Harold Ramis RIP
Inform and educate the general public about what is really going on within Federal, state and local government.The truth is out there and we shall find it. 'When the government violates the law, then there isn't any law, just a fight for survival.'
California Concealed Carry Assistance
Attention: All active Military personnel and their families. ISSI or ISSL if you please, has called for attacks on military personnel and their families. They first suggested attacks on military personnel but yesterday, October 2, 2014, they raised the ante and are now calling for attacks on military personnel dependents. We will assist these two categories of applicants in California without charge. It will be very difficult for any Sheriff or Chief in any county to deny an applicant in these categories with full documentation. I am former military and want to see my brothers and sisters in arms protected.
Monday, February 24, 2014
Tuesday, February 18, 2014
OK, Now, Cough...
It should be blatantly apparent that the government which is employed by We the People is ramping up their efforts to disarm us. They have graduated from "common sense" gun restrictions, and the bans on the scary "assault rifles" and are now utilizing ways any rational human being would never have expected less than a decade ago.
How many of you have gone to the doctor's office for a malady or just a general checkup only to be handed forms asking if you own any guns? When we lived in the People's Republik of Kalifornia, Kaiser handed us a form for my son's appointment asking if any of his family and even his FRIENDS owned guns. He smirked and said, "I have my OWN guns..." The apple does not fall far from the tree, but I digress...
That was a few years back...now let's fast forward to present days and examine some of the consequences of the Affordable Care Act. Like all programs in the communist agenda, I see two common points. The first being that the idea is so good it is mandatory (unless you are a member of government); the second being that it is cloaked under a veil of feel good verbiage guaranteeing that the masses will gather and line up for big gubmint giveaways. How stupid are Americans these days? I find the fact that we need velvet ropes to guide us in a movie theater disturbing, but again, I digress...
So, as if this year, all health care professionals (your family doctor, pediatrician, etc.) MUST maintain their files electronically. I am still researching the part of the Constitution granting them this power, so let me get back to you on that one...
One of the first benefits of the new health care REFORM package is the addition of 17,000 IRS agents. Oh, and I love all the new SWAT equipment they are acquiring. Now the IRS will have direct access to all of our health records (a violation of Federal Privacy laws, aka HIPPA, but if they Feds won't enforce their own immigration laws, who am I to question this one?) and you can bet they will be able to see who was foolish enough to answer the gun questions honestly.
Next step, how about a tax on firearms? Or, in the event you seek mental health counseling you can expect a knock at the door by officers without warrants ready to confiscate your lawfully-owned firearms. This is already happening in California, thanks to a new law that has sucked money from the funds acquired from background checks and sent them over to the DOJ.
What is the effect of this? Here it is in a nutshell (see how I tie back to the title of my blog?): you go to your doctor for medical treatment (rules of evidence protect the confidences of these communications, btw, or at least they used to...) and your doctor's notes are now available to the Executive Branch; in other words, your doctor, the friendly types in the White Coats placed on the lawn of the White House during the debate period of this disaster) are now tentacles on the long, slimy arm of a rogue executive branch hell bent on disarming American citizens.
Veterans are already feeling this; recall DiFi's (the illustrious Senator hypocrite) who said they were all mentally ill? How does that tie in with the Commode-in-Chief's call for updated universal (excuse me, COMMON SENSE) universal background checks?
This all ties in to one very tidy circle, and unless we wake up and stand up for ourselves, it is a matter of time before the well-regulated militia is a thing of the past.
Taking off my rubber glove...
Belle Starr
California Concealed Carry
It should be blatantly apparent that the government which is employed by We the People is ramping up their efforts to disarm us. They have graduated from "common sense" gun restrictions, and the bans on the scary "assault rifles" and are now utilizing ways any rational human being would never have expected less than a decade ago.
How many of you have gone to the doctor's office for a malady or just a general checkup only to be handed forms asking if you own any guns? When we lived in the People's Republik of Kalifornia, Kaiser handed us a form for my son's appointment asking if any of his family and even his FRIENDS owned guns. He smirked and said, "I have my OWN guns..." The apple does not fall far from the tree, but I digress...
That was a few years back...now let's fast forward to present days and examine some of the consequences of the Affordable Care Act. Like all programs in the communist agenda, I see two common points. The first being that the idea is so good it is mandatory (unless you are a member of government); the second being that it is cloaked under a veil of feel good verbiage guaranteeing that the masses will gather and line up for big gubmint giveaways. How stupid are Americans these days? I find the fact that we need velvet ropes to guide us in a movie theater disturbing, but again, I digress...
So, as if this year, all health care professionals (your family doctor, pediatrician, etc.) MUST maintain their files electronically. I am still researching the part of the Constitution granting them this power, so let me get back to you on that one...
One of the first benefits of the new health care REFORM package is the addition of 17,000 IRS agents. Oh, and I love all the new SWAT equipment they are acquiring. Now the IRS will have direct access to all of our health records (a violation of Federal Privacy laws, aka HIPPA, but if they Feds won't enforce their own immigration laws, who am I to question this one?) and you can bet they will be able to see who was foolish enough to answer the gun questions honestly.
Next step, how about a tax on firearms? Or, in the event you seek mental health counseling you can expect a knock at the door by officers without warrants ready to confiscate your lawfully-owned firearms. This is already happening in California, thanks to a new law that has sucked money from the funds acquired from background checks and sent them over to the DOJ.
What is the effect of this? Here it is in a nutshell (see how I tie back to the title of my blog?): you go to your doctor for medical treatment (rules of evidence protect the confidences of these communications, btw, or at least they used to...) and your doctor's notes are now available to the Executive Branch; in other words, your doctor, the friendly types in the White Coats placed on the lawn of the White House during the debate period of this disaster) are now tentacles on the long, slimy arm of a rogue executive branch hell bent on disarming American citizens.
Veterans are already feeling this; recall DiFi's (the illustrious Senator hypocrite) who said they were all mentally ill? How does that tie in with the Commode-in-Chief's call for updated universal (excuse me, COMMON SENSE) universal background checks?
This all ties in to one very tidy circle, and unless we wake up and stand up for ourselves, it is a matter of time before the well-regulated militia is a thing of the past.
Taking off my rubber glove...
Belle Starr
California Concealed Carry
Friday, February 14, 2014
Californian's, Watch Out For What You Wish For
Dear Patriots:
At the risk of being a buzz kill, let me interject a dose of
reality in light of yesterday's Ninth District decision...
While we applaud the decision as a victory toward gun rights, I also
see it as a federal smack down of state police power. Remember the
constitution was intended to limit FEDERAL power, and while Article III
empowers the Federal Judiciary to hear cases and controversies arising
involving the Constitution, where does this leave the states and their powers
to police themselves granted under the Tenth Amendment?
We are all outraged when Federal judge invalidates down a law we
like, one that was voted into existence, or written by a state's legislature.
We argue that the will of the people cannot be abrogated with the stroke of a
judicial pen, often by an unelected official who is a flunky of the politician
who appointed him or her. Proposition 8 in California comes to mind, as
does the anti-Sharia law in Oklahoma.
So while the Bill of Rights should not be seen as subject to the
whim of the states, remember, this blade cuts both ways. The decision paves the
way for SCOTUS review. Given what happened with Justice Roberts in
upholding and redefining the Affordable Care Act, can we realistically
expect a decision to uphold our Second Amendment rights? The ACA ruling
is likely explained by the revelations of Edward Snowden, so what do you think
will happen when our Second Amendment rights are subjected to judicial scrutiny
by a court stacked by, or controlled by, thanks to NSA spying, the
current rouge regime?
If this nation is to be saved, the states MUST somehow manage to
restore the power the Founding Fathers took painstaking efforts to guarantee
them. If you do not agree with the laws of your state, vote with your
feet, move to one that governs itself in a manner that works with your ideals.
The same works for liberals, please stay in your bastions of insanity and
stay the heck out of states like mine; I voted with my feet and left California
last year. This decision runs contrary to their intent and ultimately is
a victory for the Federal Government, not We the People.
Celebrate the ruling possibly as a glimmer of hope that there are
some sane judges in the People's Republik of Kaliforna while you can, because I
fear it may ultimately be a paving of the way for the federal government to
further weaken if not abrogate our second amendment right.
I shall now go hide in my corner after pissing on everyone's Cheerios...
Belle Starr
California Concealed Carry
Coming Events
In the coming weeks Belle Starr and I will be covering a number of topics of interest to most thinking Americans. In no particular order, we will be discussing:
In the coming weeks Belle Starr and I will be covering a number of topics of interest to most thinking Americans. In no particular order, we will be discussing:
Fast and Furious
Common Core
Second Amendment
Martial Law
Fourth Amendment
First Amendment
Congressional Corruption, both sides of the aisle
Imperial Presidency
Obama and the race card aka, why Congress will not consider Impeachment
Neutering of the military
Fort Hood Terrorist Attack and NSA Failure
Boston Marathon Terrorist Attack and NSA Failure
Will our military fire on American citizens
there are topics you want to see addressed here, let us know. Billy Jack and Belle Starr have over 60 years of skill sets in the law, law enforcement,
investigating corruption at all levels of government, terrorism and
counter measures, protective services and a few others that we will not
discuss here. We can and will research issues we do not have a working
knowledge of. We have the time, the ability and the mindset to
thoroughly research these topics.
Semper Paratus
Billy Jack
'Sheepdog up'
9th Circuit Court Decision,
Benghazi. Fast and Furious,
Common Core,
concealed carry,
First Amendment,
Fourth Amendment,
Martial Law,
Second Amendment
Thursday, February 13, 2014
Ninth Circuit Court Upholds Heller Decision
The court overturned a dismissal in Peruta V Gore et al. Peruta and 4 other Plaintiffs including California Rifle and Pistol Association Foundation sued San Diego County Sheriff William Gore for CCW, Carry Concealed Weapon Licenses. All five individual Plaintiffs were denied, appealed and had their denials affirmed by the SDSO. The sued in Federal Court. Both sides filed for Summary Judgment and the court granted the Sheriff's.
The Ninth Circuit overturned the trial Judge and remanded the case back to her. San Diego has a number of options they can pursue and this case is far from over.
Semper Paratus
Inspector Javert
'Sheepdog up'
California Concealed Carry
The court overturned a dismissal in Peruta V Gore et al. Peruta and 4 other Plaintiffs including California Rifle and Pistol Association Foundation sued San Diego County Sheriff William Gore for CCW, Carry Concealed Weapon Licenses. All five individual Plaintiffs were denied, appealed and had their denials affirmed by the SDSO. The sued in Federal Court. Both sides filed for Summary Judgment and the court granted the Sheriff's.
The Ninth Circuit overturned the trial Judge and remanded the case back to her. San Diego has a number of options they can pursue and this case is far from over.
Semper Paratus
Inspector Javert
'Sheepdog up'
California Concealed Carry
Tuesday, February 11, 2014
Obama's Civilian Army
I want to introduce a new Blogger who will
be posting here. Her name is 'Belle Starr'. She is an attorney, living
in the West. A shooter, a hunter who eats what she kills. A gunnie in
the best sense. She is also opinionated as you will discover all too
soon. She is Mensa intelligent and like Billy Jack does not tolerate
fools lightly. Also like Billy Jack, she does not take prisoners. If
she thinks it, she will say it. We share similar opinions and
philosophies, that is why she has joined this Blog. She will be posting
here and cross posting to our new site. Not to be sexist, she is also
easy on the eyes.
When Obama indicated that he wanted the United States to have a
civilian army, equal in strength and funding to the military, did anyone really
think such a thing was possible or even necessary? Hitler created such a
group, and years of peace and prosperity followed, right?
Given historical precedent, what states, representatives and
voting populace would agree to such a force? Did anyone ask the following
questions: why do you feel such a force is necessary? What is the
purpose of such a force and upon whom do you plan to use it?
Well, Patriots, it appears our answers are unfolding before us.
The civilian army is composed of the ABC organizations, most notably the
NSA, DHS and IRS. We have learned from Edward Snowden the depth of spying
this government has been engaged in with its own officials, judges, as well as
leaders of Allied Nations, and most notably our own citizens. Michelle Bachman
made a mockery of her conservative stance when she claimed that the NSA was
targeting foreign nationals only and she voted for the Fourth Amendment
suspension in the NDAA. If our Tea Party "leaders" are so
misinformed, what hope do we have, really?
The IRS has been discovered to be the strong arm/boot on the
throat extension of a vindictive and vengeful Executive Branch and has targeted
conservative groups with burdensome audits while at the same time granting tax
exempt status to organizations led by the Imam-in-Chief's Muslim Brothers, with
whom he has pledged to stand. Ironically, this is the one promise he has
Congress, in fairness, did investigate this matter, but was met
with lies and obfuscation, as Lois Lerner took the Fifth. As a result,
our Liar in Chief has decreed that there was not a smidgen of evidence of
wrongdoing. I believe that term came right out of Black's Law Dictionary,
but I digress. Is it also not ironic that those who usurp the
Constitution are the first to hide behind its very protections?
I have much more to say on these matters, but let us pause at this
point and realize what a giant anal screw we are all in for...
Keep your Powder Dry, Patriots.
Monday, February 10, 2014
Can Edward Snowden Bring Down Obama Administration?
Read the attached story and draw your own conclusions. As I read it the NSA is running the Federal government. Their data gathering makes J. Edgar Hoover look like a Boy Scout. The article makes me think of an octopus with the NSA being the head and the tentacles being the FBI, CIA, EPA, IRS, DHS and every Federal agency that collects data. Der Fuhrer, aka Obama wants the sheeple to believe it is all very innocent and benign. That is not Edward Snowden's take on it. American's have been asleep while the NSA has grown in power. In the interest of fairness, it was grabbing power prior to Der Fuhrer seizing power by manipulating low information voters. But, he has fine tuned it to an art form.
Ask yourself why Snowden fears for his life. Ask why he selected Russia as a place to seek asylum. Being convicted of treason is not his primary concern, staying alive is. This has all the makings of a Tom Clancy novel except this is real life or real death, depending on how you see it. Many Americans are running around taking their shoes off at airports and not being allowed to take tooth paste to Russia, submitting to invasive body scans when the real threat is right here in the good old USA.
Elected officials on both sides of the aisle have been neutered. Do you think the 'meta data' gathered by the NSA on elected officials and Judges has not been used to affect court decisions? Ever wonder why Chief Justice Roberts did a 180, twisted himself into a pretzel to decide that ACA, aka as Obamacare was Constitutional? Think someone did not place a severed horses head in his bed? Think again. Roberts was compromised. Better to go down in judicial history as a poor Chief Justice than have your character destroyed or perhaps have a tragic 'accident' cut short your life or that of someone near and dear to you. Writer has extensive experience investigating corruption at all levels and the average sheeple do not have a clue as to the pervasive corruption that compromises virtually all aspects of their daily lives.
When I first read the referenced article I said 'oh shit' three times. I rarely say that more than twice. I was that shocked and concerned. Let's see how many times you say 'oh shit' after you read the article.
Semper Paratus
Inspector Javert
'Sheepdog up'
California Concealed Carry
California Concealed Carry
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