This House report indicates the actions by the IRS, at the apparent behest of the White House affected the outcome of the 2010 and 2012 elections. If correct, Obama took control of the IRS and went on to interfere with legitimate opposition to his regime. For those with short memories, this is what our CIA did to other countries in the 60's and 70's to destabilize governments we did not like.
Obama did everything short of personally stuffing ballot boxes to stifle and restrict legitimate opposition in the form of Tea Party groups and minimizing their activities. There is more than one way to steal an election. Obama, when sort of confronted by Bill O'Reilly at the Super Bowl interview over the IRS scandal, flashed his trademark pimplike smile and said there was 'not a smidgin of evidence; of any misconduct in the manner the IRS handled the Tea Party applications.
His sycophants, and collaborators in Congress and the terminally stupid and uninformed will continue to sing his praise as the German's did for Der Fuhrer as he marched them to the very gates of Hell as he exterminated over 6 million Jews and other people he considered unworthy in his new utopia. Wonder if he also told the German people it was 'for the greater good'? Are we smarter than the German people? That jury is still out.
Inspector Javert
California Concealed Carry
Billy Jack's Pow Wow Corner
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