California Concealed Carry Assistance

Attention: All active Military personnel and their families. ISSI or ISSL if you please, has called for attacks on military personnel and their families. They first suggested attacks on military personnel but yesterday, October 2, 2014, they raised the ante and are now calling for attacks on military personnel dependents. We will assist these two categories of applicants in California without charge. It will be very difficult for any Sheriff or Chief in any county to deny an applicant in these categories with full documentation. I am former military and want to see my brothers and sisters in arms protected.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

A Funnier Thing Happened On The Way To SCOTUS


This is an update to this popular Post. Necessitated by SCOTUS hearing its second case on the ACA. It would seem that Justice Roberts has taken a vow of silence where this case is concerned, he asked no questions at today's oral argument. I was joking with people the past few days that it may require two horses heads in his bed to accomplish what one horses head did in twisting the Constitution into a pretzel as he rewrote the ACA in the first hearing. There is absolutely no question in my mind that someone got to Justice Roberts. One can sit around pondering what the Administration has on him but considering Obama's documented sexual proclivities and his championing of the homosexual lifestyle I suspect there is a short list. Actually blackmail ala Pelican Brief is far more humane than doing a 'Vince Foster' on him.

'Welcome to the party pal!' Larry Klaman has the stones to say publicly what many have suspected since the ACA ruling and Aaron Klein seemed taken aback. Has he been in a coma?

Larry Klayman on Justice Roberts and his ACA Turnabout

Justice Roberts has clearly done or is involved In something so outrageous that it could destroy him. MAD, Mutually Assured Destruction. He can not disclose the blackmail or threat to himself or his family without destroying himself in the process.  His choices were rather simple, go down in history as having been the pivotal vote on a flawed piece of legislation that could destroy health care in America or destroy his reputation and possibly subject him to prosecution or public ridicule. Could it have been something like this from The Godfather that caused him to rewrite the Affordable Care Act law?

I have posted about this for years. You, who have never had your personal and professional lives turned inside out by an intelligence agency can not begin to understand how far they can and will go to compromise and destroy you. I have a personal FBI file which's is heavily redacted. During discovery in Guillory v Gates et al, the Orange County Sheriff's Intel Unit turned over boxes, yes boxes of discovery in a companion case, Youngblood v Gates, where I was the Plaintiff's investigator for a CA Superior Court Judge also suing the Sheriff for First and Fourth Amendment violations. 

I was astounded at what a County Sheriff Intel Unit was able to acquire on me. They had my high school records,  recordings of associates and i talking on the phone. Thank heaven they did not find the photos of me cross dressing. :-) Just kidding, there are no original photos of me cross dressing. :-) Hey, a man's got to have a sense of humor and a nice wardrobe.

The non believers can go back and read L.A. Times and Orange County Register coverage on the cases on the Internet. So when anyone expresses surprise at the possibility that the most powerful intelligence agencies in the world could not and did not take Justice Roberts life apart I have to laugh. I can assure you this and possibly prior Administrations have complete files on all 9 Justices, particularly the 'dating' history of Justices Kagan and Sotomayor as well as copious files on the Speaker and all leading members of both houses from both parties. '1984' is already here people. Just as in Invasion of the Body Snatchers, it happened as we as a nation slept. Anyone believe we can put this Genie back in the bottle? 

You can continue living your silly lives or you can educate yourselves. Ever wonder how I acquired a reputation for my attitude about people in general? Go read about my Federal case. George Carlin was correct when he said most people are stupid, others are full of s&%t and some are F"&#(?g nuts! It is true. Don't believe me? Then you are a part of the greater problem.

Semper Paratus

'Inspector Javert'
Patriot, Son of Liberty & Sheepdog

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