California Concealed Carry Assistance

Attention: All active Military personnel and their families. ISSI or ISSL if you please, has called for attacks on military personnel and their families. They first suggested attacks on military personnel but yesterday, October 2, 2014, they raised the ante and are now calling for attacks on military personnel dependents. We will assist these two categories of applicants in California without charge. It will be very difficult for any Sheriff or Chief in any county to deny an applicant in these categories with full documentation. I am former military and want to see my brothers and sisters in arms protected.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Primer for Preppers


Having lived in earthquake country the majority of my life, I always felt remiss that I had not
prepared for "the big one," the earthquake that would finally cause my house to crumble, water and
power services to shut down.  I would have no food, and even worse, no security - but to be
honest, in those days, I just assumed there would always be food, shelter and water available, and
if there was a problem, ‘the government’ would take care of it; restore power, water, ensure
criminals did not out of hand, at least not in my neighborhood.

On September 11, 2001, I was awakened and told to turn on the television, and I was horrified
thinking about, being a new mom, at what kind of world I brought my children into.  I was aware
that violence, war and terrorism were realities of life, but this was the first time I had to deal
with it from the perspective of a mother of young children.  The bombings, unrest, etc., were
events that happened elsewhere around the world.

As I began to do my own research, as opposed to sitting in front of the television and being spoon
fed misinformation from the lame street media, I realized I had been lied to, and for a very long
time. My immediate reaction to 9/11 was gratitude that G. W. Bush was POTUS, and not Al Gore.
Further education about said Bush dynasty proved my feeling of security dead wrong.

The more I learned, the more I realized how much had been hidden from the American population.
The public education system has been dumbing its students down for decades. Thanks to the internet
(thank you, Al Gore, for inventing it...rolling eyes...) there are other sources of information
available. To be sure, there is also a lot of false information out there, but an intelligent
individual willing to separate the wheat from the chaff can learn what is really going on.
For instance, how many people actually took the time to learn about who was running for POTUS in
the 2008 elections?  How many seemingly educated people now claim they fell "victim" to the "Hope
and Change" rhetoric and now regret their decision?  I am sorry, but the information about the
true nature of this person was out there and available for any discerning and responsible
American, living voter.  (We know the non-citizens and deceased always vote Democrat).
Fast forward, (I now despise the word "Forward...") we now have a leader in this country with no
way of proving his citizenship, and who promised to "fundamentally transform" America.   "Into
WHAT???" responsible citizens should have been asking.  Instead, we had newscasters abandoning
their role of informing the public and experiencing tingles down their leg and calling Obama the
most perfect man who ever lived.  I beg to differ, that individual lived about 2,000 years ago,
but I digress...

Ignored was also the FACT that this man's political career was jump-started in the living room of
a domestic terrorist, Bill Ayres (that title now refers to those who believe in a fiscally
responsible federal government which operates within the parameters of the Constitution) and who
promised, that, should the political winds change, he would stand with his muslim brothers. ( I
capitalize Marine, but never muslim, it's just how I roll...)  The latter, it should be noticed is
one of the two promises he has kept, the first being the promise to fundamentally transform

Fast forward once again.  We have had a health care reform system rammed down the throat of this
country, an end run after end run has been made, rendering Congress irrelevant.  Their response?
Thunderous applause at the State of the Union, like trained seals.
Since 2008, flash mob violence has become a daily activity, but is only discussed if it is white-

We have jihadist camps fully functioning in many parts of the country while the IRS is
investigating and harassing members of the Tea Party.  The Federal Reserve is printing money like
crazy, $75 billion per month, and last time they indicated they would slow down, the market
tumbled.  We have ships from China and Russia within striking range of US soil, an attack on the
power grid in California, and a muslim male caught in a water pipe in a reservoir on the East

There is an airliner now missing and two nukes also unaccounted for.  The list of what is wrong is
exhaustive, but I pray I have my made my point, which IS:  whatever your political beliefs, you
cannot escape the reality that one, in the interests of self-preservation, be prepared for
disaster, be it man-made or natural.  If you think that life won't be as tough for a natural
disaster, how quickly has Hurricane Katrina left our minds?  Ice storms in Maryland had people
clamoring for assistance and, seriously, how unexpected is an ice storm in the WINTER????
The purpose of this blog is to just get Patriots into the mindset that preparedness is of critical

Please mull this over, and I will soon follow up on suggestions of how to prepare and throw in a
few examples of what I have done.

Stay safe, Patriots.

Michael Savage Discusses Missing Nukes

Belle Starr

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