I am paraphrasing
Billy Jack. But it is true. When a President violates the Constitution
and has the audacity to quote Scripture while doing so, he is inviting
and encouraging law breaking and perhaps anarchy.
I did not vote
for this individual and was suspect of his agenda from the start. I also
was not a follower of Charles Manson, Reverend Jim Jones, or David
Koresh. If I had been alive during Hitler's reign I would have resisted
his rule as well. We, as a nation have become to complacent. How many
who receive this bother to e-mail or phone their three Federal
representatives about any issues? How many will forward this to
associates? Are some of you dumber than a brick, as ACA architect
Jonathan Gruber has repeatedly asserted in speeches? Needing your
betters in government to make decisions you are intellectually incapable
of making for yourself.
I am in essence, challenging you and all
my fellow Americans to tell your elected officials that this socialist
statist President has once again violated the Constitution as he
furthers his agenda to change the landscape of America and bring us down
a few notches.
We used to lose sleep over the threat posed by
Russia, China or North Korea, all of whom have the ability to plunge us
into WW III. Do not sweat them, for we have a far greater threat
sitting, no, slouching in the White House. He will destroy this country
in the two years he has left if Congress does not assert itself. They
are weak and agenda driven as well. If you do not pressure them to
follow the Constitution, they will not exert pressure on this corrupt
People, this is your country to lose. If you fail to act, then who?
Semper Paratus
'Inspector Javert'
Patriot & Sheepdog
Inform and educate the general public about what is really going on within Federal, state and local government.The truth is out there and we shall find it. 'When the government violates the law, then there isn't any law, just a fight for survival.'
California Concealed Carry Assistance
Attention: All active Military personnel and their families. ISSI or ISSL if you please, has called for attacks on military personnel and their families. They first suggested attacks on military personnel but yesterday, October 2, 2014, they raised the ante and are now calling for attacks on military personnel dependents. We will assist these two categories of applicants in California without charge. It will be very difficult for any Sheriff or Chief in any county to deny an applicant in these categories with full documentation. I am former military and want to see my brothers and sisters in arms protected.
Friday, November 21, 2014
Sunday, November 9, 2014
How do you like the new arrangement of the deck chairs on the Titanic?
I did not write this but it pretty much sums up my position. Like cheering when Godzilla defeats Rodan. They are both beasts bent upon destruction. It is indeed sad when you loath both parties but have to make some sort of intellectual choice?
I confess, I watched about three or four hours of television Tuesday evening, probably the longest such viewing on my part in 10 or 15 years. I refer to it as the idiot box and avoid it whenever possible–usually managing to stay away from it for weeks at a time. However, I was interested to see if the socialists-lite (Republicans) or the hard-socialists (Democrats) would win. Not that it really mattered much; both parties have been driving the nails in the coffin of the U.S. as rapidly as they can for two or three generations now.
It was almost humorous hearing such commentators as Dick Morris swooning over the magnitude of the Republican win as though they would go to Washington and clean house by repealing hundreds of thousands of laws, rules and regulations that have been spewing out of that place like lava out of Vesuvius. The Dick Morris-types seem to think something significant happened Tuesday evening and something is going to change. It didn’t and it won’t.
To the Morris types, the importance of a particular party’s control of this country’s legislature is measured in the number of new laws, regulations, initiatives or agencies they can create, not the ones they get rid of. I, and a growing minority in this country, would be perfectly happy if the federal government never created a new agency, new law, new regulation or new “initiative”. In fact, it would be very good if the federal government could be reduced to a 10th of its current size and get back to doing the things it’s supposed to do–defend the borders (which it isn’t doing at all)–and keeping the states from murdering each other. It won’t happen, but it would be very nice.
Ah, but I’m from an earlier generation when everyone was supposed to care for themselves, earn their own livings and survive–sink or swim–on their own merits. I’ve had ups and downs in my life, but I never expected, nor allowed, any government agency to solve my problems. That’s not the purpose of government; instead that purpose is (or should be) to establish a level playing field for everyone and get out of the way! It used to be called free enterprise, but that disappeared years ago. As I said above, today it is socialist-lite or socialist-heavy.
So why was I interested in how the election came out? Primarily because I wondered how much longer before this country goes down like the Titanic. I have a young son–who fortunately understands what kind of old tub he is on and is prepared and very entrepreneurial. I want only the best for him, but with politicians like those we’ve been raising for several generations now, the best is not good at all. As I’ve been caught saying frequently, “A pox on both their houses!”
We did rearrange the deck chairs on the Titanic Tuesday evening. I hope it keeps the old tub afloat a little longer, but have serious doubts that it will make much difference at all, the Dick Morrises of the world notwithstanding.
Semper Paratus
'Inspector Javert'
Patriot & Sheepdog Emeritus
Thursday, November 6, 2014
Wednesday, October 22, 2014
Scientists: Ebola Can Spread By Air In Cold Weather
You Have Been Warned
Ebola Can Spread More in Colder Weather
I think it is about time this feckless President was 'straight' with the American people on Ebola and its real potential to spread. Please excuse the oxymoron. The person he placed in charge of coordinating Ebola information, Ron Klain is as qualified to manage a potentially deadly health crisis as obama is to be President of the United States. The bland leading the bland.
Semper Paratus
'Inspector Javert'
Patriot & Sheepdog
Sunday, October 5, 2014
Bringing America To Its Knees
I hope I am not the only person seeing this but I know I am one of the few taking about it. Whether by accident or by design our president (small 'p' intentional) has set in motion events which may alter America as we know it.
Obama has abandoned enforcing the Southern border and tens of thousands of unaccompanied children with no verification of immunization have been allowed into the United States and then dispersed into communities across the country from Connecticut to Hawaii and Alaska. Obstensively released to family members but in reality many are released to family friends or 'others.' How dangerous is this for small unaccompanied children? Local school districts are told they must admit the children regardless of lack of immunization records.
All of the Southwestern states have seen a spike in previously eliminated childhood diseases. This is placing both legal immigrant children and those born here, both at risk.
I just learned from Fox news that we are still issuing visas in Liberia. Nothing like playing Russian roulette with the entire population. We already know that Mr. Duncan, the Dallas Ebola patient, lied on his airport screening questionnaire. Is this insane or what?
Now let me extrapolate. We already know there are at least 3 other possible Ebola patients being treated across the United States. Hawaii, Nebraska and one in Washington DC. Internet buzz from health care professionals indicate there are others.
We may also have a confluence of these two preventable crisis. The main reasons Ebola is spreading in Africa are the poverty, lack of sanitation, poor medical services, highly congested living conditions and lack of sophistication of the population. The same potential exists in Latin America. Ebola spreads in clusters. Picture a bicycle wheel with spokes. The center of the wheel is a single patient. He is infected from a spoke on another wheel. He forms the center of the new cluster. If he becomes contagious and is not spotted early he starts his own cluster which spreads in all direction based upon how many people he has contact with.
Imagine a cluster or two developing in Latin America due to our failure to embargo air travel from Africa. The medical resources are quickly overwhelmed. As the epidemic grows more people flee north to our open southern border. As soon as a few infected people reach large American cities with large illegal immigrant populations living in crowded conditions you have the makings of what is currently only taking place in Africa. Do you believe the current politically correct Administration has the will to deal with this? Worse yet, it is not even being discussed publicly. The CDC must have done work ups on models of different scenarios of how this disaster may spread. If they have not they are derelict in their duties.
Edited October 9, 2014
Marine General John F. Kelly Agrees with Writer
I know Barry has too much integrity as well as love for his country to intentionally create a crisis that would tax our health care system and perhaps affect our entire way of life if Ebola were to catch hold and people began staying home from work, keeping children home from school and a general collapse of the economy. Naw, Barry would never allow this to happen. It would eventually lead to panic and Martial Law. Nope, this would never happen. If it were to come to pass he could blame his CDC and HHS secretaries for failing to keep him apprised of the potential for an epidemic.
See how much fun you can have when you extrapolate? Just like War Games, we will call this Social Games. And just like in the classic movie, War Games, there are no winners. Actually this is positively gifted. I may be working for the wrong side. :-) Just kidding.
Closing the Barn Door After The Horse Escapes, CDC Says Health Worker exposed to Dallas Patient 'X' should not have flown on commercial flight
Semper Paratus
'Inspector Javert'
Patriot & Sheepdog
I hope I am not the only person seeing this but I know I am one of the few taking about it. Whether by accident or by design our president (small 'p' intentional) has set in motion events which may alter America as we know it.
Obama has abandoned enforcing the Southern border and tens of thousands of unaccompanied children with no verification of immunization have been allowed into the United States and then dispersed into communities across the country from Connecticut to Hawaii and Alaska. Obstensively released to family members but in reality many are released to family friends or 'others.' How dangerous is this for small unaccompanied children? Local school districts are told they must admit the children regardless of lack of immunization records.
All of the Southwestern states have seen a spike in previously eliminated childhood diseases. This is placing both legal immigrant children and those born here, both at risk.
I just learned from Fox news that we are still issuing visas in Liberia. Nothing like playing Russian roulette with the entire population. We already know that Mr. Duncan, the Dallas Ebola patient, lied on his airport screening questionnaire. Is this insane or what?
Now let me extrapolate. We already know there are at least 3 other possible Ebola patients being treated across the United States. Hawaii, Nebraska and one in Washington DC. Internet buzz from health care professionals indicate there are others.
We may also have a confluence of these two preventable crisis. The main reasons Ebola is spreading in Africa are the poverty, lack of sanitation, poor medical services, highly congested living conditions and lack of sophistication of the population. The same potential exists in Latin America. Ebola spreads in clusters. Picture a bicycle wheel with spokes. The center of the wheel is a single patient. He is infected from a spoke on another wheel. He forms the center of the new cluster. If he becomes contagious and is not spotted early he starts his own cluster which spreads in all direction based upon how many people he has contact with.
Imagine a cluster or two developing in Latin America due to our failure to embargo air travel from Africa. The medical resources are quickly overwhelmed. As the epidemic grows more people flee north to our open southern border. As soon as a few infected people reach large American cities with large illegal immigrant populations living in crowded conditions you have the makings of what is currently only taking place in Africa. Do you believe the current politically correct Administration has the will to deal with this? Worse yet, it is not even being discussed publicly. The CDC must have done work ups on models of different scenarios of how this disaster may spread. If they have not they are derelict in their duties.
Edited October 9, 2014
Marine General John F. Kelly Agrees with Writer
I know Barry has too much integrity as well as love for his country to intentionally create a crisis that would tax our health care system and perhaps affect our entire way of life if Ebola were to catch hold and people began staying home from work, keeping children home from school and a general collapse of the economy. Naw, Barry would never allow this to happen. It would eventually lead to panic and Martial Law. Nope, this would never happen. If it were to come to pass he could blame his CDC and HHS secretaries for failing to keep him apprised of the potential for an epidemic.
See how much fun you can have when you extrapolate? Just like War Games, we will call this Social Games. And just like in the classic movie, War Games, there are no winners. Actually this is positively gifted. I may be working for the wrong side. :-) Just kidding.
Updated October 15th, 2014Closing the Barn Door After The Horse Escapes, CDC Says Health Worker exposed to Dallas Patient 'X' should not have flown on commercial flight
Semper Paratus
'Inspector Javert'
Patriot & Sheepdog
Friday, October 3, 2014
Ebola, What You Need To Know, v What The Government is Telling Us
Patriots, Friends, Countrymen and Women:
My opinion, that is now being shared by medical professionals is that government is not being forthright with the American public. If I am wrong you will simply have cleaner hands.
The average person does not give much thought to who has touched doorknobs, handles, public faucets, water fountains, shopping carts, gas nozzles and so forth before them. Tracing back one Ebola victim is a herculean job. Tracing everything they have touched outside their home while contagious is virtually impossible.
The CDC and the government have yet to inform us how long Ebola germs can live after an infected person has sneezed into the air or their hand. Saliva, nasal mucus and so forth. If the government really wanted to prevent panic they would have answered these questions. My distrust of government makes me wonder if this might be our 'October surprise'. Think about that stylus you will use at the polling place when you vote. Who has handled it?
My aim is not to frighten you but to get you to think about the possibilities so you can take action you feel appropriate. If you trust the government implicitly, do nothing.
One virologist, Alan Schmaljohn at the University of Maryland School of Medicinewas asked if Ebola was airborne and states, “With Ebola, large droplets — which neither travel very far nor hang in the air for long — are the real risk factors. That means an Ebola-infected person would likely have to cough or sneeze up blood or other bodily fluids directly in your face for you to catch the virus, Schmaljohn says. If that drop of blood doesn’t land on your face, it will just fall to the ground. It won’t be swimming in the air, waiting to be breathed in by an unsuspecting passerby.” Source
However, there are differing opinions. Recently, the CDC warned of infectious diseases of this sort spreading through the air. As well, in a novel study by Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), researchers show that coughs and sneezes have associated gas clouds that keep their potentially infectious droplets aloft over much greater distances. The fluid droplets expelled in coughs and sneezes are a combination of sizes—ranging from 1 micrometer to 800-900 micrometers. “The idea was that we mostly transmit diseases through the larger droplets that fall on other people and surfaces,” says study coauthor Lydia Bourouiba, Ph.D., assistant professor at MIT. Researchers previously thought that those larger droplets were going to travel farther than the smaller ones—reaching about 1 meter while the smaller droplets stayed around 30-50 centimeters in front of you.
The study made a startling realization: there’s a crucial respiratory cloud that you expel every time you sneeze or cough, which is made up of hot/moist air and some water. This cloud actually enhanced the range and travel length of the smaller droplets, helping them travel way farther than they previously thought.
My opinion, that is now being shared by medical professionals is that government is not being forthright with the American public. If I am wrong you will simply have cleaner hands.
The average person does not give much thought to who has touched doorknobs, handles, public faucets, water fountains, shopping carts, gas nozzles and so forth before them. Tracing back one Ebola victim is a herculean job. Tracing everything they have touched outside their home while contagious is virtually impossible.
The CDC and the government have yet to inform us how long Ebola germs can live after an infected person has sneezed into the air or their hand. Saliva, nasal mucus and so forth. If the government really wanted to prevent panic they would have answered these questions. My distrust of government makes me wonder if this might be our 'October surprise'. Think about that stylus you will use at the polling place when you vote. Who has handled it?
My aim is not to frighten you but to get you to think about the possibilities so you can take action you feel appropriate. If you trust the government implicitly, do nothing.
The whole point is to not use your hands to touch things everyone else has touched
because we touch our faces thousands of times a day without even knowing it.
-Use cheap plastic sandwich bags on your hand while pumping gas and throw them away there at the station after use
-Keep packets of handi-wipes in your purse or pocket for wiping off airplane armrests,
restaurant armrests and tables.
-Use a stylus, pen or pencil to push ATM buttons or elevator buttons
-Use a small rolled up newspaper so you can throw it away
-At the very least use your knuckle instead of your fingers to push elevator buttons
-Remember to use the stores Purell wipes or your own handiwipes on shopping cart handles
-Push doors open with your shoe tip or back of your arm or elbow
handles on store doors that need to be pulled open are challenging not
to grab so keep a tissue or handiwipe in your hand for those
-Take advantage of toilet seat protectors when available or lay toilet paper down on the seat.
-Try to stock up on groceries so you make less trips to the grocery store
-Order online - some grocery stores deliver for free if you place a minimum order
A little advance planning will give you an advantage over those that do not.
I have been waiting for the CDC or the government to inform us how long the Ebola virus can live outside the human body. They have conspicuously avoided telling us. Where AIDS can only live for a few minutes outside the body, Ebola can live for up to 10 days. If an infected, contagious person were to sneeze into their hand and then touch a doorknob, water faucet, shopping cart or shake your hand, well you get the idea.
I see people all the time use the men's room, wash their hands and then touch the handle or knob which is a Petri dish for germs.
want to venture a guess as to how this reporter contracted Ebola in
Liberia? Remember it is 'not contracted by air', we have the governments
assurance on that, so he must have stuck himself with a needle or had
direct contact with bodily fluids. Reminds me of the old story told by a
married man when he contracted a 'social disease' aka venereal disease.
He contracted it from an unprotected toilet seat. Clearly, we are not
being given the whole story.
How Far Reaching Are Germs?
Many are concerned that Ebola could go airborne. Technically, this virus can only be spread through bodily fluids. The virus spreads when saliva, mucous, blood, vomit, feces, or other bodily fluids of an infected person come into contact with someone else’s mucus membranes. The emphasis on this is it has to be a symptomatic infected person.One virologist, Alan Schmaljohn at the University of Maryland School of Medicinewas asked if Ebola was airborne and states, “With Ebola, large droplets — which neither travel very far nor hang in the air for long — are the real risk factors. That means an Ebola-infected person would likely have to cough or sneeze up blood or other bodily fluids directly in your face for you to catch the virus, Schmaljohn says. If that drop of blood doesn’t land on your face, it will just fall to the ground. It won’t be swimming in the air, waiting to be breathed in by an unsuspecting passerby.” Source
However, there are differing opinions. Recently, the CDC warned of infectious diseases of this sort spreading through the air. As well, in a novel study by Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), researchers show that coughs and sneezes have associated gas clouds that keep their potentially infectious droplets aloft over much greater distances. The fluid droplets expelled in coughs and sneezes are a combination of sizes—ranging from 1 micrometer to 800-900 micrometers. “The idea was that we mostly transmit diseases through the larger droplets that fall on other people and surfaces,” says study coauthor Lydia Bourouiba, Ph.D., assistant professor at MIT. Researchers previously thought that those larger droplets were going to travel farther than the smaller ones—reaching about 1 meter while the smaller droplets stayed around 30-50 centimeters in front of you.
The study made a startling realization: there’s a crucial respiratory cloud that you expel every time you sneeze or cough, which is made up of hot/moist air and some water. This cloud actually enhanced the range and travel length of the smaller droplets, helping them travel way farther than they previously thought.
Pictured: The sneeze cloud. (Courtesy John Bush and Lydia Bourouiba)
Word from Industrial Supply Reps regarding Ebola from GLP Forum:
Talked with a rep today who deals with hospitals all around the
Western Pa region and he stated that if you are not prepared for
isolation, you will be when it happens.
Hospitals, Schools and large businesses are meeting behind closed doors discussing how they should prepare for possible quarantine.
He said that most in the Gov't are freaking out because the spread to this country could be a lot higher in a quicker fashion than what's taking place in Africa right now because we don't have enough procedures in place to make the public fully aware of how bad the situation is.
Over the next few days/21 he said that it would be a surprised to see at least 1 person in nearly 20 states be verified infected.
He was told by hospital higher ups who are buying from him that they are stocking up for a quarantine scenario that could last 3 to 6 months. The person at the hospital specifically told him if he does not have 3 months of supplies on hand, a weapon (gun) and the ability to lock down the house with bleach and air tight plastic, you will be screwed.
He was also told, given the situation even if you are not infected, you could still be put into a quarantine restricted area. Meaning, say your child goes to school and is in 1st grade but a 6th grader becomes infected, even though your child has never been in contact, you will be considered high risk and put into lock down in your house. If you leave, you'll be arrested. Someone from DHS or CDC will mark your house to let people know that you are inside and under quarantine.
Sounds too far to be true but I don't know why this guy would bs me, I've known him for years and he was telling me to basically go out this weekend and get the stuff I need to make sure that if it comes to this, I'm protected.
Semper Paratus
'Inspector Javert'
Hospitals, Schools and large businesses are meeting behind closed doors discussing how they should prepare for possible quarantine.
He said that most in the Gov't are freaking out because the spread to this country could be a lot higher in a quicker fashion than what's taking place in Africa right now because we don't have enough procedures in place to make the public fully aware of how bad the situation is.
Over the next few days/21 he said that it would be a surprised to see at least 1 person in nearly 20 states be verified infected.
He was told by hospital higher ups who are buying from him that they are stocking up for a quarantine scenario that could last 3 to 6 months. The person at the hospital specifically told him if he does not have 3 months of supplies on hand, a weapon (gun) and the ability to lock down the house with bleach and air tight plastic, you will be screwed.
He was also told, given the situation even if you are not infected, you could still be put into a quarantine restricted area. Meaning, say your child goes to school and is in 1st grade but a 6th grader becomes infected, even though your child has never been in contact, you will be considered high risk and put into lock down in your house. If you leave, you'll be arrested. Someone from DHS or CDC will mark your house to let people know that you are inside and under quarantine.
Sounds too far to be true but I don't know why this guy would bs me, I've known him for years and he was telling me to basically go out this weekend and get the stuff I need to make sure that if it comes to this, I'm protected.
Take it for what it's worth. I guess the take away is, be prepared.
Another Post from GLP Forum:
I am a sales rep and I sell infectious disease equipment into hospitals.
My docs have told me that there are three other infected in different
hospitals. It will be made public within next two days. Our sales have
skyrocketed. The problem is that the only thing that kills Ebola is
bleach. Buy bleach and prepare to be on lock down in your houses for the
next two months to wait out the infection.
The government is really dragging their feet here. They don't want panic but they do believe that it is isolated. They are nuts! Everyone take care and HELP your neighbors to get informed....don't be an a$$&*#@ even IF your neighbor is an a$$&*#@, helping them get prepared just may save your life and those you love!
The government is really dragging their feet here. They don't want panic but they do believe that it is isolated. They are nuts! Everyone take care and HELP your neighbors to get informed....don't be an a$$&*#@ even IF your neighbor is an a$$&*#@, helping them get prepared just may save your life and those you love!
Please take precautions and be safe.
Semper Paratus
'Inspector Javert'
Patriot & Sheepdog
Thursday, September 25, 2014
Attorney General Eric Holder To Resign?
heart is heavy, after hearing this news, with laughter and merriment. Who will carry on the great
work he has started? Who will continue to pillory Officer Darren
Wilson? Who will continue to defend the New Black Panther Party? Who
will continue to ignore the sex with under aged girls by New Jersey Senator Bob 'Thank Heaven For Little Girls'
Menendez? Who will continue the nationwide intimidation of law
enforcement? Who will continue to ignore IRS abuses? Who will continue
the search for the bushy haired, one armed man who committed many of the
crimes High Crimes and Misdemeanors Eric is accused of? Who will
continue to investigate abuses by the NSA? Who will continue to
investigate perjury before Congress by James Clapper, John Brennan, John
Kerry, Susan Rice, Leon Panetta, Lois Lerner?
fellow Americans, we must start a movement to keep Attorney General
Eric Holder. As they used to say in Westerns 'His work is not finished
here'. I implore you who, who who, can carry on with this racist,
ethnocentric, bigoted, egotistical, arrogant man gone? :-)
Semper Paratus
'Inspector Javert'
Patriot, Sheepdog, Sage and Seer
Wag The Dog
Please watch this
trailer carefully and then ask yourself if we are being subjected to a similar scenario. Think for a moment. ISIS has existed for over two
years and obama claims little knowledge of them and denigrates their
capability. Within weeks they have become the greatest danger to
America, second only to global warming, since Mars invaded us in Orson
Wells famous radio broadcast.
Seeing some
resistance to air actions, a 'new' threat to our very way of life,
Khorasan is disclosed by obama. He claims Intel has been aware of them
for some time and they, operating out of Syria were about to launch a
major attack against the US and Europe. The threat was so great that we
had no choice but to attack their stronghold in Syria. Apparently they
were subletting from ISIS as the Pentagon spokesman, Admiral John Kirby was
unable to distinguish their facilities from those of ISIS.
Brennan at CIA and Clapper at National Security are all self confessed
liars. Clapper and Brennan under oath before Congress and obama, about
virtually everything he talks about. ISIS and Khorasan are not in a
position to refute anything our government chooses to tell us anymore
than a narcotics suspect is able to complain when officers steal some of their narcotics or cash were. I call your attention to NYPD in the 1960's
or LAPD in the 1980's.
Your government is
supposed to tell you the truth just as law enforcement is expected to
do. Obana can hide behind National Security and any number of reasons
that prevent the public from knowing what is really going on. We are now
being told terrorists have found a way to place explosives in laptops
and smart phones so TSA will now be checking those. I am waiting for
this corrupt president to disclose that a new group, we shall call them
the 'December Islamic Brigade', has developed a suppository that can not
be detected by sniffers or other detection equipment and can be inserted
anally or vaginal. Henceforth all persons flying will be subjected to
invasive, visual inspections. I suspect the Sheeple will willingly
comply. After all, it is for our own protection.
is how we were sold the unconstitutional and ironically named Patriot
Act after 9/11. There is not a darn thing Patriotic about the Act.
else has taken place in the last few days as part of the Wag The Dog
scenario. The White House has made available for in studio live
interviews, the likes of White House spokesman Josh Earnest, Pentagon
spokesman Admiral John Kirby and State Department spokesman Jen Psaki. I
am a news hawk and I have never seen any of these spokesholes leave
their podiums to make personal appearances. Fox news, whom I used to have
some respect for had Admiral Kirby and Josh Earnest both on this
morning. they are all selling the same story.
yourself why, with the exception of France, have all our European
allies thus far sat this one out? They each have their own intelligence
agencies and I have yet to hear any of them or Israel for that matter,
confirm anything our community organizer in chief has told us. All
governments have an unwritten policy of not pissing in each other's
pool. From their perspective they are sitting there saying to
themselves, 'if Americans are stupid enough to eat the shit sandwich
they are being their inept leader, so be it.' They will be around when obama finishes
his diversion and they may be able to pick up some pieces that can
benefit their countries.
I hope I now have many
of you thinking. If Preston is correct, we are in deep Guano. Maybe we
should do our own 'due diligence' and verify or discount what he is
saying. It is your country and mine, make you own conclusions and then
act within the Constitution.
Semper Paratus
'Inspector Javert'
Patriot & Sheepdog
Monday, August 25, 2014
Why Are Americans So Surprised?
This Post started as an e-mail to my friends and associates. As I continued
writing it suddenly struck me that it was actually a Blog Post. I set
out to address why Americans continue to express surprise at Obama's
actions or really his lack of them. It became very clear to me that I
had gone in an entirely different direction. I smiled to myself, I was
becoming the Lawrence Kasdan of Blog writers. Mr. Kasdan is referenced
later in this Blog. If you take the time to read it, I believe you will
enjoy it. Whether you like it or not, please be so kind as to post your
feelings about what I have said. Now go off and enjoy yourself. How
about doing so by 'an unexpected random act of kindness?' Make a
strangers day. It takes very little to do so. Pass your good will
forward. :-)
Why are so many Americans surprised by obama's conduct? He conducts a 'somber' presser for beheaded American journalist James Foley and less than 15 minutes later he is on the golf course joking and laughing with a celebrity black athlete. He can turn feigned concern off and on at will. Minority voters continue to accept his conduct regardless of how outrageous and the possible consequences. White supporters and those who continue to be fascinated that a black man can actually string words together in a sentence that makes sense seem to be in some sort of a trance over his conduct. In their heart of hearts they know his conduct is over the top and they would be concerned or downright outraged if a white president conducted themselves in a similar manner.
This shucking and jiving charlatan has been playing white America for fools since his election. He uses white guilt and reverse racism to keep Congress, the press and the American at bay. Their deep seated hope that a black man can do anything a similarity educated and trained white man can do has them both mesmerized and paralyzed. Like telling someone that God does not really exist. You can not attack the core of anyone's belief system. Just like telling the low information voter that obama is an incompetent Islamist supporting socialist. They lack both the information and the ability to process what you are telling them. You would first have to educate them on what socialism is and what Islamism is and the threat both pose to the free world and our Republic specifically.
Have you attempred to have a serious conversation recently with a stranger about world events or anything significant happening in the United States? You will quickly channel George Carlin. You will look at that person and say to yourself 'They are stupid.' Or 'They are full of shit.' Or 'they are fuckin nuts.' Some you may determine, are all three!
The average American is so poorly informed and undereducated that they can not intellectually process the events of the day or cause and effect. I had an IT person in my home last week working on my Internet and phones. Fox news was on in the background and they were doing 24/7 on the Michael Brown shooting. Pathologist Baden was discussing the six bullet wounds. The tech, a man in his forties started a rant about police misconduct and blah blah blah. I looked him in the eye and told him him I was former LE and I had investigated over 25 homicides and I went on to explain trajectory of entry woulds and how the forehead shot would have required the officer to be standing on a ladder to shoot a standing 6'4" suspect in that manner. It was clear he had most likely been charging the officer as has been reported. He looked at me and I thought his head was going to explode. Much like Robbie The Robot in Forbidden Planet when told to destroy the intruder. He could not, as the intruder was a monster from his creators evil subconscious. A most interesting expression. Ponder that for a moment.
The point I am making is when you confront someone with facts they are unable to process, they shut down. In the case of the average American, they become defensive or go off on an unrelated tangent. Try it sometime, it is fascinating to watch.
For the same reason liberals and the uninformed are unable to read or listen to complex discussions or watch certain types of movies. Want another example? Most Americans would prefer to watch a movie like Fast and Furious. Why? They have been conditioned to expect rapid action with very little explanation or discussion of events. Take a movie made by someone like Lawrence Kasdan. Wyatt Warp, The Big Chill, Silverado or Grand Canyon. All critically acclaimed, he has received four Oscar nominations. Most Americans did not see these movies. Why? Too wordy. He does character development. He creates three dimensional characters. No car chases, very little or no violence except for Silverado where it was a part of story development.
Many Americans do not have the time to enjoy or appreciate words or enjoy their meaning. The same is true of music. More rap, hip hop, rock or heavy metal is sold has sold more than classical. We are creating two distinct intellectual disciplines. People who enjoy and seek stimulation and information and those who want others to provide them with short bursts of stimulation and information.
I have just provided a short dissection of America today as I see it. Whether you take the time to read it in its entirety speaks volumes about both you and me.
Semper Paratus
Patriot, Sage, Seer
Saturday, May 24, 2014
The Emperor Has No Cloths And It Is Not Pretty
You will want to read this. Now that Der Fuhrer is in his second
term, he and his fellow travelers have taken off the mask and gloves.
There is no longer a pretense that he is just a 'liberal democrat.'
There is now more open talk of a Constitutional amendment to allow him
to run for a third term. Why not just sign an Executive Order?
believe Trey Gowdy and his Select Committee on Benghazi is our last
hope to take the POS down. I watched Watergate evolve and one man stood
out, Senator Sam Ervin. He used to refer to himself as a 'country
lawyer.' I see him in Trey. He asked a very important question at a
press conference that I feel if answered could bring down the
Administration just as Watergate unraveled Nixon's presidency. He said
he intended to find out what Chris Stevens was doing in Benghazi.
think many already know or suspect he was carrying out an
unconstitutional mission for the occupant of the White House. If that is proven, all
the actions taken during and after the attack will make sense. Just as
why we do not want to take into custody for interrogation,
any of the participants in the attack. If this had been an attack on
Israeli assets, they would have identified and eliminated all the
attackers within weeks.
Chris Stevens was on a
mission for Der Fuhrer, that if disclosed should bring him down. I
also suspect some family members of those killed are aware of the
mission their loved ones were on and do not want their memory tarnished
by the disclosure that they were 'following orders' in support of an
unconstitutional action.
I wish Trey Gowdy God
speed and his protection in disclosing the truth behind Benghazi. In my
perfect world, Der Fuhrer would be facing capitol murder charges, not
shucking and jiving with Hollywood elites, having lavish parties in
our White House and flashing his trademark pimp-like smile. I see Representative Gowdy as the only hope on the horizon to remove our dictatorial Muslim-Centric Socialist in Chief from an office that he has sullied by his mere presence for all too long.
Semper Paratus
Patriot, Sage, Seer
A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To SCOTUS
'Welcome to the party pal!' Larry Klaman has
the stones to say publicly what many have suspected since the ACA
ruling and Aaron Klein seemed taken aback. Has he been in a coma?
Larry Klayman on Justice Roberts and his ACA Turnabout
Larry Klayman on Justice Roberts and his ACA Turnabout
Roberts has clearly done or is involved In something so outrageous that
it could destroy him. MAD, Mutually Assured Destruction. He can not
disclose the blackmail or threat to himself or his family without
destroying himself in the process. His choices were rather simple, go
down in history as having been the pivotal vote on a flawed piece of
legislation that could destroy health care in America or destroy his
reputation and possibly subject him to prosecution or public ridicule. Could it have been something like this from The Godfather that caused him to rewrite the Affordable Care Act law?
have posted about this for years. You, who have never had your personal
and professional lives turned inside out by an intelligence agency can
not begin to understand how far they can and will go to compromise and
destroy you. I have a personal FBI file which's is heavily redacted. During discovery in
Guillory v Gates et al, the Orange County Sheriff's Intel Unit turned over boxes, yes
boxes of discovery in a companion case, Youngblood v Gates, where I was
the Plaintiff's investigator for a CA Superior Court Judge also suing
the Sheriff for First and Fourth Amendment violations.
was astounded at what a County Sheriff Intel Unit was able to acquire
on me. They had my high school records, recordings of associates and i
talking on the phone. Thank heaven they did not find the photos of me
cross dressing. :-) Just kidding, there are no original photos of me cross dressing. :-) Hey, a man's got to have a sense of humor.
The non believers can go
back and read L.A. Times and Orange County Register coverage on the
cases on the Internet. So when anyone expresses surprise at the
possibility that the most powerful intelligence agencies in the world could not
and did not take Justice Roberts life apart I have to laugh. I can
assure you this and possibly prior Administrations have complete files
on all 9 Justices, particularly the 'dating' history of Justices Kagan
and Sotomayor as well as copious files on the Speaker and all leading
members of both houses from both parties. 1984 is already here people.
Just as in Invasion of the Body Snatchers, it happened as we as a nation
slept. Anyone believe we can put this Genie back in the bottle?
can continue living your silly lives or you can educate yourselves.
Ever wonder how I acquired a reputation for my attitude about people in
general? Go read about my Federal case. George Carlin was correct when
he said most people are stupid, others are full of s&%t and some are
F"&#(?g nuts! It is true. Don't believe me? Then you are a part of
the greater problem.
Semper Paratus
Patriot, Sage, Seer
Semper Paratus
Patriot, Sage, Seer
Thursday, May 8, 2014
Humanitarian? Obama receives Yet Another Worthless Award
Another example
of our oman in chief having delusions of gender(?), oops I misspoke.
What I meant to say was delusions of grander. On second thought both
apply. Below, we can see the New President In Town, having a discussion with the award Committee.
Did you all see where he received
another award last night for his humanitarian efforts around the globe. I
guess the selection Committee was not up to speed on his feckless
actions on the recent kidnapping of over 300 school girls in Nigeria, who had the audacity to seek an education and that pesky genocide taking place in Darfur. Did you see that lame attempt to show solidarity by the first lady by showing a sign? I bet those kidnappers are checking their Twitter accounts and counting the negatives.
you wonder how many such awards Der Fuhrer received during his tenure. I
guess such a comparison is really not fair. After all the first Der
Fuhrer had half his country fooled and the other half scared to death of
An interesting irony of last nights
award is that it was created as a result of the holocaust and the
presenter was Steven Spielberg. I suspect Steven did not do enough
research on Hitler when he did Schindler's List. Oh the irony....... Below, you can see another famous humanitarian at an awards ceremony. Oh, we who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it. Can you hear that Seven Speilberg, you tool of socialism?
oman needs a Pulitzer Prize and an Oscar to top off his humanitarian
award and his Nobel Peace Prize. This way we can prove once and for all that all these awards are political and have as much value as a door
stop. Perhaps the Los Angeles Chapter of the NAACP could give him the award that was to be awarded to Clippers owner Donald Sterling. Makes as much sense.
Semper Paratus
Patriot, Bard, Seer
Tuesday, April 29, 2014
'When Government Violates The Law, Then There Isn't Any Law, Just A Fight For Survival'
Someone help me out here. When did
Federal laws become 'Advisory' or 'Discretionary'? Yes, there is what's
known as 'Prosecutorial discretion' that allows prosecutors some discretion in
how they enforce the law but the Executive Branch does not have any such
discretion. IT IS NOT IN THE CONSTITUTION! Our ‘oman in chief’ and AG eric
holder and various members of Congress like Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi
talk about the rule of law at the same time they are violating it.
Holder is in the process of
redefining rules for granting clemency. The aim is to release up to tens of
thousands of duly convicted felons because he and the ‘oman’ feel the sentences
they received were too harsh and in most cases the convicts were minorities.
These are people who broke societies laws and do not belong on the streets.
Their goal is to circumvent the law not enforce it. If Holder and the oman
believe certain laws are too harsh they need to make recommendations to
Congress to make appropriate changes. Neither the Attorney General nor any
President has the authority to unilaterally change or ignore the law. I know
what you are thinking, didn’t the ‘oman’ already do that about 30 times with
regard to his inappropriately named Affordable Care Act? Holder has created 6
new guidelines for processing requests for clemency. Let’s take a look at them.
inmates who are currently serving a federal sentence in
prison and, by operation of law, likely would have received a substantially
lower sentence if convicted of the same offense today;
This was the law at the time, they were aware or
should have been aware of it. Are we to go back in time to all convictions and
change them to reflect current punishments? What about states who have
eliminated the death penalty? Now it sounds rather silly now doesn’t it?
2) are non-violent, low-level offenders without significant ties to large-scale criminal organizations, gangs, or cartels;
Now isn’t this special. Why allow any felon with any ties to any of these stellar ‘gentlemen’s’ clubs be considered?
3) have served at least 10 years of their sentence;
This one is not too outrageous as to offend this man of the law.
4) do not have a significant criminal history;
Now this one takes us into Bill Clinton territory. What ‘is’ ‘significant’? They might want to spell this one out. It is vague just like #2
have demonstrated good conduct in prison;
Most people behave themselves in prison as there are fewer opportunities to engage in the same criminal activity that caused their incarceration.
6) have no history of violence prior to or during their current term of imprisonment.
Same as #3.
If you apply their mindset to the
average person you are sending a message that if you do not like a certain law
you may ignore it and government will look the other way. Holder did exactly
that with regard to the ‘New’ Black Panthers in the Philadelphia voter
intimidation case. I place the word ‘New’ with regard to the Black Panther
Party lest they be confused with their predecessors. I guess there is a good
chance both the ‘New’ Black Panthers and the tens of thousands Federal felons
committed their crimes as 'an act of love' as the fool Jeb Bush recently said
of illegal aliens. If I were to carry this thinking forward as it applies
to me here is what I would do.
I would immediately remove the
California mandated 'bullet button' on my AR15 LE PRO and replace it with a mag release. I would go to
a friendly gun smith and convert the same weapon to fire three round bursts
just like law enforcement. I would allow my CCW to expire as I should not need it
to carry concealed. I would begin loaded open carry when it is more
comfortable. I will acquire silencers for my pistols. I do not particularly like those laws so I am no longer going to
comply. Besides, I feel violating these laws and others are not showing
contempt for the law, but simply an act of love on my part.
Hey, I have a great idea. How about
each of you sending me a short list of laws you do not like. I can make up a
master list and send them to obama and holder so they will know to commute your
sentence or pardon you after conviction. See how much fun this can be? See how
ridiculous this whole line of thinking is? This is how this rogue, outlaw
Administration is operating with Congress asleep at the wheel. No one in Congress wants to Impeach the first black President or Attorney General. 'Putney Swope Syndrome' which I shall explain in my nest Post.
Hey, just got an idea. If you are the first of any group or unique in some sense lets let the same rules apply. We will never consider Impeaching a women, Gay or Lesbian President regardless of how wantonly they violate the Constitution. Yes, this could become the new norm in America. If you are the first of anything, Congress will give you a free pass. I made a small error by leaving out NAMBLA. For those who really do not get out much, that is the North American Man Boy Love Association. They are always recruiting. We must be inclusive here. We have already heard both obama and holder say you should be allowed to marry anyone you love without regard to gender so why should a NAMBLA member not be qualified to be President? We as a society will have opened up the Presidency to a wider range of candidates. This seems to be a natural progression as we move towards an 'anything goes it it feels good' society. Forget the Constitution, forget over 200 years of America's Judeo-Christian history. Those old white farmers could not have possibly imagined what the future would bring now could they?
The recent disclosures about a Hollywood sex ring involving a then, 15 year old male should tell us all a lot about where we are going as a society. The four accused entertainment industry giants are all 'hardcore' Democrats and obama 'A' list party people at his fundraisers on the West Coast. Now a little background. The victim is now in his 20's. He tells his mother about being given drugs and alcohol and transported to Hawaii and other locations for the gratification of these men when he was a teenager. She contacts the FBI. They interview her and then........ sound of crickets. No subpena for a Grand Jury or any follow up. Just that annoying sound of silence. Now lets recap. An allegation is made that a minor was sexually abused by wealthy Democrats in the entertainment industry. The victim was transported across state lines to Hawaii and possibly other locales. FBI is contacted and then does nothing. My law enforcement background tells me a number of things here. Multiple felonies, including the Mann Act all of which fall under Federal law. FBI works under Department of Justice. DOJ is headed by one eric holder. Holder, unlike a real AG who is independent and actually enforces the law, has had obama's back, if you will excuse the visual, since the get go. Obama has a Hawaii connection although years removed from these allegations.
Yuck!, Left's Push For Adult-Child Sex
Let me tell you all a little story from when I was in Law enforcement. It was common knowledge what the entertainment industry on both coasts was full of 'chicken hawks.' The kind of chicken's they liked had nothing to do with Col. Sander's. These chicken hawks preyed on your boys and men. I doubt anything has changed. I patrolled one of the wealthiest communities in the state. I can not be more specific than that without compromising my identity. Those who worked in LE when I did and currently do, know what section of Los Angeles County of which I speak. I saw all manner of perversion including our local 'chicken hawks.' Saw things that reminded me of the biblical description of Sodom and Gomorrah. Do not kid yourselves Patriots, the type of activity described above does go on and it is covered up by LE at all levels depending on how well connected the participants are. Don't you think this young man's allegations justify more than one interview with his mother? Where is the Federal Grand Jury on this? Oh, I almost forgot, the one in Miami has been rather busy investigating Democratic Senator Robert Menendez. Allegations he is accepting illegal gifts and flights to the Dominican Republic home of a wealthy donor and having sex with under age girls during these trips. I can understand the need for a married man, with adult children, Democratic US Senator having the need to get away from the hustle and bustle of Washington and seek relaxation in the 'arms' of a teenage girl. Is this so abnormal? You bet your sweet ass it is. And why has it taken the Grand Jury over one year to conduct its investigation. Here, let me recap. Federal Grand Juries are impaneled by the Justice Department. A Deputy or Assistant AG conducts the inquiry. This Deputy or Assistant works under, wait for it, yes eric holder. See how it all works or should I be saying, how it does not work.
US Senator Robert Menendez Being Investigated By Federal Grand Jury For Possible Sex With Minor Girls In Dominican Republic
Hey, just got an idea. If you are the first of any group or unique in some sense lets let the same rules apply. We will never consider Impeaching a women, Gay or Lesbian President regardless of how wantonly they violate the Constitution. Yes, this could become the new norm in America. If you are the first of anything, Congress will give you a free pass. I made a small error by leaving out NAMBLA. For those who really do not get out much, that is the North American Man Boy Love Association. They are always recruiting. We must be inclusive here. We have already heard both obama and holder say you should be allowed to marry anyone you love without regard to gender so why should a NAMBLA member not be qualified to be President? We as a society will have opened up the Presidency to a wider range of candidates. This seems to be a natural progression as we move towards an 'anything goes it it feels good' society. Forget the Constitution, forget over 200 years of America's Judeo-Christian history. Those old white farmers could not have possibly imagined what the future would bring now could they?
The recent disclosures about a Hollywood sex ring involving a then, 15 year old male should tell us all a lot about where we are going as a society. The four accused entertainment industry giants are all 'hardcore' Democrats and obama 'A' list party people at his fundraisers on the West Coast. Now a little background. The victim is now in his 20's. He tells his mother about being given drugs and alcohol and transported to Hawaii and other locations for the gratification of these men when he was a teenager. She contacts the FBI. They interview her and then........ sound of crickets. No subpena for a Grand Jury or any follow up. Just that annoying sound of silence. Now lets recap. An allegation is made that a minor was sexually abused by wealthy Democrats in the entertainment industry. The victim was transported across state lines to Hawaii and possibly other locales. FBI is contacted and then does nothing. My law enforcement background tells me a number of things here. Multiple felonies, including the Mann Act all of which fall under Federal law. FBI works under Department of Justice. DOJ is headed by one eric holder. Holder, unlike a real AG who is independent and actually enforces the law, has had obama's back, if you will excuse the visual, since the get go. Obama has a Hawaii connection although years removed from these allegations.
Yuck!, Left's Push For Adult-Child Sex
Let me tell you all a little story from when I was in Law enforcement. It was common knowledge what the entertainment industry on both coasts was full of 'chicken hawks.' The kind of chicken's they liked had nothing to do with Col. Sander's. These chicken hawks preyed on your boys and men. I doubt anything has changed. I patrolled one of the wealthiest communities in the state. I can not be more specific than that without compromising my identity. Those who worked in LE when I did and currently do, know what section of Los Angeles County of which I speak. I saw all manner of perversion including our local 'chicken hawks.' Saw things that reminded me of the biblical description of Sodom and Gomorrah. Do not kid yourselves Patriots, the type of activity described above does go on and it is covered up by LE at all levels depending on how well connected the participants are. Don't you think this young man's allegations justify more than one interview with his mother? Where is the Federal Grand Jury on this? Oh, I almost forgot, the one in Miami has been rather busy investigating Democratic Senator Robert Menendez. Allegations he is accepting illegal gifts and flights to the Dominican Republic home of a wealthy donor and having sex with under age girls during these trips. I can understand the need for a married man, with adult children, Democratic US Senator having the need to get away from the hustle and bustle of Washington and seek relaxation in the 'arms' of a teenage girl. Is this so abnormal? You bet your sweet ass it is. And why has it taken the Grand Jury over one year to conduct its investigation. Here, let me recap. Federal Grand Juries are impaneled by the Justice Department. A Deputy or Assistant AG conducts the inquiry. This Deputy or Assistant works under, wait for it, yes eric holder. See how it all works or should I be saying, how it does not work.
US Senator Robert Menendez Being Investigated By Federal Grand Jury For Possible Sex With Minor Girls In Dominican Republic
I will put this all in
perspective later this week when I Post my 'Putney Swope' explanation of
Holder, obama, Valerie Jarrett and others who are using the Putney Swope method
of violating all accepted societal norms and laws and why Congress just sits
there motionless. I think that is one Post that you will really enjoy as you
read it and have an epiphany at the same time. Time to start thinking outside
the box people before this ghetto gang completely destroys our country.
Semper Paratus
Inspector Javert
Patriot, Bard & Seer
Semper Paratus
Inspector Javert
Patriot, Bard & Seer
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
Will Obama's Perceived Weakness Get The United States Into WWIII?
I was about to begin researching a
new Post on obama as 'Putney Swope.' Unfortunately the events unfolding in Ukraine,Crimea and Poland have drawn my attention as they are of far greater concern.
We are moving American troops to
Poland for 'previously scheduled' joint maneuvers. Think about that last
statement for a moment. What would be the purpose for these maneuvers under
normal circumstances? Poland only has one potential adversaries in the region,
Eliminate the current crisis in
Crimea and this would seem rather innocuous as we have joint maneuvers with
NATO allies all the time. Now I want you to factor in a world economy on the
brink of collapse due in large part to American borrowing. Now add an American
president who is viewed as a joke to most world leaders. As previously stated,
Putin is playing Chess while obama is playing Checkers. obama has
projected weakness for five years. Putin has used that weakness to his
advantage in Crimea and elsewhere. It is the 'Butterfly Effect.' Every significant action starts a chain of events, the end of which most are unable to perceive. I perceive obama having already set into motion by his policies and his 'weak sister' leadership style, a series of events that can bring the United States to its knees. Other world leaders, depending upon ideology are taking appropriate actions to protect their countries and political futures.
Now one of two scenarios may be
about to play out. obama may overreact in Europe to counter his perceived
weakness and inadvertently trigger a regional war or in a 'Sum Of All Fears'
scenario trigger WWIII. It will be a Steve Erkel 'Did I Do That?' moment.
The other possible scenario is no
less scary. obama needs a diversion for the masses. Sports, reality tv,
legal and illegal drugs, rampant sexual perversion on a par with Sodom and Gomorrah no longer providing
sufficient diversions from runaway inflation, massive unemployment and various
types of social upheaval, he sees an out. Nothing like a 'popular' war to get
the country on the same page. obama may see a way out of the dilemma he has
helped foster if not create. Unite the American people behind a war with the
evil Russians. Americans having been so dumb downed by the media and academia,
would easily buy into this
Thank you for hearing me out. I
really hope I am off the rails on this one. I set out to inform and
entertain, not to scare you. I realize I have just done that which I wanted to avoid. If you scare easy, boo! Now obama is the scariest person in the room.
Semper Paratus
Inspector Javert
Patriot, Bard & Seer
Dr. Strangelove,
Foreign Policy,
Major 'Kong',
Putney Swope,
Sodom and Gomorrah,
Sum of All Fears,
Weak Sister,
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