recent caller to the Mark Levin Radio Show, Susan Payne, contributor to
WCBM, a Baltimore radio station, inadvertently received an invitation
to a White House conference call regarding immigration, the details of
which are shocking. During the conference call, attendees explained
their plan, through immigration, to build a country within a country,
then, ultimately destroy the U.S.
Let’s first take a look at the Immigration plans as explained through
the media. On November 20, 2014, USA Today’s journalist Alan Gomez
outlined President Obama’s upcoming speech about immigration. He wrote
that “The president will protect about 5 million undocumented immigrants
from deportations. They will not get U.S. citizenship or legal
permanent residence, known as green cards. But they will be able to live
in the United States without fear of deportation, get a work permit and
a Social Security number. They will also be able to travel freely back
and forth to their home country” . . .
These cryptic phrases like ‘receiving communities’ and ‘new
Americans’ can be explained through the shocking conversations on the
White House conference call, which seems to be one of the planning
sessions. According to Susan Payne, on the Mark Levin show, there were
16 representatives of Obama’s cabinet present on the call; Cecelia
Nunez, top Advisor to the President and Chairperson of the White House
Task Force hosted the call. Ms. Nunez also served as the White House
Director of Intergovernmental Affairs. A longtime civil rights advocate,
she worked as Senior Vice President for the Office of Research,
Advocacy and Legislation at the National Council of La Raza (NCLR), a
radical anti-American organization.
Susan stated that the discussions on the call weren’t centered around
5 million illegals as reported in the media but rather 13-15 million
illegals coming to this country as refugees. Ms. Nunez told the group
that illegals will be re-designated as “receiving Communities”. They
will be classified as receiving communities and morph into what was
established as an “emerging immigrant community” that could grow like
seedlings and need to be in fertile soil…(not my words, but the words of
the Task Force).
The web conference attendees went onto say that the ‘seedlings’ will
mature and eventually take over the host, as the immigrants will come
out of the shadows and push the American citizens into the shadows. The
White House will be developing a country WITHIN a country. Yes, on the
call, they confirmed the new Americans will develop a ‘country within a
country’ because these immigrants would not assimilate, but navigate.
They will not be part of America; in effect, the illegals would grow as a
separate nation, a nation within a nation. Eventually they will become
strong and conquer America; Americans will be in the shadows when new
Americans take over. This is the transformation that Obama promised.
(Read more about the White House conference call
'Inspector Javert'
Patriot, Son of Liberty & Sheepdog
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