Patriots, Friends, Countrymen and Women:
My opinion, that is now being shared
by medical professionals is that government is not being forthright with
the American public. If I am wrong you will simply have cleaner hands.
average person does not give much thought to who has touched doorknobs,
handles, public faucets, water fountains, shopping carts, gas nozzles
and so forth before them. Tracing back one Ebola victim is a herculean job. Tracing
everything they have touched outside their home while contagious
is virtually impossible.
The CDC and the government have yet to
inform us how long Ebola germs can live after an infected person has sneezed
into the air or their hand. Saliva, nasal mucus and so forth. If the
government really wanted to prevent panic they would have answered these
questions. My distrust of government makes me wonder if this might be
our 'October surprise'. Think about that stylus you will use at the
polling place when you vote. Who has handled it?
My aim is not to
frighten you but to get you to think about the possibilities so you can
take action you feel appropriate. If you trust the government
implicitly, do nothing.
The whole point is to not use your hands to touch things everyone else has touched
because we touch our faces thousands of times a day without even knowing it.
-Use cheap plastic sandwich bags on your hand while pumping gas and throw them away there at the station after use
-Keep packets of handi-wipes in your purse or pocket for wiping off airplane armrests,
restaurant armrests and tables.
-Use a stylus, pen or pencil to push ATM buttons or elevator buttons
-Use a small rolled up newspaper so you can throw it away
-At the very least use your knuckle instead of your fingers to push elevator buttons
-Remember to use the stores Purell wipes or your own handiwipes on shopping cart handles
-Push doors open with your shoe tip or back of your arm or elbow
handles on store doors that need to be pulled open are challenging not
to grab so keep a tissue or handiwipe in your hand for those
-Take advantage of toilet seat protectors when available or lay toilet paper down on the seat.
-Try to stock up on groceries so you make less trips to the grocery store
-Order online - some grocery stores deliver for free if you place a minimum order
A little advance planning will give you an advantage over those that do not.
I have been waiting for the CDC or the government to inform us how long the Ebola virus can live outside the human body. They have conspicuously avoided telling us. Where AIDS can only live for a few minutes outside the body, Ebola can live for up to 10 days. If an infected, contagious person were to sneeze into their hand and then touch a doorknob, water faucet, shopping cart or shake your hand, well you get the idea.
I see people all the time use the men's room, wash their hands and then touch the handle or knob which is a Petri dish for germs.
want to venture a guess as to how this reporter contracted Ebola in
Liberia? Remember it is 'not contracted by air', we have the governments
assurance on that, so he must have stuck himself with a needle or had
direct contact with bodily fluids. Reminds me of the old story told by a
married man when he contracted a 'social disease' aka venereal disease.
He contracted it from an unprotected toilet seat. Clearly, we are not
being given the whole story.
How Far Reaching Are Germs?
Many are concerned that Ebola could go airborne. Technically, this
virus can only be spread through bodily fluids. The virus spreads when
saliva, mucous, blood, vomit, feces, or other bodily fluids of an
infected person come into contact with someone else’s mucus membranes.
The emphasis on this is it has to be a symptomatic infected person.
One virologist,
Alan Schmaljohn at
the University of Maryland School of Medicinewas asked if Ebola was
airborne and states, “With Ebola, large droplets — which neither travel
very far nor hang in the air for long — are the real risk factors. That
means an Ebola-infected person would likely have to cough or sneeze up
blood or other bodily fluids directly in your face for you to catch the
virus, Schmaljohn says. If that drop of blood doesn’t land on your face,
it will just fall to the ground. It won’t be swimming in the air,
waiting to be breathed in by an unsuspecting passerby.”
However, there are differing opinions. Recently, the CDC warned of
infectious diseases of this sort spreading through the air. As well, in a novel study by
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT),
researchers show that coughs and sneezes have associated gas clouds
that keep their potentially infectious droplets aloft over much greater
distances. The fluid droplets expelled in coughs and sneezes are a
combination of sizes—ranging from 1 micrometer to 800-900 micrometers.
“The idea was that we mostly transmit diseases through the larger
droplets that fall on other people and surfaces,” says study coauthor
Lydia Bourouiba, Ph.D., assistant professor at
MIT. Researchers previously thought that those larger droplets were
going to travel farther than the smaller ones—reaching about 1 meter
while the smaller droplets stayed around 30-50 centimeters in front of
The study made a startling realization: there’s a crucial respiratory
cloud that you expel every time you sneeze or cough, which is made up
of hot/moist air and some water. This cloud actually enhanced the range
and travel length of the smaller droplets, helping them travel way
farther than they previously thought.
Pictured: The sneeze cloud. (Courtesy John Bush and Lydia Bourouiba)
Word from Industrial Supply Reps regarding Ebola from GLP Forum:
Talked with a rep today who deals with hospitals all around the
Western Pa region and he stated that if you are not prepared for
isolation, you will be when it happens.
Hospitals, Schools and large
businesses are meeting behind closed doors discussing how they should
prepare for possible quarantine.
He said that most in the Gov't are
freaking out because the spread to this country could be a lot higher in
a quicker fashion than what's taking place in Africa right now because
we don't have enough procedures in place to make the public fully aware
of how bad the situation is.
Over the next few days/21 he said that
it would be a surprised to see at least 1 person in nearly 20 states be
verified infected.
He was told by hospital higher ups who are buying
from him that they are stocking up for a quarantine scenario that could
last 3 to 6 months. The person at the hospital specifically told him if
he does not have 3 months of supplies on hand, a weapon (gun) and the
ability to lock down the house with bleach and air tight plastic, you
will be screwed.
He was also told, given the situation even if you
are not infected, you could still be put into a quarantine restricted
area. Meaning, say your child goes to school and is in 1st grade but a
6th grader becomes infected, even though your child has never been in
contact, you will be considered high risk and put into lock down in your
house. If you leave, you'll be arrested. Someone from DHS or CDC will
mark your house to let people know that you are inside and under
Sounds too far to be true but I don't know why this guy
would bs me, I've known him for years and he was telling me to
basically go out this weekend and get the stuff I need to make sure that
if it comes to this, I'm protected.
Take it for what it's worth. I guess the take away is, be prepared.
Another Post from GLP Forum:
I am a sales rep and I sell infectious disease equipment into hospitals.
My docs have told me that there are three other infected in different
hospitals. It will be made public within next two days. Our sales have
skyrocketed. The problem is that the only thing that kills Ebola is
bleach. Buy bleach and prepare to be on lock down in your houses for the
next two months to wait out the infection.
government is really dragging their feet here. They don't want panic
but they do believe that it is isolated. They are nuts! Everyone take
care and HELP your neighbors to get informed....don't be
an a$$&*#@ even IF your neighbor is an a$$&*#@, helping them get
prepared just may save your life and those you love!
Please take precautions and be safe.
Semper Paratus
'Inspector Javert'
Patriot & Sheepdog