Foundation, Apple Computer) who stand to make billions of dollars.  

No Child Left Behind has been superseded by Race to the Top.  Rather than seeking academic achievement, children are tested ad nauseum and pigeon-holed into future career prospects based on test-taking abilities from a very early and inappropriate age. The result is a complacent populace, easily controlled by a statist government, at the expense of the individual.  In other words, this is an early and very significant aspect of a long-term plan to control the population, all ‘for the greater good’ (meaning the good of the elitists we have allowed to take over).  

If you are not aware of Common Core, even if you do not have children, this nation's survival depends on your becoming aware of this threat to our freedom.

The goal is ostensibly to prepare children to be ready for the workplace and to raise the level of education for all children, regardless of race, income class, etc., across the board, across the country. Individuals with no expertise in education have come up with a core curriculum that is a cookie-cutter approach for the entire nation. This may sound good, until one examines the nefarious nature of the individuals promoting and the subject matter of the materials.

Sound crazy?  Take a look at Kevin Jennings, appointed Safe School Czar by the Obama Administration from 2009-2011.  This man is an example of what the current Administration deemed an acceptable candidate for keeping our children safe in the school system.  If you really want your skin to crawl, do you own further research on him.

Safe Schools Czar Wants To Incorporate Homosexual Themes in Grades K-5

Parents across the country are voicing their opposition to the lessons and how their children are struggling. What was once common-sense problem methodology in solving simple mathematical equations has been turned on its head, causing children undue anxiety.

Common Core Math

The Face of Common Core

As if that is not enough another lesson, given to fourth-graders, forced the students to discuss a situation where a woman discovers evidence of her husband's act of adultery. The child is expected to examine the evidence and analyze how it will affect the relationship between the husband and wife.

Common Core Fourth Grade Adultery Lesson

There is no other way to explain this subject matter: it is calculated to systematically desensitize children to aberrant behavior and promote the decline of traditional judeo-christian values, the American family, and eventually, society at large.  

NO studies have been done to test this program, which has been adopted by approximately 45 states. The propaganda being rammed down our children's throats is now coming from a national source, as states, seeking federal funding from the Stimulus welcome the "standards."  

Common Core also teaches, for example, in an AP history assignment, that the Second Amendment guarantees the right for the MILITIA (military) to keep and bare arms.  That's right, the military, not the likes of you and me. Other materials qualify arms ownership as legal only if registered and of a certain type.

Common Core tracks every detail of the student's records and history, and this information will be stored electronically, like our medical records. Notice a pattern here? 

I do not have children, many say, so why should I be concerned?  I will tell you exactly why. Just like the government is disarming veterans and adults from information garnished from medical records, etc., they will now have a plethora of information on our younger generation. Johnny gets in a fight in third grade, teacher labels him aggressive, or the label ADHD is slapped on a child.  Fast forward, said child seeks to purchase a firearm, and thanks to “common sense universal background checks,” some off-the-cuff remark from a teacher is flagged and guess what?  Johnny is somehow a member of a prohibited class.

Proponents of this program want us to believe it is intended to benefit the individual child. Upon closer inspection, however, nothing could be farther from the truth. Children, based on test scores, are categorized into groups.  Based on their placement, it will be decided what that child's future prospects are likely to be, and how much or little effort is to be placed in that child's education or development.  The corporations behind this program want the children to be trained to be followers, accepting the propaganda fed to them via the material provided.  The goal is to turn them into drones, happy to sit in a little cubicle without complaint, all 'for the greater good'.  

George Orwell is screaming from somewhere, "IT WAS JUST A BOOK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" 

Belle Starr &
'Billy Jack'
California Concealed Carry

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Common Sense Prepping


Last week I discussed some of the geo/socio/econo/political reasons as to why we should be very concerned about our immediate and long-term security. In an uncertain world, we must be sure in our ability to safeguard our well being and keep our families safe.

Depending on where you live, your requirements and strategies will differ. Also, are you preparing for a natural disaster, economic collapse, or general TEOTWAWKI (the end of the world as we know it)? Depending on your inspiration, you will likely think either shorter term (earthquake, hurricane, etc.) or longer term in the event of an EMP (electro-magnetic pulse) attack, economic collapse, etc.

Bug Out, or Defend in Place?

Some people elect to have a bug out plan, a piece of land they can escape to and ride out the calamitous event. They have shelter, supplies and a plan to exist there as long as needed. Others opt to stay in their homes and ride out the difficult times. Each plan has its pros and cons. For example, have you considered that others may be trying to vacate an area at the same time? Look at the 90-mile gridlock that occurred during Hurricane Katrina. Do you have the ability to make it on one tank of gasoline, and if not, do you have extra fuel, or do you expect to be able to refuel along the way?

If you plan to stay home, do you live in an urban area? If so, are you prepared to defend what you have worked to stock up on? Many people will not be prepared and will do anything to feed their families.

So, you have decided to become more prepared, where do you start? There is NO shortage of resources for someone who has decided to join the population of preppers, and my blog here is merely intended to inspire those who have not started yet to do so. To get started, you will need to focus on the following essentials: food, water, shelter, basic supplies.

Water: Store as much as you can, and have a way to purify more as needed. As to amount, figure on a minimum of one gallon per person per day. One thing I have done is take empty shampoo and other soap bottles and fill them with water when they are empty. The residual soap can be used for getting clean, as hygiene is often overlooked in prepping. Bleach, iodine tincture, pool shock and boiling are common ways to purify water. There are home filters you can use (such as Berkey) but they may or may not be able to keep up with your rate of use. Also, if you plan to be on the move, consider a personal filtration system, such as a Life Straw.

Food: There is a plethora of food suppliers flooding the market; I am guessing many of you have seen the food buckets, with meals in Mylar bags. These are not bad; in fact, I have several myself.  However, do not expect to use these as your sole source of food, as they are far too high in sodium for a human to eat as their regular source of nutrition.

Also look to buy foods in bulk. You can buy wheat, flour, rice, etc. and store for long term using
food buckets with oxygen absorbents. Diatomaceous Earth will also kill any eggs that hatch and is
harmless to ingest, or you can rinse it off rice and other grains.

Stock up on inexpensive food as well, canned pastas, ramen noodles, soups (Chunky is high in calories and nutritional value for the price and does not require a can opener.) Spam is another staple that can also be used as pet foot or bait, if you don't want to eat it. Canned meats, fish, etc. are a good source of protein.

I like to can my own food, and it is actually very easy. I make meals that are ready to go and you can eat them hot or cold. Soups, stews, chili, even game meat, chicken and fish work. Experiment and cook the meals you and your family enjoy, that will make life easier when you will already be struggling.

You can also buy a wide variety of freeze dried meats, fruits, vegetables, butter and milk. I keep bouillon powder and you can make an impromptu soup when needed.

Dried herbs and seasonings will last a long time, and will be appreciated when you have to put these meals together. For a sweetener, large bags of sugar can be stored in food buckets and honey is an excellent product, as it has an indefinite shelf life (some has been found in Egyptian tombs and was still good!) and is a great source of energy. Get the “real” honey which contains pollen and you get an immune system boost as well.

Don't overlook coffee, even instant, the packets are great barter items. And if you think you won't miss coffee, guess again...

Have a way to prepare your food, as well. I keep a camp stove handy and store up on propane for it. If you have lots of wood available, fire is nice as well, just beware of inviting undesirables who may be lead your way from the smell of a hot meal. Loud generators are also a signal to others that warmth and food are to be had. Avoid their use if possible, if you are in a populated area.

Shelter: If you plan to stay in, also known as bug in, or defend in place, make sure you are able to secure your living area and supplies. Whether you choose to remain in an urban area is a personal decision, but beware of the risks of lawless behavior. Hurricane Katrina comes to mind. Do not expect protection from law enforcement, as they will be too busy, or, in the case of Katrina, may abandon their posts to be with their own families, or even worse, join in on the lawless behavior themselves. You WILL be on your own.

Bunkers are also an option many have chosen, some are along the lines of storm shelters, others are elaborate bunkers suitable for living in for months at a time; they even come equipped to house families in the event of a nuclear disaster, with air filtration systems. Again, do your research, only you know your family's requirements and budget. RVs can be used as both bug out vehicles and shelters at a bug out location, IF you can get to it.

Basic Supplies:  Along with the foregoing essentials, it is important to really consider the often overlooked items that, once you can not go to the store and buy them, will be sorely missed. Medical supplies, hygiene items, can openers, bottle openers, fire starting materials (I never throw out laundry lint, nothing beats it as kindling!), extra clothing and emergency shelters, like tarps are all must-haves, in my opinion.

Some people stock up on items that will be useful in a barter situation some day. Alcohol, ammunition (personally I can NEVER part with the latter), canned food, or anything you can imagine are sources of trade. Make sure you have clothing and footwear for all seasons. Tampons are an item that are often overlooked, and have many uses, above and beyond the traditional one. They make excellent fire starters and are carried around by many for wound treatment, particularly deep puncture wounds. Sanitary pads are also useful for absorbing a lot of blood from a laceration.

Personal Defense: preppers run across the board in this area. Some choose to be peaceful and will refuse to harm another human being even if their lives are in danger. That is their choice. Others are ready to protect themselves, family and supplies by any means necessary. Know what is right for you and train enough to have your means of defense be second nature before the time you need to rely on it.

If you opt to incorporate firearms into your plans, remember to keep on hand any extra parts that may need to be replaced, as well as products for keeping your guns cleaned and lubricated. If you have not already stocked up on ammo, do so now.

Communications: count on not having cell phones or email. Some turn to ham radio, some have CB, and there are hand crank am radios available. I would suggest keeping emergency electronics in a Faraday Cage in the event of electrical interference, such as an EMP.

In summary, prepping may seem overwhelming at first, but you can start small by adding a few items when you go to the store. There are many on-line communities and books available to help you, many electronic books are offered for free. Get started, and enjoy the process, because in the worst case, you will save yourself some trips to the store during a bad storm or if you are ill and don't feel
like shopping, or have a financial setback, like the loss of a job.

Please check out this page, and do not fool yourself, the advice this gal has transcends gender!

Have fun, and get preppin', Patriots!!!

Belle Starr
California Concealed Carry

Thursday, March 20, 2014

America Has Gone From 'Home of The Brave, Land of The Free' to 'Home of the knave, Land of The Free Stuff'


America has gone from a world leader to an observer of events. Can we reverse this? You bet your sweet ass we can! How, you may ask? Politics by many, is viewed as regional with House and Senate candidates being supported primarily by district and statewide constituents. That has got to change. With both parties pouring millions into key races, Patriots must assume a nationwide view when it comes to supporting solid, Conservative, Constitutional candidates. This may mean making choices to support a new Republican over a proven RINO for the same office. I am not so presumptuous as to suggest how you should vote. It is my purpose, supported by Belle Starr, to showcase candidates we think you should take a look at and consider supporting.

I have provided financial support for candidates all over the United States for years and have come to the conclusion that there are most likely, like minded people across this great nation who would like to do the same. But they may not have the time to do the research on candidates in other Congressional Districts or states, where Senate and Gubernatorial races are concerned. Belle Starr and I have solved that problem. In the next few days we shall start showcasing candidates running for House and Senate seats across the country. Some you may be aware of, while others not so much. It will be your responsibility as informed voters to read what we have to say and do you own additional Due Diligence prior to deciding if this is a candidate you can get behind and support. They need your money and your free time. Think back to your HS Civics class and remember how you were once motivated to get involved at a phone bank, attend rallies and walk precincts. 'Billy Jack' has done all of these things and more over the years. I have seen City Council races lost by 14 points and House seats by less than 800. If there is a candidate that we do not list who you are interested in, please feel free to let us know the persons name and we will add them to the queue. Belle Starr and I have extensive research and investigative backgrounds and we can do the necessary work to profile the candidates. You may not care for the candidates we profile but it may get you to take a good look at who else is in the same race who better reflects your conservative values. Important to remember, it is almost impossible to find a candidate who you can agree with 100%, so make the best selection you can and support that person in any way you can.

A few candidates we will be profiling in the coming weeks.

Mia Love, Utah's 4th Congressional District

Matt Bevin, US Senate Kentucky

Dr. Greg Brannon, US Senate North Carolina

Shane Osborn, US Senate Nebraska

T.W. Shannon, US Senate Oklahoma

Chris McDaniel, US Senate Mississippi

These are but a few of the Constitutional Conservatives running for office in 2014. We will begin profiling them and others in the coming days and weeks. It is our hope, that thousands will join Belle Starr and myself in holding the House and taking back the Senate with real conservative candidates who proudly stand for the values that once made America that 'shining city on a hill'.

Inspector Javert
California Concealed Carry

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Primer for Preppers


Having lived in earthquake country the majority of my life, I always felt remiss that I had not
prepared for "the big one," the earthquake that would finally cause my house to crumble, water and
power services to shut down.  I would have no food, and even worse, no security - but to be
honest, in those days, I just assumed there would always be food, shelter and water available, and
if there was a problem, ‘the government’ would take care of it; restore power, water, ensure
criminals did not out of hand, at least not in my neighborhood.

On September 11, 2001, I was awakened and told to turn on the television, and I was horrified
thinking about, being a new mom, at what kind of world I brought my children into.  I was aware
that violence, war and terrorism were realities of life, but this was the first time I had to deal
with it from the perspective of a mother of young children.  The bombings, unrest, etc., were
events that happened elsewhere around the world.

As I began to do my own research, as opposed to sitting in front of the television and being spoon
fed misinformation from the lame street media, I realized I had been lied to, and for a very long
time. My immediate reaction to 9/11 was gratitude that G. W. Bush was POTUS, and not Al Gore.
Further education about said Bush dynasty proved my feeling of security dead wrong.

The more I learned, the more I realized how much had been hidden from the American population.
The public education system has been dumbing its students down for decades. Thanks to the internet
(thank you, Al Gore, for inventing it...rolling eyes...) there are other sources of information
available. To be sure, there is also a lot of false information out there, but an intelligent
individual willing to separate the wheat from the chaff can learn what is really going on.
For instance, how many people actually took the time to learn about who was running for POTUS in
the 2008 elections?  How many seemingly educated people now claim they fell "victim" to the "Hope
and Change" rhetoric and now regret their decision?  I am sorry, but the information about the
true nature of this person was out there and available for any discerning and responsible
American, living voter.  (We know the non-citizens and deceased always vote Democrat).
Fast forward, (I now despise the word "Forward...") we now have a leader in this country with no
way of proving his citizenship, and who promised to "fundamentally transform" America.   "Into
WHAT???" responsible citizens should have been asking.  Instead, we had newscasters abandoning
their role of informing the public and experiencing tingles down their leg and calling Obama the
most perfect man who ever lived.  I beg to differ, that individual lived about 2,000 years ago,
but I digress...

Ignored was also the FACT that this man's political career was jump-started in the living room of
a domestic terrorist, Bill Ayres (that title now refers to those who believe in a fiscally
responsible federal government which operates within the parameters of the Constitution) and who
promised, that, should the political winds change, he would stand with his muslim brothers. ( I
capitalize Marine, but never muslim, it's just how I roll...)  The latter, it should be noticed is
one of the two promises he has kept, the first being the promise to fundamentally transform

Fast forward once again.  We have had a health care reform system rammed down the throat of this
country, an end run after end run has been made, rendering Congress irrelevant.  Their response?
Thunderous applause at the State of the Union, like trained seals.
Since 2008, flash mob violence has become a daily activity, but is only discussed if it is white-

We have jihadist camps fully functioning in many parts of the country while the IRS is
investigating and harassing members of the Tea Party.  The Federal Reserve is printing money like
crazy, $75 billion per month, and last time they indicated they would slow down, the market
tumbled.  We have ships from China and Russia within striking range of US soil, an attack on the
power grid in California, and a muslim male caught in a water pipe in a reservoir on the East

There is an airliner now missing and two nukes also unaccounted for.  The list of what is wrong is
exhaustive, but I pray I have my made my point, which IS:  whatever your political beliefs, you
cannot escape the reality that one, in the interests of self-preservation, be prepared for
disaster, be it man-made or natural.  If you think that life won't be as tough for a natural
disaster, how quickly has Hurricane Katrina left our minds?  Ice storms in Maryland had people
clamoring for assistance and, seriously, how unexpected is an ice storm in the WINTER????
The purpose of this blog is to just get Patriots into the mindset that preparedness is of critical

Please mull this over, and I will soon follow up on suggestions of how to prepare and throw in a
few examples of what I have done.

Stay safe, Patriots.

Michael Savage Discusses Missing Nukes

Belle Starr

Monday, March 17, 2014

St. Patrick's Day Parades, Limiting Gay Marching and SIgns


Why can't poor, discriminated against gay people march with our signs? I wanted to march with a sign in favor of Pedophile Priests, necrophilia, bestiality, NAMBLA and a wide range of societal mainstream offensive conduct. Seems that those of us with 'divergent' life styles can not catch a break. Hail to the mayors and the beer companies for taking a tough stand. My 'partner' and I have always taken the unpopular stands on social issues. We were discussing this very issue at our last meeting of the American Sodom and Gomorrah Society.  You 'straight' people are just plain bigots!

With tongue firmly planted in my own heterosexual cheek.

Semper Paratus

Inspector Javert
California Concealed Carry

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Obama Administration Doing To Americans What The CIA Did To Third World Countries


This House report indicates the actions by the IRS, at the apparent behest of the White House affected the outcome of the 2010 and 2012 elections. If correct, Obama took control of the IRS and went on to interfere with legitimate opposition to his regime. For those with short memories, this is what our CIA did to other countries in the 60's and 70's to destabilize governments we did not like.

Obama did everything short of personally stuffing ballot boxes to stifle and restrict legitimate opposition in the form of Tea Party groups and minimizing their activities. There is more than one way to steal an election. Obama, when sort of confronted by Bill O'Reilly at the Super Bowl interview over the IRS scandal, flashed his trademark pimplike smile and said there was 'not a smidgin of evidence; of any misconduct in the manner the IRS handled the Tea Party applications.

His sycophants, and collaborators in Congress and the terminally stupid and uninformed will continue to sing his praise as the German's did for Der Fuhrer as he marched them to the very gates of Hell as he exterminated over 6 million Jews and other people he considered unworthy in his new utopia. Wonder if he also told the German people it was 'for the greater good'? Are we smarter than the German people? That jury is still out.

Inspector Javert
California Concealed Carry
Billy Jack's Pow Wow Corner