California Concealed Carry Assistance

Attention: All active Military personnel and their families. ISSI or ISSL if you please, has called for attacks on military personnel and their families. They first suggested attacks on military personnel but yesterday, October 2, 2014, they raised the ante and are now calling for attacks on military personnel dependents. We will assist these two categories of applicants in California without charge. It will be very difficult for any Sheriff or Chief in any county to deny an applicant in these categories with full documentation. I am former military and want to see my brothers and sisters in arms protected.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

'When Government Violates The Law, Then There Isn't Any Law, Just A Fight For Survival'


Someone help me out here. When did Federal laws become 'Advisory' or 'Discretionary'?  Yes, there is what's known as 'Prosecutorial discretion' that allows prosecutors some discretion in how they enforce the law but the Executive Branch does not have any such discretion. IT IS NOT IN THE CONSTITUTION! Our ‘oman in chief’ and AG eric holder  and various members of Congress like Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi talk about the rule of law at the same time they are violating it.

Holder is in the process of redefining rules for granting clemency. The aim is to release up to tens of thousands of duly convicted felons because he and the ‘oman’ feel the sentences they received were too harsh and in most cases the convicts were minorities. These are people who broke societies laws and do not belong on the streets. Their goal is to circumvent the law not enforce it. If Holder and the oman believe certain laws are too harsh they need to make recommendations to Congress to make appropriate changes. Neither the Attorney General nor any President has the authority to unilaterally change or ignore the law. I know what you are thinking, didn’t the ‘oman’ already do that about 30 times with regard to his inappropriately named Affordable Care Act? Holder has created 6 new guidelines for processing requests for clemency. Let’s take a look at them.

1)      inmates who are currently serving a federal sentence in prison and, by operation of law, likely would have received a substantially lower sentence if convicted of the same offense today;
This was the law at the time, they were aware or should have been aware of it. Are we to go back in time to all convictions and change them to reflect current punishments? What about states who have eliminated the death penalty? Now it sounds rather silly now doesn’t it?

2)      are non-violent, low-level offenders without significant ties to large-scale criminal organizations, gangs, or cartels;

Now isn’t this special. Why allow any felon with any ties to any of these stellar ‘gentlemen’s’ clubs be considered?

3)      have served at least 10 years of their sentence;

This one is not too outrageous as to offend this man of the law.

4)      do not have a significant criminal history;

Now this one takes us into Bill Clinton territory. What ‘is’ ‘significant’? They might want to spell this one out. It is vague just like #2

 5)      have demonstrated good conduct in prison;

Most people behave themselves in prison as there are fewer opportunities to engage in the same criminal activity that caused their incarceration.

6)      have no history of violence prior to or during their current term of imprisonment.

Same as #3.

If you apply their mindset to the average person you are sending a message that if you do not like a certain law you may ignore it and government will look the other way. Holder did exactly that with regard to the ‘New’ Black Panthers in the Philadelphia voter intimidation case. I place the word ‘New’ with regard to the Black Panther Party lest they be confused with their predecessors. I guess there is a good chance both the ‘New’ Black Panthers and the tens of thousands Federal felons committed their crimes as 'an act of love' as the fool Jeb Bush recently said of illegal aliens.  If I were to carry this thinking forward as it applies to me here is what I would do.

I would immediately remove the California mandated 'bullet button' on my AR15 LE PRO and replace it with a mag release.  I would go to a friendly gun smith and convert the same weapon to fire three round bursts just like law enforcement. I would allow my CCW to expire as I should not need it to carry concealed. I would begin loaded open carry when it is more comfortable. I will acquire silencers for my pistols. I do not particularly like those laws so I am no longer going to comply. Besides, I feel violating these laws and others are not showing contempt for the law, but simply an act of love on my part.

Hey, I have a great idea. How about each of you sending me a short list of laws you do not like. I can make up a master list and send them to obama and holder so they will know to commute your sentence or pardon you after conviction. See how much fun this can be? See how ridiculous this whole line of thinking is?  This is how this rogue, outlaw Administration is operating with Congress asleep at the wheel. No one in Congress wants to Impeach the first black President or Attorney General. 'Putney Swope Syndrome' which I shall explain in my nest Post. 

Hey, just got an idea. If you are the first of any group or unique in some sense lets let the same rules apply. We will never consider Impeaching a women, Gay or Lesbian President regardless of how wantonly they violate the Constitution. Yes, this could become the new norm in America. If you are the first of anything, Congress will give you a free pass. I made a small error by leaving out NAMBLA. For those who really do not get out much, that is the North American Man Boy Love Association. They are always recruiting. We must be inclusive here. We have already heard both obama and holder say you should be allowed to marry anyone you love without regard to gender so why should a NAMBLA member not be qualified to be President? We as a society will have opened up the Presidency to a wider range of candidates. This seems to be a natural progression as we move towards an 'anything goes it it feels good' society. Forget the Constitution, forget over 200 years of America's Judeo-Christian history. Those old white farmers could not have possibly imagined what the future would bring now could they? 

The recent disclosures about a Hollywood sex ring involving a then, 15 year old male should tell us all a lot about where we are going as a society. The four accused entertainment industry giants are all 'hardcore' Democrats and obama 'A' list party people at his fundraisers on the West Coast. Now a little background. The victim is now in his 20's. He tells his mother about being given drugs and alcohol and transported to Hawaii and other locations for the gratification of these men when he was a teenager. She contacts the FBI. They interview her and then........ sound of crickets. No subpena for a Grand Jury or any follow up. Just that annoying sound of silence. Now lets recap. An allegation is made that a minor was sexually abused by wealthy Democrats in the entertainment industry. The victim was transported across state lines to Hawaii and possibly other locales. FBI is contacted and then does nothing. My law enforcement background tells me a number of things here. Multiple felonies, including the Mann Act all of which fall under Federal law. FBI works under Department of Justice. DOJ is headed by one eric holder. Holder, unlike a real AG who is independent and actually enforces the law, has had obama's back, if you will excuse the visual, since the get go. Obama has a Hawaii connection although years removed from these allegations. 

Yuck!, Left's Push For Adult-Child Sex 

Let me tell you all a little story from when I was in Law enforcement. It was common knowledge what the entertainment industry on both coasts was full of 'chicken hawks.' The kind of chicken's they liked had nothing to do with Col. Sander's. These chicken hawks preyed on your boys and men. I doubt anything has changed. I patrolled one of the wealthiest communities in the state. I can not be more specific than that without compromising my identity. Those who worked in LE when I did and currently do, know what section of Los Angeles County of which I speak. I saw all manner of perversion including our local 'chicken hawks.' Saw things that reminded me of the biblical description of Sodom and Gomorrah. Do not kid yourselves Patriots, the type of activity described above does go on and it is covered up by LE at all levels depending on how well connected the participants are. Don't you think this young man's allegations justify more than one interview with his mother? Where is the Federal Grand Jury on this? Oh, I almost forgot, the one in Miami has been rather busy investigating Democratic Senator Robert Menendez. Allegations he is accepting illegal gifts and flights to the Dominican Republic home of a wealthy donor and having sex with under age girls during these trips. I can understand the need for a married man, with adult children, Democratic US Senator having the need to get away from the hustle and bustle of Washington and seek relaxation in the 'arms' of a teenage girl. Is this so abnormal? You bet your sweet ass it is. And why has it taken the Grand Jury over one year to conduct its investigation. Here, let me recap. Federal Grand Juries are impaneled by the Justice Department.  A Deputy or Assistant AG conducts the inquiry. This Deputy or Assistant works under, wait for it, yes eric holder. See how it all works or should I be saying, how it does not work.

US Senator Robert Menendez Being Investigated By Federal Grand Jury For Possible Sex With Minor Girls In Dominican Republic

I will put this all in perspective later this week when I Post my 'Putney Swope' explanation of Holder, obama, Valerie Jarrett and others who are using the Putney Swope method of violating all accepted societal norms and laws and why Congress just sits there motionless. I think that is one Post that you will really enjoy as you read it and have an epiphany at the same time. Time to start thinking outside the box people before this ghetto gang completely destroys our country.

Semper Paratus

Inspector Javert
Patriot, Bard & Seer

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