Dear Patriots:
At the risk of being a buzz kill, let me interject a dose of
reality in light of yesterday's Ninth District decision...
While we applaud the decision as a victory toward gun rights, I also
see it as a federal smack down of state police power. Remember the
constitution was intended to limit FEDERAL power, and while Article III
empowers the Federal Judiciary to hear cases and controversies arising
involving the Constitution, where does this leave the states and their powers
to police themselves granted under the Tenth Amendment?
We are all outraged when Federal judge invalidates down a law we
like, one that was voted into existence, or written by a state's legislature.
We argue that the will of the people cannot be abrogated with the stroke of a
judicial pen, often by an unelected official who is a flunky of the politician
who appointed him or her. Proposition 8 in California comes to mind, as
does the anti-Sharia law in Oklahoma.
So while the Bill of Rights should not be seen as subject to the
whim of the states, remember, this blade cuts both ways. The decision paves the
way for SCOTUS review. Given what happened with Justice Roberts in
upholding and redefining the Affordable Care Act, can we realistically
expect a decision to uphold our Second Amendment rights? The ACA ruling
is likely explained by the revelations of Edward Snowden, so what do you think
will happen when our Second Amendment rights are subjected to judicial scrutiny
by a court stacked by, or controlled by, thanks to NSA spying, the
current rouge regime?
If this nation is to be saved, the states MUST somehow manage to
restore the power the Founding Fathers took painstaking efforts to guarantee
them. If you do not agree with the laws of your state, vote with your
feet, move to one that governs itself in a manner that works with your ideals.
The same works for liberals, please stay in your bastions of insanity and
stay the heck out of states like mine; I voted with my feet and left California
last year. This decision runs contrary to their intent and ultimately is
a victory for the Federal Government, not We the People.
Celebrate the ruling possibly as a glimmer of hope that there are
some sane judges in the People's Republik of Kaliforna while you can, because I
fear it may ultimately be a paving of the way for the federal government to
further weaken if not abrogate our second amendment right.
I shall now go hide in my corner after pissing on everyone's Cheerios...
Belle Starr
California Concealed Carry
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