California Concealed Carry Assistance

Attention: All active Military personnel and their families. ISSI or ISSL if you please, has called for attacks on military personnel and their families. They first suggested attacks on military personnel but yesterday, October 2, 2014, they raised the ante and are now calling for attacks on military personnel dependents. We will assist these two categories of applicants in California without charge. It will be very difficult for any Sheriff or Chief in any county to deny an applicant in these categories with full documentation. I am former military and want to see my brothers and sisters in arms protected.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

The Rule of Law or The Law of Rule?


For the past 4.5 years, the United States has been ruled by an Administration that believes in the Law of Rule. That meaning, who ever sits in the Oval Office may rule by fiat without any regard to the Constitution or Congress. We have seen the Attorney General ignore black on white crime in Philadelphia at a Polling place where New Black Panther's intimidated white voters while dressed in fatigues and carrying police type batons. That is a crime in most states but it is Federal because it dealt with voter intimidation. Oops, the voters were the wrong color so AG Holder decided to pass on criminal prosecution.

Then we have the ATF at Holder's behest trafficking weapons into Mexico, violating the sovereignty of that country. When called on his conduct by Congress, he refused to provide subpoenaed documents. The President then invoked Executive Privilege and Congress held Holder in Contempt of Congress. Now do not confuse that with the contempt the average citizen has for Congress, as this one has sanctions. The matter is currently working its way through the courts. We have holder refusing to enforce or defend the Defensive Marriage Act. He recently told all 50, or 57 state Attorney General's, if you go by the Presidents count, that they can ignore laws they do not believe in or like such as the Gay Marriage ban in place in many states.

Holder to state AG's, You do not have to enforce laws you disagree with

The President made Recess Appointments while Congress was not in recess. A Federal Court struck that down. The President has signed an Executive Order, The Dream Act, allowing a certain category of illegal aliens to be immune from arrest and deportation, He did this after Congress voted down The Dream Act. He has ordered the INS and Border Patrol to not arrest or deport illegal aliens where the adult is the sole support of his or her family of illegal aliens. He has directed, through the Director of DHS, Border Patrol Agents to turn back illegals caught near the border, catch and release if you please rather than arrest and deport them. By not deporting them, they do not get a record and they are not subject to criminal sanctions when caught in the future. The President has all but eliminated workplace raids, sending a message to anyone willing to enter illegally that if they get past the Border Patrol and put down roots they will not be molested and stand a good chance of never having to leave.

I could go on but I thinks most get the idea. The totality of ignoring laws you do not like or do not believe in has become a hallmark of this outlaw Administration. If we take this down to the average citizen you beget crimes like the 'Knock Out Game', where unsuspecting whites are routinely attacked by black youths without provocation, with the intent being to knock them to the ground, unconscious if possible. Then we come to Nevada Rancher Cliven Bundy. I do not agree fully with Mr. Bundy's assertions about Federal grazing fees and states rights preempting Federal authority. That is a matter for the courts. But, the BLM in the most heavy handed way possible, invaded Mr. Bundy's land with hired cowboys from Utah and helicopters, ATV's and horses and set about rustling, yes I said rustling, his cattle. There are appropriate means to settle this dispute but the actions by this rogue Administration were so outrageous that supporters of the Constitution and militias seized upon this to come to Nevada to support his position. Sensing their actions were just a noise like a gunshot or an actual gunshot away from a Waco or Ruby Ridge situation, someone in DC told the BLM to stand down. Watching the 'comedy' that was developing on the part of the BLM I could not help but think of this scene from Blazing Saddles where 'Hedley Lamar' is recruiting an outlaw gang to attack the Town of Rock Ridge:
'Rustling cattle from a private citizen's ranch? Kinky'

Under this outlaw Administration we have seen a disrespect for laws at all levels of society, a lack of civility never before seen and a general 'I can get away with anything' on the part of millions of citizens. We have tens of thousands of slackers buying lobster on their EBT Cards (formerly Food Stamp Cards), using Obama Phones, living in Section 8 housing and showing no desire whatsoever to seek any type of employment. The Administration is always talking about fraud in various government programs such as Medicaid, Social Security Disability, Food Stamps and many other programs designed to get people back on their feet. What this administration has actually done is to foster disrespect for all laws and rather than helping truly needy people get back on to their feet, it has helped many to stand on the back of hard working, honest people who follow the law. Did I mention that the company with the contract to provide 'Obama Phones' Trac Phones, is owned by a major contributor and 'Bundler' for his campaigns? Did I also fail to mention that the company with the contract to Administer the EBT card program is, you guessed it, another large contributor to his campaigns, Wells Fargo.

See how it works, you contribute to the party in power and they give you lucrative contracts in return. Wait a cotton pickin minute. Did Obama not promise to stop special favors, eliminate crony capitalism, eliminate fraud, reduce lobbyists influence and make his the most transparent Administration in history? I guess the reality of the Beltway sunk in real fast. He has simply decided to do as he damn well pleases knowing Congress does not have the stomach to Impeach the first black President. Private jets, unlimited expense account as long as he can tie his travel to some obscure government activity. How about that Cultural Trip by Michelle to China with her mother, two daughters and entourage? I guess her two daughters and Mrs. Robinson, her mother, have more background in Cultural matters than anyone could have imagined.

And if this could not get any worse we have 'Dirty Harry' Reid backed by his son Rory, chiding Mr. Bundy with his warning that 'This is not over.' Think he struck a Dirty Harry type pose when he uttered this?  'I am a United States Senator,  Majority Leader, one of the most powerful positions in the world. I am capable of destroying everything you have worked all your life for. You have to be asking yourself, did I shoot off my mouth, six times or only five? I have all the resources of the Federal government at my disposal. You have to ask yourself, do you feel lucky. Well do you citizen?'

Will we see more confrontations like the Bundy/BLM in the future? Unfortunately I believe we shall and they may not all end as peacefully as did this one. One more thing. On the learning curve, if the BLM want to play Spec Ops in the future, they should make sure they do not allow themselves to be outflanked by a Militia man on an overpass with a sniper rifle as seen on FOX News.

'When the government violates the law, then there isn't any law, just a fight for survival'

Semper Paratus

Inspector Javert

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