California Concealed Carry Assistance

Attention: All active Military personnel and their families. ISSI or ISSL if you please, has called for attacks on military personnel and their families. They first suggested attacks on military personnel but yesterday, October 2, 2014, they raised the ante and are now calling for attacks on military personnel dependents. We will assist these two categories of applicants in California without charge. It will be very difficult for any Sheriff or Chief in any county to deny an applicant in these categories with full documentation. I am former military and want to see my brothers and sisters in arms protected.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

'When Government Violates The Law, Then There Isn't Any Law, Just A Fight For Survival'


Someone help me out here. When did Federal laws become 'Advisory' or 'Discretionary'?  Yes, there is what's known as 'Prosecutorial discretion' that allows prosecutors some discretion in how they enforce the law but the Executive Branch does not have any such discretion. IT IS NOT IN THE CONSTITUTION! Our ‘oman in chief’ and AG eric holder  and various members of Congress like Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi talk about the rule of law at the same time they are violating it.

Holder is in the process of redefining rules for granting clemency. The aim is to release up to tens of thousands of duly convicted felons because he and the ‘oman’ feel the sentences they received were too harsh and in most cases the convicts were minorities. These are people who broke societies laws and do not belong on the streets. Their goal is to circumvent the law not enforce it. If Holder and the oman believe certain laws are too harsh they need to make recommendations to Congress to make appropriate changes. Neither the Attorney General nor any President has the authority to unilaterally change or ignore the law. I know what you are thinking, didn’t the ‘oman’ already do that about 30 times with regard to his inappropriately named Affordable Care Act? Holder has created 6 new guidelines for processing requests for clemency. Let’s take a look at them.

1)      inmates who are currently serving a federal sentence in prison and, by operation of law, likely would have received a substantially lower sentence if convicted of the same offense today;
This was the law at the time, they were aware or should have been aware of it. Are we to go back in time to all convictions and change them to reflect current punishments? What about states who have eliminated the death penalty? Now it sounds rather silly now doesn’t it?

2)      are non-violent, low-level offenders without significant ties to large-scale criminal organizations, gangs, or cartels;

Now isn’t this special. Why allow any felon with any ties to any of these stellar ‘gentlemen’s’ clubs be considered?

3)      have served at least 10 years of their sentence;

This one is not too outrageous as to offend this man of the law.

4)      do not have a significant criminal history;

Now this one takes us into Bill Clinton territory. What ‘is’ ‘significant’? They might want to spell this one out. It is vague just like #2

 5)      have demonstrated good conduct in prison;

Most people behave themselves in prison as there are fewer opportunities to engage in the same criminal activity that caused their incarceration.

6)      have no history of violence prior to or during their current term of imprisonment.

Same as #3.

If you apply their mindset to the average person you are sending a message that if you do not like a certain law you may ignore it and government will look the other way. Holder did exactly that with regard to the ‘New’ Black Panthers in the Philadelphia voter intimidation case. I place the word ‘New’ with regard to the Black Panther Party lest they be confused with their predecessors. I guess there is a good chance both the ‘New’ Black Panthers and the tens of thousands Federal felons committed their crimes as 'an act of love' as the fool Jeb Bush recently said of illegal aliens.  If I were to carry this thinking forward as it applies to me here is what I would do.

I would immediately remove the California mandated 'bullet button' on my AR15 LE PRO and replace it with a mag release.  I would go to a friendly gun smith and convert the same weapon to fire three round bursts just like law enforcement. I would allow my CCW to expire as I should not need it to carry concealed. I would begin loaded open carry when it is more comfortable. I will acquire silencers for my pistols. I do not particularly like those laws so I am no longer going to comply. Besides, I feel violating these laws and others are not showing contempt for the law, but simply an act of love on my part.

Hey, I have a great idea. How about each of you sending me a short list of laws you do not like. I can make up a master list and send them to obama and holder so they will know to commute your sentence or pardon you after conviction. See how much fun this can be? See how ridiculous this whole line of thinking is?  This is how this rogue, outlaw Administration is operating with Congress asleep at the wheel. No one in Congress wants to Impeach the first black President or Attorney General. 'Putney Swope Syndrome' which I shall explain in my nest Post. 

Hey, just got an idea. If you are the first of any group or unique in some sense lets let the same rules apply. We will never consider Impeaching a women, Gay or Lesbian President regardless of how wantonly they violate the Constitution. Yes, this could become the new norm in America. If you are the first of anything, Congress will give you a free pass. I made a small error by leaving out NAMBLA. For those who really do not get out much, that is the North American Man Boy Love Association. They are always recruiting. We must be inclusive here. We have already heard both obama and holder say you should be allowed to marry anyone you love without regard to gender so why should a NAMBLA member not be qualified to be President? We as a society will have opened up the Presidency to a wider range of candidates. This seems to be a natural progression as we move towards an 'anything goes it it feels good' society. Forget the Constitution, forget over 200 years of America's Judeo-Christian history. Those old white farmers could not have possibly imagined what the future would bring now could they? 

The recent disclosures about a Hollywood sex ring involving a then, 15 year old male should tell us all a lot about where we are going as a society. The four accused entertainment industry giants are all 'hardcore' Democrats and obama 'A' list party people at his fundraisers on the West Coast. Now a little background. The victim is now in his 20's. He tells his mother about being given drugs and alcohol and transported to Hawaii and other locations for the gratification of these men when he was a teenager. She contacts the FBI. They interview her and then........ sound of crickets. No subpena for a Grand Jury or any follow up. Just that annoying sound of silence. Now lets recap. An allegation is made that a minor was sexually abused by wealthy Democrats in the entertainment industry. The victim was transported across state lines to Hawaii and possibly other locales. FBI is contacted and then does nothing. My law enforcement background tells me a number of things here. Multiple felonies, including the Mann Act all of which fall under Federal law. FBI works under Department of Justice. DOJ is headed by one eric holder. Holder, unlike a real AG who is independent and actually enforces the law, has had obama's back, if you will excuse the visual, since the get go. Obama has a Hawaii connection although years removed from these allegations. 

Yuck!, Left's Push For Adult-Child Sex 

Let me tell you all a little story from when I was in Law enforcement. It was common knowledge what the entertainment industry on both coasts was full of 'chicken hawks.' The kind of chicken's they liked had nothing to do with Col. Sander's. These chicken hawks preyed on your boys and men. I doubt anything has changed. I patrolled one of the wealthiest communities in the state. I can not be more specific than that without compromising my identity. Those who worked in LE when I did and currently do, know what section of Los Angeles County of which I speak. I saw all manner of perversion including our local 'chicken hawks.' Saw things that reminded me of the biblical description of Sodom and Gomorrah. Do not kid yourselves Patriots, the type of activity described above does go on and it is covered up by LE at all levels depending on how well connected the participants are. Don't you think this young man's allegations justify more than one interview with his mother? Where is the Federal Grand Jury on this? Oh, I almost forgot, the one in Miami has been rather busy investigating Democratic Senator Robert Menendez. Allegations he is accepting illegal gifts and flights to the Dominican Republic home of a wealthy donor and having sex with under age girls during these trips. I can understand the need for a married man, with adult children, Democratic US Senator having the need to get away from the hustle and bustle of Washington and seek relaxation in the 'arms' of a teenage girl. Is this so abnormal? You bet your sweet ass it is. And why has it taken the Grand Jury over one year to conduct its investigation. Here, let me recap. Federal Grand Juries are impaneled by the Justice Department.  A Deputy or Assistant AG conducts the inquiry. This Deputy or Assistant works under, wait for it, yes eric holder. See how it all works or should I be saying, how it does not work.

US Senator Robert Menendez Being Investigated By Federal Grand Jury For Possible Sex With Minor Girls In Dominican Republic

I will put this all in perspective later this week when I Post my 'Putney Swope' explanation of Holder, obama, Valerie Jarrett and others who are using the Putney Swope method of violating all accepted societal norms and laws and why Congress just sits there motionless. I think that is one Post that you will really enjoy as you read it and have an epiphany at the same time. Time to start thinking outside the box people before this ghetto gang completely destroys our country.

Semper Paratus

Inspector Javert
Patriot, Bard & Seer

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Will Obama's Perceived Weakness Get The United States Into WWIII?


I was about to begin researching a new Post on obama as 'Putney Swope.' Unfortunately the events unfolding in Ukraine,Crimea and Poland have drawn my attention as they are of far greater concern.

We are moving American troops to Poland for 'previously scheduled' joint maneuvers. Think about that last statement for a moment. What would be the purpose for these maneuvers under normal circumstances? Poland only has one potential adversaries in the region, Russia!

Eliminate the current crisis in Crimea and this would seem rather innocuous as we have joint maneuvers with NATO allies all the time. Now I want you to factor in a world economy on the brink of collapse due in large part to American borrowing. Now add an American president who is viewed as a joke to most world leaders. As previously stated,  Putin is playing Chess while obama is playing Checkers. obama has projected weakness for five years. Putin has used that weakness to his advantage in Crimea and elsewhere. It is the 'Butterfly Effect.' Every significant action starts a chain of events, the end of which most are unable to perceive. I perceive obama having already set into motion by his policies and his 'weak sister' leadership style, a series of events that can bring the United States to its knees. Other world leaders, depending upon ideology are taking appropriate actions to protect their countries and political futures.

Now one of two scenarios may be about to play out. obama may overreact in Europe to counter his perceived weakness and inadvertently trigger a regional war or in a 'Sum Of All Fears' scenario trigger WWIII. It will be a Steve Erkel 'Did I Do That?' moment.

The other possible scenario is no less scary. obama needs a diversion for the masses. Sports, reality tv,  legal and illegal drugs, rampant sexual perversion on a par with Sodom and Gomorrah no longer providing sufficient diversions from runaway inflation, massive unemployment and various types of social upheaval, he sees an out. Nothing like a 'popular' war to get the country on the same page. obama may see a way out of the dilemma he has helped foster if not create. Unite the American people behind a war with the evil Russians. Americans having been so dumb downed by the media and academia, would easily buy into this 

Thank you for hearing me out. I really hope I am off the rails on this one. I set out to inform and entertain, not to scare you. I realize I have just done that which I wanted to avoid. If you scare easy, boo! Now obama is the scariest person in the room.

Semper Paratus

Inspector Javert
Patriot, Bard & Seer

Sunday, April 20, 2014

How Cliven Bundy Can Get The Federal Government Off His Back


Rancher Cliven Bundy was not represented by counsel nor did he have a Public Relations person assisting him in his recent battle with the BLM. I have a number of things he can do to mitigate the issues.

He could decorate his ranch with pro Russian/Communist posters like Jay Carney and his lovely spouse, ABC's own Claire Shipman have adorning their home.

He could have his cattle graze on marijuana, to demonstrate to government that he is forward looking, and ecologically minded.

He could rename his ranch Benghazi West and be assured no Federal agency would come near it and when asked questions about it they would obfuscate and flat out lie. obama would relocate all BLM personnel to posts across the world thus making it virtually impossible for Congressional investigators to locate and interview them.

He could donate a large sum to Alzheimer's research in the name of Harry Reid.

He could claim his cattle all have some 'Black Angus' ancestry and request immediate protection from the Justice Department citing possible 'black cattle intimidation.'

Mr. Bundy could offer part of his land to build a Mosque. That would further appease the 'Justice is Blind' Justice Department.

He could further point out that he was well, watch the clip:

                                       'Sheriff murdered, women stampeded and cattle raped'

In order to show the Federal government that cattle are not the primary source of farts = methane, he can make an Offer of proof that they are not the prime offenders:

In order to show that he was all inclusive, he could sponsor a 'Blue Oyster Dance'
for all members of Law Enforcement and especially the BLM where all could: 'come as you really want to be.'

And last but not least, he could do an Elizabeth Warren, and claim Native Heritage. That would endear him to the Federal government and a host of special interest groups. His family would qualify for college tuition and he could open a Casino on his land.

Allow me to recap. If Mr. Bundy would claim Native Ancestry, insinuate he may be gay or at least gay friendly, Islam-Centric, an advocate of marijuana use, believes the Administration line on Benghazi: 'There was nothing we could do to help those brave Americans' and an environmentalist he might even be nominated for a Nobel Prize. I understand they had either lowered or eliminated the bar since obama (small 'o' intentional).

'When the government violates the law, then there isn't any law, just a fight for survival' 

 Semper Paratus

Inspector Javert
Patriot & Bard

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

The Rule of Law or The Law of Rule?


For the past 4.5 years, the United States has been ruled by an Administration that believes in the Law of Rule. That meaning, who ever sits in the Oval Office may rule by fiat without any regard to the Constitution or Congress. We have seen the Attorney General ignore black on white crime in Philadelphia at a Polling place where New Black Panther's intimidated white voters while dressed in fatigues and carrying police type batons. That is a crime in most states but it is Federal because it dealt with voter intimidation. Oops, the voters were the wrong color so AG Holder decided to pass on criminal prosecution.

Then we have the ATF at Holder's behest trafficking weapons into Mexico, violating the sovereignty of that country. When called on his conduct by Congress, he refused to provide subpoenaed documents. The President then invoked Executive Privilege and Congress held Holder in Contempt of Congress. Now do not confuse that with the contempt the average citizen has for Congress, as this one has sanctions. The matter is currently working its way through the courts. We have holder refusing to enforce or defend the Defensive Marriage Act. He recently told all 50, or 57 state Attorney General's, if you go by the Presidents count, that they can ignore laws they do not believe in or like such as the Gay Marriage ban in place in many states.

Holder to state AG's, You do not have to enforce laws you disagree with

The President made Recess Appointments while Congress was not in recess. A Federal Court struck that down. The President has signed an Executive Order, The Dream Act, allowing a certain category of illegal aliens to be immune from arrest and deportation, He did this after Congress voted down The Dream Act. He has ordered the INS and Border Patrol to not arrest or deport illegal aliens where the adult is the sole support of his or her family of illegal aliens. He has directed, through the Director of DHS, Border Patrol Agents to turn back illegals caught near the border, catch and release if you please rather than arrest and deport them. By not deporting them, they do not get a record and they are not subject to criminal sanctions when caught in the future. The President has all but eliminated workplace raids, sending a message to anyone willing to enter illegally that if they get past the Border Patrol and put down roots they will not be molested and stand a good chance of never having to leave.

I could go on but I thinks most get the idea. The totality of ignoring laws you do not like or do not believe in has become a hallmark of this outlaw Administration. If we take this down to the average citizen you beget crimes like the 'Knock Out Game', where unsuspecting whites are routinely attacked by black youths without provocation, with the intent being to knock them to the ground, unconscious if possible. Then we come to Nevada Rancher Cliven Bundy. I do not agree fully with Mr. Bundy's assertions about Federal grazing fees and states rights preempting Federal authority. That is a matter for the courts. But, the BLM in the most heavy handed way possible, invaded Mr. Bundy's land with hired cowboys from Utah and helicopters, ATV's and horses and set about rustling, yes I said rustling, his cattle. There are appropriate means to settle this dispute but the actions by this rogue Administration were so outrageous that supporters of the Constitution and militias seized upon this to come to Nevada to support his position. Sensing their actions were just a noise like a gunshot or an actual gunshot away from a Waco or Ruby Ridge situation, someone in DC told the BLM to stand down. Watching the 'comedy' that was developing on the part of the BLM I could not help but think of this scene from Blazing Saddles where 'Hedley Lamar' is recruiting an outlaw gang to attack the Town of Rock Ridge:
'Rustling cattle from a private citizen's ranch? Kinky'

Under this outlaw Administration we have seen a disrespect for laws at all levels of society, a lack of civility never before seen and a general 'I can get away with anything' on the part of millions of citizens. We have tens of thousands of slackers buying lobster on their EBT Cards (formerly Food Stamp Cards), using Obama Phones, living in Section 8 housing and showing no desire whatsoever to seek any type of employment. The Administration is always talking about fraud in various government programs such as Medicaid, Social Security Disability, Food Stamps and many other programs designed to get people back on their feet. What this administration has actually done is to foster disrespect for all laws and rather than helping truly needy people get back on to their feet, it has helped many to stand on the back of hard working, honest people who follow the law. Did I mention that the company with the contract to provide 'Obama Phones' Trac Phones, is owned by a major contributor and 'Bundler' for his campaigns? Did I also fail to mention that the company with the contract to Administer the EBT card program is, you guessed it, another large contributor to his campaigns, Wells Fargo.

See how it works, you contribute to the party in power and they give you lucrative contracts in return. Wait a cotton pickin minute. Did Obama not promise to stop special favors, eliminate crony capitalism, eliminate fraud, reduce lobbyists influence and make his the most transparent Administration in history? I guess the reality of the Beltway sunk in real fast. He has simply decided to do as he damn well pleases knowing Congress does not have the stomach to Impeach the first black President. Private jets, unlimited expense account as long as he can tie his travel to some obscure government activity. How about that Cultural Trip by Michelle to China with her mother, two daughters and entourage? I guess her two daughters and Mrs. Robinson, her mother, have more background in Cultural matters than anyone could have imagined.

And if this could not get any worse we have 'Dirty Harry' Reid backed by his son Rory, chiding Mr. Bundy with his warning that 'This is not over.' Think he struck a Dirty Harry type pose when he uttered this?  'I am a United States Senator,  Majority Leader, one of the most powerful positions in the world. I am capable of destroying everything you have worked all your life for. You have to be asking yourself, did I shoot off my mouth, six times or only five? I have all the resources of the Federal government at my disposal. You have to ask yourself, do you feel lucky. Well do you citizen?'

Will we see more confrontations like the Bundy/BLM in the future? Unfortunately I believe we shall and they may not all end as peacefully as did this one. One more thing. On the learning curve, if the BLM want to play Spec Ops in the future, they should make sure they do not allow themselves to be outflanked by a Militia man on an overpass with a sniper rifle as seen on FOX News.

'When the government violates the law, then there isn't any law, just a fight for survival'

Semper Paratus

Inspector Javert

Saturday, April 12, 2014

'...Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.'


'Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness', are in the Declaration of Independence. Ever wonder how the phrase came about?

Jefferson's "original Rough draught" is on exhibit in the Library of Congress. This version was used by Julian Boyd to create a transcript of Jefferson's draft, which reads:
We hold these truths to be sacred & undeniable; that all men are created equal & independent, that from that equal creation they derive rights inherent & inalienable, among which are the preservation of life, & liberty, & the pursuit of happiness; ...

The Clinton Administration removed this right with:

A Clinton Administration revision to Department of Defense Directive 5210.56 — Army Regulation 190-14, dated 12 March 1993 — permits the Secretary of the Army to authorize military personnel to carry firearms “on a case by case basis” for personal protection within the continental United States, but forbids military personnel to carry their own personal firearms and both requires “a credible and specific threat” before firearms be issued for military personnel to protect themselves. It further directs that firearms “not be issued indiscriminately for that purpose.”

The victims of the April 2nd, 2014 attack were denied these 'Rights' by fiat of President Clinton, who never spent one day in the military. The men and women who serve and die for this great country are denied the right to defend themselves on American military bases. At least one of the soldiers under attack that April  had a LTC/CCW or a state license to carry a concealed firearm on their person. The average soldier on any military base is more at risk on Base than they would be at a 7/11, bank or any place a bad guy may select to rob. When I went through counter terrorism training after 9/11/01, we were instructed in how draft a plan to select a target, plan an attack and then we would change sides, if you please and have to draft a plan to counter that very attack. The goal of the attack being to inflict maximum casualties and at the same time inflict maximum fear among the civilian population of future attacks. We discussed police stations and military bases as possible targets. Police stations were quickly eliminated as possible targets as being to dangerous for the attackers as the personnel there would fire back. Military bases were determined to be far 'softer' targets. Although the average military base has a variety of weapons on hand based upon its missions, they are all under lock and key in armories. To access and disperse them to personnel would be a time consuming and logistical impossibility. Due to the uniqueness of military bases, only MP's or civilian gate guards are on duty 24/7. Due to the distances between gates, backing each other up would be a virtual impossibility. If a well armed adversary or a group were to attack, they could cause untold causalities before base personnel or outside civilian law enforcement could arrive on scene. We saw what Major Nidal Hasan was able to do alone in his attack of  November 5th, 2009. I do not like to play what if but what if it had been two or more attackers? He killed 13 and injured scores of people acting alone.

We have made our military men and women the obvious political target of choice after certain civilian targets which I will not telegraph here. We have in essence made them sitting ducks. Congress has an opportunity to change this with passage of HR 3199, 'Safe Military Bases Act'. Put forth by Representative Steve Stockman. Unlike other gun laws that do not require Presidential approval, this law needs immediate passage and implementation. Any personnel possessing a valid license to carry in the state where the base is located should be allowed to carry while on the base. Police Officers carry at all times when in the station and of duty. We do not disarm except when booking a prisoner. Why would we not allow military personnel, the best trained people in the country, to carry firearms on bases?

Lighting has struck twice at Ft. Hood. Are we going to wait for another attack at this or any other military base anywhere in the United States?

Here is First Lieutenant Patrick Cook’s full open letter addressing the Fort Hood shooting:
To my friends, fellow Texans, brothers in arms, members of the committee, and everyone within the sound of my voice, greetings.
My name is First Lieutenant Patrick Cook of the 49th Transportation Battalion, Fort Hood, Texas, and this past Wednesday I found myself trapped in an enclosed room with fourteen of my fellow Soldiers, one of whom was barricading the door against a madman with a .45 pistol when he was fatally shot. Through what I can only describe as a miracle, he somehow found enough strength to continue pushing against that door until the shooter gave up and went elsewhere, at which time he collapsed. Nearly a week later, I can still taste his blood in my mouth from when I and my comrades breathed into his lungs for 20 long minutes while we waited for a response from the authorities. This Soldier’s name was Sergeant First Class Daniel Ferguson, and his sacrifice loaned me the rest of my life to tell this story.
But I write to you today not to memorialize this brave Soldier, nor to tell a war story about how we made the best of a losing situation, but to express the part of that story that some in high positions of power clearly do not want told: I knew this was going to happen. I had been saying for five years that Fort Hood was a tinderbox of another massacre waiting to happen. It had to happen, because our betters failed to learn the obvious lesson of five years ago. Worse yet, I know it will happen again. More will die, more will be wounded, more families will be torn apart, needlessly. It happened again, and will happen again, because Fort Hood is a gun-free zone.
When the first shots rang out, my hand reached to my belt for something that wasn’t there. Something that could have put a stop to the bloodshed, could have made it merely an “ugly incident” instead of the horrific massacre that I will surely remember as the darkest twenty minutes of my life. Stripped of my God-given Right to arm myself, the only defensive posture I had left was to lie prostrate on the ground, and wait to die. As the shooter kicked at the door, I remember telling myself, “oh well, this is it.” It is beneath human dignity to experience the utter helplessness I felt that day. I cannot abide the thought that anyone should ever feel that again.
At the point blank range at which this shooting occurred, anyone with an M9 and some basic instruction could have ended the mayhem as quickly as it began. An MP by trade and a CHL holder, I am convinced that concealed weapons would have stopped it, but openly carried side-arms, like the ones carried in a law enforcement capacity, could have prevented it entirely. Instead, many more died because of the fatally misguided restrictions on the carrying of arms, which obviously the madman did not respect.
I shall conclude by restating my warning. This will happen again, and again until we learn the lesson that suppressing the bearing of arms doesn’t prevent horrific crimes, it invites them. To those of you who hold elected office, if you hear nothing else I have told you, hear this: you have the power to stop the next massacre from happening. You have an opportunity to restore the sacred Right to bear arms, which has been either stripped entirely or unjustly relegated to the poor substitute of a probationary, government-issued privilege. For God’s sake, do the right thing.
Thank you for your attention, and good day.

Semper Paratus

Inspector Javert
California Concealed Carry

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Fort Hood Victims

Our Brothers in Arms. Rest in Peace.

Stafff Sgt. Carlos A. Lazaney-Rodriguez

Timothy Wayne Owens
Sgt. 1St. Class Daniel Michael Ferguson

 Sgt. Timothy Wayne Owens

Inspector Javert
Veteran & Patriot


Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Benghazi House Hearings, Former Deputy CIA Director Michael Morell, He Is no Jack Ryan!


I make a point to remove all weapons from the room and objects within reach that I can throw at the screen when watching members and former members of this Administration 'testifying under oath' before the House or Senate. I watched virtually the entire hearing today before the House Intelligence Committee. That name is a misnomer for several members of this committee. Most of the Dems fawned over Mike Morell and thanked him for his years of service with CIA. Lots of soft ball questions.

The reason for the first public hearing for Mr. Morell was for the purpose of determining his role in changing the Susan Rice talking points and what the president knew and when he knew it. We will talk about that in a moment. I have testified in State and Federal court numerous times and watched hundreds of witnesses testify in my capacity as a Deputy Sheriff and later as a Private Investigator. I watch body language, hands and subtle signals most untrained observers do not see. Mr. Morell was very thirsty or the hearing room was very hot. He went through at least 4 small bottles of water over the course of 90 minutes. I was thinking if he needed that much water to keep his mouth moist while testifying he may have had some sort of medical condition that warranted IV fluids. :-) He sat hunched forward in his chair and spoke without emotion in response to questions. His posture was tight, his body not relaxed. I had the feeling I was watching a man with a conscience who was saying things he did not believe and for reasons that only he knows the answer to. I saw a man compromised for reasons of loyalty and self interest. It was not pleasant to watch.

As to what he may have shared with the President, that was quite muddled. He acknowledged having staff meetings at the White House as late as the Saturday prior to Susan Rice appearing on all the Sunday 'political' shows selling the White House Story. He denied informing anyone at the White House of errors he saw in the talking points. He further denied telling anyone at the White House that the attack was led by Al Qaeda after he became aware of it. He was asked why he did not place the CIA Station Chief's observations that it was a terrorist attack and there was not a demonstration prior to the attack in the talking points. He says he depended on CIA analysts who made the determination that it was a spontaneous attack resulting from a demonstration. He claimed other Embassies also had demonstrations as a result of the 'hateful video.' Representative Michelle Bachmann pointed out to him by that the other Embassy demonstrations were after the Administration told the world the Benghazi was the result of the airing of the video. At the time of the Benghazi attack, the 'hateful video' had only been seen by 37 visitors to the Youtube site. He did not have an answer to that. In essence, the CIA caused the other Embassy demonstrations by attributing the Benghazi attack to the video.

Mr. Morell is an ambitious man. His only adult employment has been with the CIA. He was Deputy Director, CIA when he was appointed Acting Director after Director Patraeus was forced to resign. He has already been discussed as a possible CIA Director if Hillary Clinton were to become President. Another reason she should not be elected to that office. Do not worry about Mr. Morell as he has benefited from the Beltway revolving door. He is Counselor with Beacon Global Strategies. This is a company staffed entirely by former staff from State Department, Defense Department, Congressional Aides to Members of Congress and aides to VP's and First Ladies. Sort of a Holding Company for Democrats waiting to get back into government.  None of the bios on Beacon's Web page list any private sector employment for any of the principals or Associates. These are people who advise companies how to deal with foreign markets and governments based on expertise gained on the public payroll. This is just typical of the incestuous relationships that exist in Washington.

Beacon Global Strategies

What is eternally frustrating is the Congressional panel's allowing Hillary Clinton to shriek "What difference does it make...." as if she were chastising a petulant child. She continues her treasonous blather by answering her own question by saying they wanted to see Americans  were never killed again. At this point they SHOULD have followed up with the following query: "Madam Secretary (I call her something else....), that is precisely WHY we are asking, and WHY it makes a difference, so Americans are not slaughtered like this ever again!" Instead, crickets.

I suspect Mr. Morell is protecting his future and that of Hillary Clinton. It also appears that if he is an example of the best and the brightest the Intel community has to offer, the United States is in grave danger from our enemies. That a career CIA official would allow an incident where four Americans, Ambassador Chris Stevens, Sean Smith, Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods were killed as a result of inaction by a President who is either disconnected from his Constitutional responsibilities or who allows his Islamist leanings to effect his every action and then engage in a cover-up is deplorable. The CIA and the rest of the Intel community are supposed to be above politic. Their Charter is to gather Intel, evaluate it and present it to decision makers.

If CIA officials are allowed to manage events for political reasons that is Treason. Yes, I said Treason. That is one word you will not hear in Washington as long as we have a black president. The other word is Impeachment. Reverse racism has been in play since this president took office. Those in Congress tasked with following the Constitution are so afraid to be labeled racist that they will allow this abomination to continue weakening our Constitution until his term runs out. Hoping all the while that they can undue all the damage he has done in the future. This is done in the private sector when an employer has an incompetent employee who is a minority. They will keep that incompetent employee in order to avoid charges of racism and potential civil litigation for discharging them.

I feel for the families of Chris Stevens and my three fellow brothers in arms, Tyrone Woods, Sean Smith and Glen Doherty who lost their lives as a result of incompetence and ineptitude by members of this Administration. I hold obama, Leon Panetta, General Martin Dempsey, Hillary Clinton and their immediate subordinates responsible for violating their oaths of office and lacking the integrity and moral fortitude to do their jobs without political considerations.  Belle Starr and I will continue to pursue this until justice has been served.

Inspector Javert
Belle Starr
California Concealed Carry