California Concealed Carry Assistance

Attention: All active Military personnel and their families. ISSI or ISSL if you please, has called for attacks on military personnel and their families. They first suggested attacks on military personnel but yesterday, October 2, 2014, they raised the ante and are now calling for attacks on military personnel dependents. We will assist these two categories of applicants in California without charge. It will be very difficult for any Sheriff or Chief in any county to deny an applicant in these categories with full documentation. I am former military and want to see my brothers and sisters in arms protected.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Obama's Civilian Army


I want to introduce a new Blogger who will be posting here. Her name is 'Belle Starr'. She is an attorney, living in the West. A shooter, a hunter who eats what she kills. A gunnie in the best sense. She is also opinionated as you will discover all too soon. She is Mensa intelligent and like Billy Jack does not tolerate fools lightly. Also like Billy Jack, she does not take prisoners.  If she thinks it, she will say it. We share similar opinions and philosophies, that is why she has joined this Blog. She will be posting here and cross posting to our new site.  Not to be sexist, she is also easy on the eyes.


When Obama indicated that he wanted the United States to have a civilian army, equal in strength and funding to the military, did anyone really think such a thing was possible or even necessary?  Hitler created such a group, and years of peace and prosperity followed, right?

Given historical precedent, what states, representatives and voting populace would agree to such a force?  Did anyone ask the following questions:  why do you feel such a force is necessary?  What is the purpose of such a force and upon whom do you plan to use it?

Well, Patriots, it appears our answers are unfolding before us.  The civilian army is composed of the ABC organizations, most notably the NSA, DHS and IRS.  We have learned from Edward Snowden the depth of spying this government has been engaged in with its own officials, judges, as well as leaders of Allied Nations, and most notably our own citizens. Michelle Bachman made a mockery of her conservative stance when she claimed that the NSA was targeting foreign nationals only and she voted for the Fourth Amendment suspension in the NDAA.  If our Tea Party "leaders" are so misinformed, what hope do we have, really?

The IRS has been discovered to be the strong arm/boot on the throat extension of a vindictive and vengeful Executive Branch and has targeted conservative groups with burdensome audits while at the same time granting tax exempt status to organizations led by the Imam-in-Chief's Muslim Brothers, with whom he has pledged to stand.  Ironically, this is the one promise he has kept.

Congress, in fairness, did investigate this matter, but was met with lies and obfuscation, as Lois Lerner took the Fifth.  As a result, our Liar in Chief has decreed that there was not a smidgen of evidence of wrongdoing.  I believe that term came right out of Black's Law Dictionary, but I digress.  Is it also not ironic that those who usurp the Constitution are the first to hide behind its very protections?

I have much more to say on these matters, but let us pause at this point and realize what a giant anal screw we are all in for...

Keep your Powder Dry, Patriots.

Belle Starr
California Concealed Carry 


  1. I admit to being equally misinformed as Michelle Bachman at times. Staying informed and tracking the truth can be so time consuming with the media
    'kool-aid' that is so much forced down our throat. I always 'vomit' on it, but thanks for being the 'anti-venom' to the media poison and thanks for spending the time and making my job of staying with the truth easier. These get forwarded to the intoxicated members of my family in hopes of restoring them back to their good senses. Much gratitude!!

  2. Very good read, Belle you will do well glad to see you writing.


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