California Concealed Carry Assistance

Attention: All active Military personnel and their families. ISSI or ISSL if you please, has called for attacks on military personnel and their families. They first suggested attacks on military personnel but yesterday, October 2, 2014, they raised the ante and are now calling for attacks on military personnel dependents. We will assist these two categories of applicants in California without charge. It will be very difficult for any Sheriff or Chief in any county to deny an applicant in these categories with full documentation. I am former military and want to see my brothers and sisters in arms protected.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

America Has Gone From 'Home of The Brave, Land of The Free' to 'Home of the knave, Land of The Free Stuff'


America has gone from a world leader to an observer of events. Can we reverse this? You bet your sweet ass we can! How, you may ask? Politics by many, is viewed as regional with House and Senate candidates being supported primarily by district and statewide constituents. That has got to change. With both parties pouring millions into key races, Patriots must assume a nationwide view when it comes to supporting solid, Conservative, Constitutional candidates. This may mean making choices to support a new Republican over a proven RINO for the same office. I am not so presumptuous as to suggest how you should vote. It is my purpose, supported by Belle Starr, to showcase candidates we think you should take a look at and consider supporting.

I have provided financial support for candidates all over the United States for years and have come to the conclusion that there are most likely, like minded people across this great nation who would like to do the same. But they may not have the time to do the research on candidates in other Congressional Districts or states, where Senate and Gubernatorial races are concerned. Belle Starr and I have solved that problem. In the next few days we shall start showcasing candidates running for House and Senate seats across the country. Some you may be aware of, while others not so much. It will be your responsibility as informed voters to read what we have to say and do you own additional Due Diligence prior to deciding if this is a candidate you can get behind and support. They need your money and your free time. Think back to your HS Civics class and remember how you were once motivated to get involved at a phone bank, attend rallies and walk precincts. 'Billy Jack' has done all of these things and more over the years. I have seen City Council races lost by 14 points and House seats by less than 800. If there is a candidate that we do not list who you are interested in, please feel free to let us know the persons name and we will add them to the queue. Belle Starr and I have extensive research and investigative backgrounds and we can do the necessary work to profile the candidates. You may not care for the candidates we profile but it may get you to take a good look at who else is in the same race who better reflects your conservative values. Important to remember, it is almost impossible to find a candidate who you can agree with 100%, so make the best selection you can and support that person in any way you can.

A few candidates we will be profiling in the coming weeks.

Mia Love, Utah's 4th Congressional District

Matt Bevin, US Senate Kentucky

Dr. Greg Brannon, US Senate North Carolina

Shane Osborn, US Senate Nebraska

T.W. Shannon, US Senate Oklahoma

Chris McDaniel, US Senate Mississippi

These are but a few of the Constitutional Conservatives running for office in 2014. We will begin profiling them and others in the coming days and weeks. It is our hope, that thousands will join Belle Starr and myself in holding the House and taking back the Senate with real conservative candidates who proudly stand for the values that once made America that 'shining city on a hill'.

Inspector Javert
California Concealed Carry

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