California Concealed Carry Assistance

Attention: All active Military personnel and their families. ISSI or ISSL if you please, has called for attacks on military personnel and their families. They first suggested attacks on military personnel but yesterday, October 2, 2014, they raised the ante and are now calling for attacks on military personnel dependents. We will assist these two categories of applicants in California without charge. It will be very difficult for any Sheriff or Chief in any county to deny an applicant in these categories with full documentation. I am former military and want to see my brothers and sisters in arms protected.

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Rotten to the Core: Common Core, Race to Mediocrity

                                                    This is the face of Common Core


I am amazed when I mention the words "Common Core," and am met with a blank stare.  If you are not sure what Common Core is, just know this; the NSA has nothing on the levels of spying and infiltration into the goings on of Amerikan families when it comes to this monstrosity.

Common Core is a national standard of education whose creators include the likes of William Ayers, who, in a sane world, would be in prison for life, and labeled a domestic terrorist. Instead, he is a creator of a curriculum backed by major corporations (Bill Gates Foundation, Apple Computer) who stand to make billions of dollars.  

No Child Left Behind has been superseded by Race to the Top.  Rather than seeking academic achievement, children are tested ad nauseum and pigeon-holed into future career prospects based on test-taking abilities from a very early and inappropriate age. The result is a complacent populace, easily controlled by a statist government, at the expense of the individual.  In other words, this is an early and very significant aspect of a long-term plan to control the population, all ‘for the greater good’ (meaning the good of the elitists we have allowed to take over).  

If you are not aware of Common Core, even if you do not have children, this nation's survival depends on your becoming aware of this threat to our freedom.

The goal is ostensibly to prepare children to be ready for the workplace and to raise the level of education for all children, regardless of race, income class, etc., across the board, across the country. Individuals with no expertise in education have come up with a core curriculum that is a cookie-cutter approach for the entire nation. This may sound good, until one examines the nefarious nature of the individuals promoting and the subject matter of the materials.

Sound crazy?  Take a look at Kevin Jennings, appointed Safe School Czar by the Obama Administration from 2009-2011.  This man is an example of what the current Administration deemed an acceptable candidate for keeping our children safe in the school system.  If you really want your skin to crawl, do you own further research on him.

Safe Schools Czar Wants To Incorporate Homosexual Themes in Grades K-5

Parents across the country are voicing their opposition to the lessons and how their children are struggling. What was once common-sense problem methodology in solving simple mathematical equations has been turned on its head, causing children undue anxiety.

Common Core Math

The Face of Common Core

As if that is not enough another lesson, given to fourth-graders, forced the students to discuss a situation where a woman discovers evidence of her husband's act of adultery. The child is expected to examine the evidence and analyze how it will affect the relationship between the husband and wife.

Common Core Fourth Grade Adultery Lesson

There is no other way to explain this subject matter: it is calculated to systematically desensitize children to aberrant behavior and promote the decline of traditional judeo-christian values, the American family, and eventually, society at large.  

NO studies have been done to test this program, which has been adopted by approximately 45 states. The propaganda being rammed down our children's throats is now coming from a national source, as states, seeking federal funding from the Stimulus welcome the "standards."  

Common Core also teaches, for example, in an AP history assignment, that the Second Amendment guarantees the right for the MILITIA (military) to keep and bare arms.  That's right, the military, not the likes of you and me. Other materials qualify arms ownership as legal only if registered and of a certain type.

Common Core tracks every detail of the student's records and history, and this information will be stored electronically, like our medical records. Notice a pattern here? 

I do not have children, many say, so why should I be concerned?  I will tell you exactly why. Just like the government is disarming veterans and adults from information garnished from medical records, etc., they will now have a plethora of information on our younger generation. Johnny gets in a fight in third grade, teacher labels him aggressive, or the label ADHD is slapped on a child.  Fast forward, said child seeks to purchase a firearm, and thanks to “common sense universal background checks,” some off-the-cuff remark from a teacher is flagged and guess what?  Johnny is somehow a member of a prohibited class.

Proponents of this program want us to believe it is intended to benefit the individual child. Upon closer inspection, however, nothing could be farther from the truth. Children, based on test scores, are categorized into groups.  Based on their placement, it will be decided what that child's future prospects are likely to be, and how much or little effort is to be placed in that child's education or development.  The corporations behind this program want the children to be trained to be followers, accepting the propaganda fed to them via the material provided.  The goal is to turn them into drones, happy to sit in a little cubicle without complaint, all 'for the greater good'.  

George Orwell is screaming from somewhere, "IT WAS JUST A BOOK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" 

Belle Starr &
'Billy Jack'
California Concealed Carry

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