California Concealed Carry Assistance

Attention: All active Military personnel and their families. ISSI or ISSL if you please, has called for attacks on military personnel and their families. They first suggested attacks on military personnel but yesterday, October 2, 2014, they raised the ante and are now calling for attacks on military personnel dependents. We will assist these two categories of applicants in California without charge. It will be very difficult for any Sheriff or Chief in any county to deny an applicant in these categories with full documentation. I am former military and want to see my brothers and sisters in arms protected.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Ninth Circuit Court Upholds Heller Decision

The court overturned a dismissal in Peruta V Gore et al. Peruta and 4 other Plaintiffs including California Rifle and Pistol Association Foundation sued San Diego County Sheriff William Gore for CCW, Carry Concealed Weapon Licenses. All five individual Plaintiffs were denied, appealed and had their denials affirmed by the SDSO. The sued in Federal Court. Both sides filed for Summary Judgment and the court granted the Sheriff's.

The Ninth Circuit overturned the trial Judge and remanded the case back to her. San Diego has a number of options they can pursue and this case is far from over.

Semper Paratus

Inspector Javert
'Sheepdog up'
California Concealed Carry

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