California Concealed Carry Assistance

Attention: All active Military personnel and their families. ISSI or ISSL if you please, has called for attacks on military personnel and their families. They first suggested attacks on military personnel but yesterday, October 2, 2014, they raised the ante and are now calling for attacks on military personnel dependents. We will assist these two categories of applicants in California without charge. It will be very difficult for any Sheriff or Chief in any county to deny an applicant in these categories with full documentation. I am former military and want to see my brothers and sisters in arms protected.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Humanitarian? Obama receives Yet Another Worthless Award


Another example of our oman in chief having delusions of gender(?), oops I misspoke. What I meant to say was delusions of grander. On second thought both apply. Below, we can see the New President In Town, having a discussion with the award Committee.

Did you all see where he received another award last night for his humanitarian efforts around the globe. I guess the selection Committee was not up to speed on his feckless actions on the recent kidnapping of over 300 school girls in Nigeria, who had the audacity to seek an education and that pesky genocide taking place in Darfur. Did you see that lame attempt to show solidarity by the first lady by showing a sign? I bet those kidnappers are checking their Twitter accounts and counting the negatives.

Makes you wonder how many such awards Der Fuhrer received during his tenure. I guess such a comparison is really not fair. After all the first Der Fuhrer had half his country fooled and the other half scared to death of him. 

An interesting irony of last nights award is that it was created as a result of the holocaust and the presenter was Steven Spielberg. I suspect Steven did not do enough research on Hitler when he did Schindler's List. Oh the irony....... Below, you can see another famous humanitarian at an awards ceremony. Oh, we who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it. Can you hear that Seven Speilberg, you tool of socialism?
The oman needs a Pulitzer Prize and an Oscar to top off his humanitarian award and his Nobel Peace Prize. This way we can prove once and for all that all these awards are political and have as much value as a door stop. Perhaps the Los Angeles Chapter of the NAACP could give him the award that was to be awarded to Clippers owner Donald Sterling. Makes as much sense.
Semper Paratus

Patriot, Bard, Seer

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