I hope I am not the only person seeing this but I know I am one of the few taking about it. Whether by accident or by design our president (small 'p' intentional) has set in motion events which may alter America as we know it.
Obama has abandoned enforcing the Southern border and tens of thousands of unaccompanied children with no verification of immunization have been allowed into the United States and then dispersed into communities across the country from Connecticut to Hawaii and Alaska. Obstensively released to family members but in reality many are released to family friends or 'others.' How dangerous is this for small unaccompanied children? Local school districts are told they must admit the children regardless of lack of immunization records.
All of the Southwestern states have seen a spike in previously eliminated childhood diseases. This is placing both legal immigrant children and those born here, both at risk.
I just learned from Fox news that we are still issuing visas in Liberia. Nothing like playing Russian roulette with the entire population. We already know that Mr. Duncan, the Dallas Ebola patient, lied on his airport screening questionnaire. Is this insane or what?
Now let me extrapolate. We already know there are at least 3 other possible Ebola patients being treated across the United States. Hawaii, Nebraska and one in Washington DC. Internet buzz from health care professionals indicate there are others.
We may also have a confluence of these two preventable crisis. The main reasons Ebola is spreading in Africa are the poverty, lack of sanitation, poor medical services, highly congested living conditions and lack of sophistication of the population. The same potential exists in Latin America. Ebola spreads in clusters. Picture a bicycle wheel with spokes. The center of the wheel is a single patient. He is infected from a spoke on another wheel. He forms the center of the new cluster. If he becomes contagious and is not spotted early he starts his own cluster which spreads in all direction based upon how many people he has contact with.
Imagine a cluster or two developing in Latin America due to our failure to embargo air travel from Africa. The medical resources are quickly overwhelmed. As the epidemic grows more people flee north to our open southern border. As soon as a few infected people reach large American cities with large illegal immigrant populations living in crowded conditions you have the makings of what is currently only taking place in Africa. Do you believe the current politically correct Administration has the will to deal with this? Worse yet, it is not even being discussed publicly. The CDC must have done work ups on models of different scenarios of how this disaster may spread. If they have not they are derelict in their duties.
Edited October 9, 2014
Marine General John F. Kelly Agrees with Writer
I know Barry has too much integrity as well as love for his country to intentionally create a crisis that would tax our health care system and perhaps affect our entire way of life if Ebola were to catch hold and people began staying home from work, keeping children home from school and a general collapse of the economy. Naw, Barry would never allow this to happen. It would eventually lead to panic and Martial Law. Nope, this would never happen. If it were to come to pass he could blame his CDC and HHS secretaries for failing to keep him apprised of the potential for an epidemic.
See how much fun you can have when you extrapolate? Just like War Games, we will call this Social Games. And just like in the classic movie, War Games, there are no winners. Actually this is positively gifted. I may be working for the wrong side. :-) Just kidding.
Updated October 15th, 2014Closing the Barn Door After The Horse Escapes, CDC Says Health Worker exposed to Dallas Patient 'X' should not have flown on commercial flight
Semper Paratus
'Inspector Javert'
Patriot & Sheepdog
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