California Concealed Carry Assistance

Attention: All active Military personnel and their families. ISSI or ISSL if you please, has called for attacks on military personnel and their families. They first suggested attacks on military personnel but yesterday, October 2, 2014, they raised the ante and are now calling for attacks on military personnel dependents. We will assist these two categories of applicants in California without charge. It will be very difficult for any Sheriff or Chief in any county to deny an applicant in these categories with full documentation. I am former military and want to see my brothers and sisters in arms protected.

Thursday, July 23, 2015

"Dear Gutless, Worthless Cowards"


I am back! I have had a brief or not  so brief absence due to an illness but i am back with a vengeance. I will be Posting on a more regular basis as the 2016 elections draw closer and sharing my views on events of the day and the dysfunction as I see it, of both major parties and their candidates. I will also be discussing Sanctuary Cities and Kate's law as well as the need to arm or find some means for our military personnel to protect themselves at our US Bases and recruiting centers. Yes, my friends, we have much to post about. My body may not currently be 100% but my fertile mind is working overtime. Like when a person loses one of their senses it quite often results in another sense becoming enhanced.

Semper Paratus

'Inspector Javert'
Patriot, Son of Liberty & Sheepdog

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

A Funnier Thing Happened On The Way To SCOTUS


This is an update to this popular Post. Necessitated by SCOTUS hearing its second case on the ACA. It would seem that Justice Roberts has taken a vow of silence where this case is concerned, he asked no questions at today's oral argument. I was joking with people the past few days that it may require two horses heads in his bed to accomplish what one horses head did in twisting the Constitution into a pretzel as he rewrote the ACA in the first hearing. There is absolutely no question in my mind that someone got to Justice Roberts. One can sit around pondering what the Administration has on him but considering Obama's documented sexual proclivities and his championing of the homosexual lifestyle I suspect there is a short list. Actually blackmail ala Pelican Brief is far more humane than doing a 'Vince Foster' on him.

'Welcome to the party pal!' Larry Klaman has the stones to say publicly what many have suspected since the ACA ruling and Aaron Klein seemed taken aback. Has he been in a coma?

Larry Klayman on Justice Roberts and his ACA Turnabout

Justice Roberts has clearly done or is involved In something so outrageous that it could destroy him. MAD, Mutually Assured Destruction. He can not disclose the blackmail or threat to himself or his family without destroying himself in the process.  His choices were rather simple, go down in history as having been the pivotal vote on a flawed piece of legislation that could destroy health care in America or destroy his reputation and possibly subject him to prosecution or public ridicule. Could it have been something like this from The Godfather that caused him to rewrite the Affordable Care Act law?

I have posted about this for years. You, who have never had your personal and professional lives turned inside out by an intelligence agency can not begin to understand how far they can and will go to compromise and destroy you. I have a personal FBI file which's is heavily redacted. During discovery in Guillory v Gates et al, the Orange County Sheriff's Intel Unit turned over boxes, yes boxes of discovery in a companion case, Youngblood v Gates, where I was the Plaintiff's investigator for a CA Superior Court Judge also suing the Sheriff for First and Fourth Amendment violations. 

I was astounded at what a County Sheriff Intel Unit was able to acquire on me. They had my high school records,  recordings of associates and i talking on the phone. Thank heaven they did not find the photos of me cross dressing. :-) Just kidding, there are no original photos of me cross dressing. :-) Hey, a man's got to have a sense of humor and a nice wardrobe.

The non believers can go back and read L.A. Times and Orange County Register coverage on the cases on the Internet. So when anyone expresses surprise at the possibility that the most powerful intelligence agencies in the world could not and did not take Justice Roberts life apart I have to laugh. I can assure you this and possibly prior Administrations have complete files on all 9 Justices, particularly the 'dating' history of Justices Kagan and Sotomayor as well as copious files on the Speaker and all leading members of both houses from both parties. '1984' is already here people. Just as in Invasion of the Body Snatchers, it happened as we as a nation slept. Anyone believe we can put this Genie back in the bottle? 

You can continue living your silly lives or you can educate yourselves. Ever wonder how I acquired a reputation for my attitude about people in general? Go read about my Federal case. George Carlin was correct when he said most people are stupid, others are full of s&%t and some are F"&#(?g nuts! It is true. Don't believe me? Then you are a part of the greater problem.

Semper Paratus

'Inspector Javert'
Patriot, Son of Liberty & Sheepdog

Obama and Muslim Brotherhood Conspire to Destroy America from Within


This is rather long read but necessary if you are too fully understand what Obama and his regime doing to this country. He does not love America, he is not proud to be an American,  he is either Muslim or Muslim Centric, the outcome is the same. He is selling out America to Muslim extremists and the Third World. Where he was born is not relevant nor is his dubious sexuality. We have a far greater problem here.

The Betrayal Papers (Part III): Obama and Muslim Brotherhood Conspire to Destroy America from Within

muslim_brotherhoodThe Betrayal Papers Part I – Under Obama: U.S. Captured by the Muslim Brotherhood, presented a picture of a conspiracy that is manipulating the American government. Part II – In Plain Sight: A National Security “Smoking Gun” named several people in the Obama administration who have documented associations to Muslim Brotherhood front groups and the State of Qatar. This article will explore the deliberate strategy of the Muslim Brotherhood and the Obama administration to cripple the middle class and to steer the American economy, as well as identify, to the extent possible, their role in many Obama scandals. Introduction
What do Common Core, “comprehensive” immigration reform, and IRS targeting of conservatives groups have in common? They are just a few examples of Muslim Brotherhood-connected policy initiatives that are affecting the lives of Americans every day. Under Obama, many new domestic policies, as well as many scandals, can be traced back to, in varying degrees, the Muslim Brotherhood.
To understand why America no longer feels like America – why it seems that the government has its favorites and while others are targeted and even persecuted – it is important to understand two strong influences on the Muslim Brotherhood. The first is historical: the Nazi Party of Hitler’s Germany. The second is more contemporary: the strategy developed by Al Qaeda’s strategic mastermind, Abu Musab al-Suri.
“The Vampire Economy” and Economic Repression
In 1939, German economist Guenter Reimann published a study of the German economy under Hitler. The Vampire Economy described a corrupt, backwards economy that was not based on any economic logic, much less profit seeking, but instead on the politics of the Fuehrer (i.e., Leader), Adolf Hitler.
Like Communism, Nazism was a form of socialism. (The term Nazi is a contraction of the German word Nationalsozialismus, or National Socialism.) Unlike Soviet Communism, which, at least theoretically, depended on shared ownership of capital to direct the economy, in Nazi Germany the shops, farms, and factories remained, nominally, in private hands. Yet the outcome was basically the same in both Soviet Russia and Nazi Germany: total control over the economy by the Leader and the Party.
In Germany, the pseudo-legal rationale used by the Nazis was regulation, which was subject to change on a whim. If you stepped outside the regulations, you were punished with fines, political persecution, imprisonment, and possibly shipped off to a concentration camp. Sound familiar?
Yet pervasive corruption in the Third Reich ensured the rules applied differently to those in favor, and to those who opposed the Nazis. Specifically, in such an economy, there are party members in good standing, and there were dissidents. Party members can break rules with impunity, while dissidents face public character assassinations and blacklisting.

This calls to mind Obamacare’s implementation. Certain companies, approximately 1,200 in fact, received waivers from the law. Other businesses were forced to provide health coverage for abortions against the will and conscience of the business owners (though the Supreme Court later overruled this regulation). A similar comparison can be made for the fines and prosecutions unequally levied on banks for violating a myriad of complex and overlapping regulations.

Abu Musab Al-Suri’s Plan to Cripple the American Economy
Although most Americans know the name Osama bin Laden, very few know the name Abu Musab al-Suri. While bin Laden provided the charisma and wealth to found Al Qaeda, al-Suri, one of his top lieutenants, provided valuable strategic advice to the fledgling jihadi network. A member of the Muslim Brotherhood from the time he was a student, al-Suri rose to become a member of the Brotherhood’s military command in 1982.
Al-Suri was a calculating thinker, who recognized that to bring down America (and the West in general) would require something different than mass murders. He urged the targeting of high value targets, such as infrastructure, which would force the United States to incur significant economic costs. As an example of this strategy in practice, Al-Suri was the architect of the 2004 Madrid train bombings. There is a good case to be made that the World Trade Center was long in Al Qaeda’s sights precisely because it was a bastion of capitalism, an important hub of New York City’s communications network, and the home of many prominent companies.
Of course, there’s little sense in physically targeting an economy which has already been knuckled-down under onerous, impossible to keep-up-with regulations issued by Obama’s bureaucracies. Various sectors of the American economy have already been effectively taken over by the Muslim Brotherhood Obama administration, including: healthcare, banking, energy, agriculture (think EPA and FDA), and transportation. Last week, the Obama administration, without the consent of Congress or the people, seized untold new powers to regulate the internet.
Meanwhile, as the government unapologetically intrudes into every aspect of life and business, a case could be made that the middle class is being systematically bankrupted. Financial columnist Charles Ortel has shown that the economy is fundamentally as weak as it has been in a generation. Following the collapse in 2008, the government pumped in trillions of dollars to supposedly stabilize and jumpstart the economy (recall the misnamed “Stimulus”). But as of January 2015, there were fewer core jobs in the private sector economy than ten years earlier. Compounding this economic morass is national debt: in roughly the same period (2005-2014), debt has increased $16.5 trillion, to $58 trillion. Finally, information from 2012 and 2013 (the most recent data available), shows pre-tax incomes decreasing for high, middle, and low income earning households.
Abu Musab al-Suri had a terrorist superstar with Osama bin Laden. However, when it comes to economically knee-capping the American economy, Barack Hussein Obama has proved far more effective than the cave rat, Sheikh bin Laden.
U.S. Chamber of Commerce in Doha, Qatar – Bipartisan Influence by Muslim Brotherhood
What would be powerful enough to exert this influence over the American economy? What entity could be that pervasive as to reach into big business across the nation?
In February 2010, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce established their first legal Chamber in Doha, Qatar. Qatar, the reader should be reminded, is a prolific financier of terror. Qatar is also home to the spiritual leader of the Muslim Brotherhood, Yusuf al-Qaradawi, now an Interpol fugitive. The Chamber represents American business and also has an explicitly political and diplomatic mission. In the words of the Chamber’s Executive Vice President and COO, David Chavern, AmCham Qatar is “another concrete example of positive U.S. Engagement with the Muslim world.”
Among the companies and organizations which are premier sponsors of AmCham Qatar are ExxonMobil, The Boeing Corporation, Carnegie Mellon Qatar, Northwestern University in Qatar, and Fluor. Moreover, the following companies have significant involvement with the State of Qatar: Lockheed Martin, Bloomberg, Bank of America, Miramax, among many more.
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce, with its close ties to Qatar, is by far the largest lobbying spender in Washington ($136.3 million in 2012). Business is a bipartisan pursuit, which means that money from Qatar – which is arguably today’s most prolific financial sponsor of Islamic terror – carries great weight in both Republican and Democrat circles.
Indeed, Republican Senator Lindsey Graham is on the record last year as saying, “I’m going to embrace being a Chamber of Commerce Republican.” He was part of a bipartisan Senate delegation to Qatar this January which also included Senators John McCain (R-AZ), Bob Corker (R-TN), John Barrasso (R-WY), Angus King (I-ME) and Tim Kaine (D-VA).
The Brotherhood’s Connections to Policies and Scandals of the Obama Administration
In June 2012, The Daily Caller reported that the CAIR, the Council on American Islamic Relations, had attended “hundreds” meetings with the Obama administration. CAIR, it will be recalled, is a Muslim Brotherhood front organization very closely tied to Hamas.
Why so many meetings? What incredible portfolio of business does CAIR have to discuss with an American administration? What follows is a snapshot of various policies and scandals that are linked, often directly, to Muslim Brotherhood individuals, organizations, and their goal of “civilization jihad.”
Militarization of the Department of Homeland Security: While running for President, Obama stated several times that America needed a civilian national security force that matched the might of the U.S. military. Candidate Obama stated in 2008, “We’ve got to have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.”
To many, this sounded like a call for a militarized federal police force. Given that DHS has been advised by such people as Mohammed Elibiary, Arif Alikhan, Eboo Patel, and Mohamed Magid, who each have documented ties with the Muslim Brotherhood, is it not possible that DHS has been weaponized as a force against the American by the Islamists?
Domestic Spying and Wiretapping: While journalists at AP and Fox News have been subjects of wiretapping ordered by Eric Holder’s misnamed Department of Justice, the NSA’s dragnet on regular Americans has been revealed to be broader than virtually anyone suspected.
Curiously, the spreadsheets that were leaked detailing the email tracking of Muslim American leaders stop in 2008. CAIR Director Nihad Awad is listed as a target, as is Faisal Gill, a Republican operative who held a top-secret security clearance with the Department of Homeland Security. The spreadsheets were leaked in 2014 by former NSA contractor Edward Snowden.
Purge of Military Officers and Christianity: Over the past several years, the U.S. military has been purged of hundreds of high ranking officers. Many of these dedicated military officers were dismissed based on trivial offenses. Occurring simultaneously is a purge of Christianity, indeed even Bibles, from the U.S. military.

Anti-Police Protests: In conjunction with the militarization of DHS, state and local law enforcement have been targets of the Obama administration and Eric Holder’s Department of Justice. This anti-police agenda culminated last summer with riots in Ferguson, Missouri and violent protests New York City. Among the most prominent groups involved in these protests was ANSWER, a pro-Palestinian group that had on its original steering committee the Muslim Students Association.
Finally, the NYC cop killer Ismaaiyl Abdullah Brinsley stated on his own Facebook page that he was previously an employee of the (Muslim Brotherhood) Islamic Society of North America (ISNA). At the time of the killing, the president of ISNA was Mohamed Magid, an advisor to Obama, DHS, and the National Security Council.

Immigration and Amnesty: Revealed in a recent editorial, “Between 2010 and 2013, the Obama administration imported almost 300,000 new immigrants from Muslim nations — more immigrants than the U.S. let in from Central America and Mexico combined over that period.” Given the paucity of background and security checks, as well as the high incidence of terrorism from such countries, it is any surprise that the FBI now admits that ISIS is active in all 50 states?

The Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC), another Muslim Brotherhood front organization operating in the United States, conveniently issued a policy paper in September 2013 calling for “comprehensive immigration reform.”
Moreover, in January the Obama appointed Fatima Noor, a veiled Muslim woman, to the position of “Special Assistant in the Office of the Director for U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services in the Department of Homeland Security.” Other than her religion, her credentials are very thin.
It is hardly an exaggeration to state that the administration is taking gradual steps to eliminating the very concept of American citizenship. In fact, a recent White House conference call made it explicit that these new immigrants are not supposed to assimilate into American society, but instead establish their own ethnic communities within the United States. Does this remind anyone of Gaza, or the no-go zones in Europe?
Common Core: Even classroom education has not escaped the tentacles of the Muslim Brotherhood. The connection between Common Core and the international terror group is through, once again, Qatar. The Connect All Schools initiative is a program to promote “One World Education.” It is aligned to Common Core State Standards, and is funded by the Qatar Foundation International (QFI). The director of QFI’s Research Center for Islamic Legislation and Ethics is Tariq Ramadan, grandson of Muslim Brotherhood founder, Hassan al-Banna.
According to WND, in 2011 QFI “partnered with the Department of State and the U.S. Department of Education to facilitate matchmaking between classrooms in the U.S. and international schools through … the “Connect All Schools” project.” QFI explains on its own website that the initiative was founded in response to Obama’s infamous 2009 Cairo speech, during which Obama had the Muslim Brotherhood seated in the front row.
Participation of the Qatar Foundation International puts in proper context the ever more prevalent cases of Sharia (i.e. Islamic law) incursions into American schools, such as: girls forced to cover up like devout Muslims on school sponsored trips to mosques; Islamic vocabulary lessons in high school; the teaching of Islamic culture; teaching the five pillars of Islam and “A call to jihad;” and Qatar investing $5 million to teach Arabic in schools.

Finally, any treatment of Common Core would not be complete without mentioning the involvement of another one of Obama’s mentors, domestic terrorist Bill Ayers. Ayers received $49.2 million from Vartan Gregorian, a board member of Qatar Foundation who is also part of Obama’s White House Fellowships Commission. Gregorian is an integral part of Connect All Schools.
IRS Targeting of Conservative and Pro-Israel Groups: The targeting of Obama’s political enemies is reminiscent of the politicized bureaucracies of all tyrannies, from Nazism to Communism and everything in between. Among the persecuted by apparatchik Lois Lerner were: hundreds of conservative groups, Constitutional groups, groups that criticized Obama, 5 pro-Israel groups, and an 83 year old Nazi concentration camp survivor.
As usual, the pattern of targeting conservatives, Israel, and Jews in general is the trend of the Obama administration … and the Muslim Brotherhood. The IRS targeting nearly mirrors DHS’s profiling of “right wing sovereign citizens and extremist groups” as the primary terrorist threat facing the country, which was CAIR approved.

In addition to suppressing political enemies, the IRS has actually enabled the Muslim Brotherhood through Obama’s half-brother, Malik. In 2011, the IRS granted a 501(c)(3) statuses to two groups connected to Barack Obama’s half-brother, Malik Obama: the Barack H. Obama Foundation (BHOF), and Mama Sarah Obama Foundation (MSOF).
This would not be of particular concern, but for the fact that Malik Obama has documented associations with the Muslim Brotherhood, wanted terrorists, and terrorist organizations. These include Sudan’s Muslim Brotherhood leader Omar al-Bashir, the organizers of the infamous 2010 Gaza Flotilla, and Hamas. In fact, contravening all standard practices, the IRS granted the tax exempt status to BHOF retroactively, after it was learned that Malik was falsely and criminally representing his organization as a charity (which, at the time, it was not). A full report on these activities was produced by the Shoebat Foundation, and can be read here.

The George Soros Connection
In more than one of these instances, the fingerprints of billionaire investor (and breaker of nations and currencies) George Soros can be found. Soros operates a vast network of various “leftist” front organizations. In reality, these organizations are anything but liberal. They regularly attack capitalism, Israel, and fund the subversion of American society. It is not the intention here to dissect Soros’s network and political machinations, but to place him in context in the above scandals.
Combating “Islamophobia”: Soros has “donated” $10,117,186 to the Center for American Progress since 2000. One of the major initiatives of CAP is to combat “sharia hysteria” by the “religious right.”
Ferguson unrest: Soros’s Open Society Institute donated $33 million in one year to various activist groups in Ferguson who were active in the protests and subsequent destruction.
Immigration: Prominent Muslim American immigration lawyer Rabia Chaudry is employed by another Soros-controlled group, the New America Foundation. Previously Chaudry was Media Relations Director of CAIR-CT.

Common Core: A project of the Soros-funded Center for American Progress (CAP), Common Core was conceived under the direction of John Podesta, while he was President of CAP. Podesta is currently Counselor to Obama, and also a Visiting Professor at Georgetown University Law Center. (Note: Georgetown has a campus of their School of Foreign Service in Doha, Qatar. All campus costs are fully covered by a grant of the Qatar Foundation, which also funds aspects of Common Core.)
Net Neutrality Regulation: According to Washington Examiner, Soros funded “net neutrality” groups to the tune of $196 million. Net neutrality was adopted last week by a committee vote of the FCC, and is widely expected to be used to regulate content on the internet and television.

Tyranny, whatever name it’s given, has one recipe. It starts with a base of fear, it’s spiced with terror, and served with sides of persecution and intimidation. The poorer and more desperate the people become, the more readily they’ll meld into the pottage of political domination by their government.
Taken alone, none of these events would be of much concern in a country of 300+ million people. Even the general feeling of depression and oppression by government could be overlooked as a result of global economic conditions, many which are out of the control of even the President of the United States.
But viewed together through the lens of the Muslim Brotherhood’s plan to dominate America and bring her down from within, dismissing them as coincidence would be to ignore a carefully constructed plan. Whether attacks on cops, downright crazy immigration policies, the persecution of American citizens by the IRS, or the takeover of school curricula, there is a rhythm to all of these scandals that jives seamlessly with the song of the Muslim Brotherhood.

Evidence above suggests a bipartisan infection, a betrayal of the American people by the crony establishment in both parties. What will it take before the pundits, politicians, and regular Americans start to demand answers and accountability from the people in their own government who are each day plotting their demise, and will only be content when the American people are destitute and servile?

The Betrayal Papers is a collaborative effort by the Coalition of Concerned Citizens, which includes: Andrea Shea King, Dr. Ashraf Ramelah, Benjamin Smith, Brent Parrish, Charles Ortel, Denise Simon, Dick Manasseri, Gary Kubiak, Gates of Vienna, IQ al Rassooli, Jeff Bayard, Leslie Burt, Marcus Kohan, General Paul E. Vallely, Regina Thomson, Scott Smith, Terresa Monroe-Hamilton, Colonel Thomas Snodgrass, Trever Loudon, Wallace Bruschweiler, and William Palumbo.

To see Part I and Part II of the Betrayal Papers exposing Obama’s effort to destroy America from within, click HERE and HERE.

Semper Paratus

'Inspector Javert' 
Patriot, Son of Liberty & Sheepdog

Monday, March 2, 2015

Obama's Fundementally Changing America

woodenA recent caller to the Mark Levin Radio Show, Susan Payne, contributor to WCBM, a Baltimore radio station, inadvertently received an invitation to a White House conference call regarding immigration, the details of which are shocking. During the conference call, attendees explained their plan, through immigration, to build a country within a country, then, ultimately destroy the U.S. Let’s first take a look at the Immigration plans as explained through the media. On November 20, 2014, USA Today’s journalist Alan Gomez outlined President Obama’s upcoming speech about immigration. He wrote that “The president will protect about 5 million undocumented immigrants from deportations. They will not get U.S. citizenship or legal permanent residence, known as green cards. But they will be able to live in the United States without fear of deportation, get a work permit and a Social Security number. They will also be able to travel freely back and forth to their home country” . . .

These cryptic phrases like ‘receiving communities’ and ‘new Americans’ can be explained through the shocking conversations on the White House conference call, which seems to be one of the planning sessions. According to Susan Payne, on the Mark Levin show, there were 16 representatives of Obama’s cabinet present on the call; Cecelia Nunez, top Advisor to the President and Chairperson of the White House Task Force hosted the call. Ms. Nunez also served as the White House Director of Intergovernmental Affairs. A longtime civil rights advocate, she worked as Senior Vice President for the Office of Research, Advocacy and Legislation at the National Council of La Raza (NCLR), a radical anti-American organization.
Susan stated that the discussions on the call weren’t centered around 5 million illegals as reported in the media but rather 13-15 million illegals coming to this country as refugees. Ms. Nunez told the group that illegals will be re-designated as “receiving Communities”. They will be classified as receiving communities and morph into what was established as an “emerging immigrant community” that could grow like seedlings and need to be in fertile soil…(not my words, but the words of the Task Force).
The web conference attendees went onto say that the ‘seedlings’ will mature and eventually take over the host, as the immigrants will come out of the shadows and push the American citizens into the shadows. The White House will be developing a country WITHIN a country. Yes, on the call, they confirmed the new Americans will develop a ‘country within a country’ because these immigrants would not assimilate, but navigate. They will not be part of America; in effect, the illegals would grow as a separate nation, a nation within a nation. Eventually they will become strong and conquer America; Americans will be in the shadows when new Americans take over. This is the transformation that Obama promised. (Read more about the White House conference call HERE)

'Inspector Javert'
Patriot, Son of Liberty & Sheepdog

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Taking Presidential Advice

The Obama ISIS Jobs Summit

RUSH: Ladies and gentlemen, the jobs summit.  I was thinking the White House needs a job summit to follow through on Marie Harf.  Yeah, the ISIS job summit.  I mean, what a great foreign policy breakthrough that could be.  Here you have your number two spokesbabe at the State Department out there saying there's no way we can beat 'em.  We can't kill 'em all.  We can't kill enough of 'em to win.  They're just gonna be popping up all over the place.  What we need to do is find 'em gigs.  We need to find 'em jobs.

Never mind the fact that there are 92 and a half million Americans that can't find work. Never mind this Regime hasn't the slightest idea how to find or build domestic employment, here comes Marie Harf.  And I was thinking, maybe there are a lot of people they could help.  First thing to do is a White House jobs summit.  They're doing this three day shindig and they're calling it Countering Violent Extremism summit.  Why not just turn it into another jobs summit?
I mean, Marie Harf and Obama think getting ISIS people jobs is the best way to counter extremism.  Maybe, in addition to doing that, you could bring in the Chamber of Commerce.  Maybe bring in the Chamber of Commerce as a weapon of mass destruction against ISIS.  I mean, the Chamber of Commerce, vast networking and fundraising ability to recruit all sorts of franchisable businesses.  You could have the Chamber working with the State Department to teach ISIS how to set up Starbucks, McDonald's, Subway, Chick-fil-A, Uber, Domino's, AutoZone, even Walmart could be all funded, and look what we could do.
We could establish American economic beachheads right in the middle of the ISIS encampments using Obama's White House jobs summit and the Chamber of Commerce to help get it done, all based on Marie Harf's contention that all we need to do to defeat ISIS is get them jobs.  And then after they get the jobs, after they have their own Starbucks and their own McDonald's and Subway and Chick-fil-A, we'd have to overcome the dietary incompatibilities, but Obama and the Chamber can help with this. Maybe bring some Republican political consultants in who are experts at working with the Chamber and iron out some of these differences.
With all the jobs that would be created with the Chamber and with the White House ISIS jobs summit, I am sure, I am confident that the zeal, the religious zeal ISIS has to kill Christians and Jews will be quenched.  With all those jobs, that's what Marie Harf is saying, they won't have any desire anymore to go kill people because they will have jobs. They will have their own robust economy.  And then Obama can claim he did more to spread America into the Middle East, American values, than Bush did.  Can you see ISIS run McDonald's?
I know I'm gonna get e-mails.  "Rush, how can you joke about this?"  I'm just following the lead.  None of this is my idea.  It's a natural logical progression.  If you're gonna have the number two in the State Department literally double down on this claim. She says on television Monday night:  We can't kill them. We can't beat them.  That's old-fashioned thinking. There's no war in the traditional sense that's gonna beat ISIS.  We need to get 'em jobs.
Okay.  Well, I'm here to help.  How we gonna do that?  Then people say, "You know, Marie, that's really asinine.  That is really, really ignorant.  It's embarrassing that anybody in the administration has that idea."
She then doubles down on it. (imitating Harf) "Well, you didn't get my nuance.  You didn't understand exactly how detailed and brilliant my proposal was."
Okay.  Well, I'm just trying to understand it here.  So let's follow it up.  If we're gonna get ISIS jobs, how we gonna do it?  What kind of jobs?  What kind of jobs are there in the Middle East?  There aren't any.  We're gonna need the help of the Chamber.  Don't get on my case, folks.  What I do here is illustrate absurdity by being absurd, and this is absurd.  I know some of you might think this is insensitive, but don't blame me for it, because this is just the natural progression of thinking if you want to accept what Marie Harf and this Regime believe.  And, by the way, it's not just the Regime.  Richard Stengel, guy that used to run TIME Magazine, he's joined Marie Harf in this.  The only reason that ISIS has membership is because they can't find jobs.
Okay, fine.  We need to find them jobs.  How do we do that?  They have to be entry-level.  Look, we could even implement the minimum wage argument.  What better way to corrupt ISIS than to export American liberalism into it?  That was once my idea with the ChiComs.  You know, can you imagine the ChiComs having to deal with militant feminism?  Can you imagine the ChiComs having to deal with militant environmentalist wackos?  So let's export liberalism to these places and corrupt them just like they've been corrupted here.  This is just the natural extension.  You can tell me I'm being insensitive and so forth but I'm just doing comedy, folks, as news.  I mean, don't complain.
RUSH: Jobs summit for ISIS makes perfect sense to me.  ISIS seems to be well prepared with all kinds of shovel-ready jobs, wouldn't you think?  The Barack Obama administration started out in 2008: We needed to have a stimulus to the economy.  Nearly a trillion dollars.  Why?  Well, because shovel-ready jobs, we had all kinds of things that we had to rebuild out there.  Marie Harf, State Department, Monday, need to get ISIS jobs.  Can't kill them.  They keep popping up.  We cannot win this war in a traditional sense by killing the enemy.  We gotta get to the root cause, and that means poverty and unemployment.  We need to find them jobs.  I'm trying to help.
Chamber of Commerce can come in, teach 'em about franchising, could even become Republican donors if you do this right.  Make 'em part of the Republican donor class, get the Chamber of Commerce involved.  And of course you could argue that killing off ISIS, I mean, one of two ways.  Killing off ISIS would be a great work project in itself, shovel-ready jobs, or ISIS obviously has a lot of shovel-ready jobs.  I realize this may be insensitive to some of you, but remember, this is just fake news.  Or, no.  This is real news delivered with comedy. Except when conservatives do it, it's not permitted.  It's considered insensitive.  When liberals do it, it wins awards and kudos.  

I took the Muslim in Chief, Marie Harf (rymes with Barf), and Jen Psaki, clueless State Department spokesbimbos at their words. Over the past two days, they have appeared on lamestream media providing solutions to terrorism. I will use the State banned word here, 'Islamic' Terrorism. It was so simple I am surprised we did not see it sooner. The Jihadists are disaffected youth from both Muslim countries and up to 6o other countries who are simply acting out by  burning a Jordanian pilot alive, beheading Christians just for being Christians and Jews, just for being Jews. Our Muslim in Chief and the two clueless women have told us that terrorism is economic based, not ideology. If they all had access to well paying jobs or the ability to start up small businesses they would be as right as rain. I heard this mentioned about inner city youth and we need to add the sports component. We we told that youths in South Central just needed access to night basketball courts. So, the libtards took some of that great Federal money and lighted the South Central basketball courts. Last I heard, it had no affect on crime. I guess we just need to give it more time.

Anyway, I called both my US Senators to share my enthusiasm for the solutions offered and to add some refinements of my own. Over the past two days both Senators and their staffs were out of their DC offices for staff training. So I left detailed messages on their voice mails. I followed instructions and left my name, phone number, address and e-mail address. 

I asked if they would do two things. Outreach to Muslims, one of Obama's suggestions and create a jobs program for Jihadist's. First off, Obama suggested we reach out if we did not know a Muslim and embrace them as friends. Being a California transplant to New Mexico, I knew we were short on Muslims so I asked Senators Martin Heinrich and Tom Udall to set up a program where they would match Christians and Jews to Muslims in my cityBoth are socialist libtards so I figured they would easily buy into this social engineering project.

My next idea was even simpler. Would they be willing to set up an Intern program in both their DC and field offices for disaffected Jihadists and Jihadist wannabees. I figured this would be a no brainer as it would allow them to closely supervise potential threats to the country. Now, I am not naive. I realize we would have to offer pardons to many of these Juhadist's and we would also want their assurances that they would not act out while working as Interns and behead, burn alive or torture any Christians or Jews they might encounter as part of their duties. In that most elected Jews are Democratic Libtards, they would be a critical requirement.

It has been 24 hours since I called Heinrich's office and I have not heard back from them so I am becoming concerned that they do not embrace my suggestions.

'Inspector Javert'
Patriot, Son of Liberty & Sheepdog

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Muslim in Chief Seeding US Intel With Muslim Brotherhood

I realize many will be unable to process what you are about to read and hear about our Muslim in Chief. Lack of awareness, denial, personal philosophy, it can't happen here and so forth. Many in Germany were surprised at what their legally elected Der Fuhrer had done to their country under their very eyes. People, it is happening here, with our eyes wide open. While our attention is diverted by day to day activities and state provided entertainment, reality shows, sports and the like, our government, courts, military and Intel have been co opted by this Manchurian Candidate, or Putney Swope if you wish who is invincible due to racial paralysis on the part of our other elected leaders charged with keeping us safe from enemies both foreign and domestic. Just as a Federal Judge, when issuing a Temporary Injunction over Amnesty said, to allow it to go forward would cause irreparable damage to the Plaintiff's and putting the Genie back into the lamp would be virtually impossible. If we do not, as a people wake up, we shall lose the Republic to Islamist's bent upon the destruction of our very way of life.
I have not been posting as regularly as I had planned but that is about to change. I have been diagnosed with a life altering medical condition and I intend to devote myself to informing all who will listen to the jeopardy that I see that the country is in.

Muslim Brotherhood YellingThe Betrayal Papers will trace the influence of the Muslim Brotherhood in the Obama administration’s foreign and domestic policies. The five-part series will present a picture of a conspiracy that is manipulating the American government to the benefit of a totalitarian, genocidal movement that seeks to establish a global Islamic State. • The Muslim Brotherhood is an international political, financial, terrorist and movement whose goal is to establish a global Islamic State (Caliphate).
• They have and continue to exert tremendous influence of the American government’s foreign and domestic policies under President Barack Hussein Obama.
• The violence in the Middle East and across North Africa is a direct consequence of the Muslim Brotherhood’s effective control over American foreign policy in the region.
• They operate through various “civic” front groups, as well as through American institutions who take their money as operational funding (Georgetown University, Brookings Institution).
In America, we have a weak and struggling economy, growing public and private debt, and millions are un- and underemployed. While a weaponized IRS targets Tea Party groups and other voices of liberty, and military veterans are labeled as “domestic terrorists” by the Department of Homeland Security, the federal government refuses to secure the southern border. Educational policy now includes the teaching Arabic and visits to mosques for schoolchildren.
 Internationally, America is in retreat. The Middle East is in ashes, and in the midst of an ongoing genocide replete with daily horrors, the likes which have not been seen for centuries. Former allies have been abandoned and are embittered. Under the present leadership in the White House and State Department, Israel is considered the aggressor and Hamas the oppressed.
In sum, the world is at its most volatile point since the outbreak of World War II.
If you think that this is a result of something other than an “incompetent,” “stupid,” or “clueless” President, words regularly used by those who sense something is wrong but, can’t quite bring themselves to own up to the ugly truth, you’re not alone.
Millions of Americans are realizing that the Obama administration is not merely “misguided.” It is actually and consciously anti-American, anti-Semitic, anti-Christian, and broadly anti-Western. Yet , the American public does not yet fully appreciate why and how the administration always finds itself square against everything this country is based on – religious freedom, capitalism, and justice under law.
This series of articles will explain the force and mechanics behind Obama’s anti-American global agenda: the Muslim Brotherhood.
Al-Ikhwan al-Muslimoon: The Root of Today’s Islamic Evil
Founded in 1928, the Muslim Brotherhood (aka, the Society of Muslim Brothers, or Al-Ikhwan al-Muslimoon in Arabic) is an international movement (some would argue an international conspiracy) that seeks to establish a worldwide Islamic State (or Caliphate). When it was created in the late 1920s, the Brotherhood was a contemporary of the Nazi Party of Germany. Indeed, the leader of the Muslim Brotherhood in Palestine, Amin al-Husseini, is considered by some as the man who catalyzed the Holocaust; for it was only after Husseini visited Hitler in Berlin in 1941 that the systematic extermination of Jews and other minorities began with industrial efficiency.
Haj-Amin-Husseini-Adolf-Hitler-620x473 After the war, despite the insistence by many wartime leaders (Churchill included) that he be brought to justice, Husseini escaped to the Middle East. He lived there until his death in the 1970s, serving as a mentor to a young Yasser Arafat. Husseini and the Nazi Party are the connection points between the Holocaust and today’s Middle Eastern genocide.
The Allies conscious failure to arrest and prosecute Husseini haunts us today.
A Terror Hedge against Stalin and Soviet Russia
At the beginning of the Cold War, working with former Nazis, the American CIA began to court the Muslim Brotherhood as an ally against Soviet Russia. This calculus may have made sense when facing down Josef Stalin, a totalitarian tyrant hell-bent on world domination, but it has proved a costly strategy in the long run.
In the years and decades that followed World War II, the Muslim Brotherhood has evolved into a modern day Nazi International, not unlike the old Comintern (Communist International). It has a vast network of financial and business interests across the world; it has agents, supporters, and apologists within western governments; and it has a support network of “civic” organizations in the West.
These all serve as a cover for its darker and insatiably violent ambitions.
For despite all their intrigue and political gamesmanship, the Muslim Brotherhood is not strictly a political movement, nor a financial cabal. It’s also the mothership of virtually all Islamic terrorist groups operating in the world today, including Al Qaeda, ISIS, Hamas, the Taliban, Boko Haram, and many more. Such groups, all children of the Muslim Brotherhood’s fanatical Islamic ideology, are today ethnically cleansing countries such as Libya, Syria, Iraq, and Nigeria of all traces of Christianity. No less than the President of Egypt, Muslim Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, a devout Muslim, has said as much.
Considering how the Muslim Brotherhood and their terrorist pawns treat fellow Muslims in Egypt, Libya, Syria, and Iraq, butchering them by the bushel including women and children, it should come as no surprise that Egypt and Saudi Arabia have declared the them a “terrorist” organization.
It should also come as no surprise that the United Arab Emirates has designated Muslim Brotherhood front groups operating in the United States “terrorist” entities. In November, the UAE effectively declared that the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) and Muslim-American Society (MAS) were no different than Al Qaeda. Why? It’s because they share a common origin in the Muslim Brotherhood. One could add to this list of domestic terrorist collaborators and enablers the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC), and the Muslim Students Association (MSA).
A New HQ in America
Equally alarmingly, all-American institutions such as Georgetown University and the Brookings Institution have accepted so much money from the Muslim Brotherhood government in Qatar, that their political positions are virtually indistinguishable from the Muslim Brotherhood’s domestic front groups!
Yet, the United States government does not see these organizations and their employees as the enemy, as apologists for the worst kinds of barbarity. In fact, the highest profile people from these organizations advise the Obama administration, including the Department of Justice, the Department of Homeland Security, the FBI, and the National Security Council. In January, the Department of State actually welcomed the Muslim Brotherhood to a meeting, and shortly thereafter Egypt exploded in jihadi violence. This is no magical coincidence.
To the detriment of our safety and well-being, the domestic Muslim Brotherhood front groups help dictate counterterrorism policies. It is their influence which leads to the farcical idea, recently expressed by Obama at the National Prayer Breakfast, that the Crusades have something to do with ISIS and the mass murder of innocents in the Middle East today.
These front groups shape our foreign policy, which since the Arab Spring and continuing to this day is on the side of the Muslim Brotherhood.
So-called “moderate Muslims” employed at these front groups have made the country of Qatar, a totalitarian sharia-based society, and an “ATM for terrorists,” the closest ally of the United States under Obama’s Presidency. With enthusiasm from Obama and Eric Holder, they have us emptyingGuantanamo Bay of the most vicious killers and sending them to Qatar, with only the vaguest of security assurances.
The remaining four articles will explore the influence of the Muslim Brotherhood on American policy, both foreign and domestic (including in Common Core, Obama’s position on illegal immigration and amnesty, and the hostility of the administration toward police officers). The exposé will also detail the operatives in the government who work to advance the Muslim Brotherhood’s ambitions for a worldwide Caliphate. And it will put into context the mysterious influence that George Soros and Valerie Jarrett have over Barack Hussein Obama, his administration, and the policies that affect every American.
The Betrayal Papers is a collaborative effort by the Coalition of Concerned Citizens, which includes: Andrea Shea King, Dr. Ashraf Ramelah, Benjamin Smith, Brent Parrish, Charles Ortel, Denise Simon, Dick Manasseri, Gary Kubiak, Gates of Vienna, IQ al Rassooli, Jeff Bayard, Leslie Burt, Marcus Kohan, General Paul E. Vallely, Regina Thomson, Scott Smith, Terresa Monroe-Hamilton, Colonel Thomas Snodgrass, Trever Loudon, Wallace Bruschweiler, and William Palumbo.
(Restoring Liberty will post the remaining four articles on how the US has effectively been captured by the Muslim Brotherhood under the guidance of Barack Hussein Obama.)

'Inspector Javert'
Patriot, Son of Liberty & Sheepdog