I make a point to remove all weapons from the room and objects within reach that I can throw at the screen when watching members and former members of this Administration 'testifying under oath' before the House or Senate. I watched virtually the entire hearing today before the House Intelligence Committee. That name is a misnomer for several members of this committee. Most of the Dems fawned over Mike Morell and thanked him for his years of service with CIA. Lots of soft ball questions.
The reason for the first public hearing for Mr. Morell was for the purpose of determining his role in changing the Susan Rice talking points and what the president knew and when he knew it. We will talk about that in a moment. I have testified in State and Federal court numerous times and watched hundreds of witnesses testify in my capacity as a Deputy Sheriff and later as a Private Investigator. I watch body language, hands and subtle signals most untrained observers do not see. Mr. Morell was very thirsty or the hearing room was very hot. He went through at least 4 small bottles of water over the course of 90 minutes. I was thinking if he needed that much water to keep his mouth moist while testifying he may have had some sort of medical condition that warranted IV fluids. :-) He sat hunched forward in his chair and spoke without emotion in response to questions. His posture was tight, his body not relaxed. I had the feeling I was watching a man with a conscience who was saying things he did not believe and for reasons that only he knows the answer to. I saw a man compromised for reasons of loyalty and self interest. It was not pleasant to watch.
As to what he may have shared with the President, that was quite muddled. He acknowledged having staff meetings at the White House as late as the Saturday prior to Susan Rice appearing on all the Sunday 'political' shows selling the White House Story. He denied informing anyone at the White House of errors he saw in the talking points. He further denied telling anyone at the White House that the attack was led by Al Qaeda after he became aware of it. He was asked why he did not place the CIA Station Chief's observations that it was a terrorist attack and there was not a demonstration prior to the attack in the talking points. He says he depended on CIA analysts who made the determination that it was a spontaneous attack resulting from a demonstration. He claimed other Embassies also had demonstrations as a result of the 'hateful video.' Representative Michelle Bachmann pointed out to him by that the other Embassy demonstrations were after the Administration told the world the Benghazi was the result of the airing of the video. At the time of the Benghazi attack, the 'hateful video' had only been seen by 37 visitors to the Youtube site. He did not have an answer to that. In essence, the CIA caused the other Embassy demonstrations by attributing the Benghazi attack to the video.
Mr. Morell is an ambitious man. His only adult employment has been with the CIA. He was Deputy Director, CIA when he was appointed Acting Director after Director Patraeus was forced to resign. He has already been discussed as a possible CIA Director if Hillary Clinton were to become President. Another reason she should not be elected to that office. Do not worry about Mr. Morell as he has benefited from the Beltway revolving door. He is Counselor with Beacon Global Strategies. This is a company staffed entirely by former staff from State Department, Defense Department, Congressional Aides to Members of Congress and aides to VP's and First Ladies. Sort of a Holding Company for Democrats waiting to get back into government. None of the bios on Beacon's Web page list any private sector employment for any of the principals or Associates. These are people who advise companies how to deal with foreign markets and governments based on expertise gained on the public payroll. This is just typical of the incestuous relationships that exist in Washington.
Beacon Global Strategies
What is eternally frustrating is the Congressional panel's allowing Hillary Clinton to shriek "What difference does it make...." as if she were chastising a petulant child. She continues her treasonous blather by answering her own question by saying they wanted to see Americans were never killed again. At this point they SHOULD have followed up with the following query: "Madam Secretary (I call her something else....), that is precisely WHY we are asking, and WHY it makes a difference, so Americans are not slaughtered like this ever again!" Instead, crickets.
I suspect Mr. Morell is protecting his future and that of Hillary Clinton. It also appears that if he is an example of the best and the brightest the Intel community has to offer, the United States is in grave danger from our enemies. That a career CIA official would allow an incident where four Americans, Ambassador Chris Stevens, Sean Smith, Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods were killed as a result of inaction by a President who is either disconnected from his Constitutional responsibilities or who allows his Islamist leanings to effect his every action and then engage in a cover-up is deplorable. The CIA and the rest of the Intel community are supposed to be above politic. Their Charter is to gather Intel, evaluate it and present it to decision makers.
If CIA officials are allowed to manage events for political reasons that is Treason. Yes, I said Treason. That is one word you will not hear in Washington as long as we have a black president. The other word is Impeachment. Reverse racism has been in play since this president took office. Those in Congress tasked with following the Constitution are so afraid to be labeled racist that they will allow this abomination to continue weakening our Constitution until his term runs out. Hoping all the while that they can undue all the damage he has done in the future. This is done in the private sector when an employer has an incompetent employee who is a minority. They will keep that incompetent employee in order to avoid charges of racism and potential civil litigation for discharging them.
I feel for the families of Chris Stevens and my three fellow brothers in arms, Tyrone Woods, Sean Smith and Glen Doherty who lost their lives as a result of incompetence and ineptitude by members of this Administration. I hold obama, Leon Panetta, General Martin Dempsey, Hillary Clinton and their immediate subordinates responsible for violating their oaths of office and lacking the integrity and moral fortitude to do their jobs without political considerations. Belle Starr and I will continue to pursue this until justice has been served.
Inspector Javert
Belle Starr
California Concealed Carry
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